Think about it, public support among the white population of Europe and the wider West for ethnocentrism is growing day by day despite censorship. I can now discuss things with leftwing family and colleagues I would NEVER have been able to before, because they are starting to notice the censorship and bullshit and that other people won't lynch them for speaking out. A democratic nationalist movement looks seriously possible - meanwhile all the Accelerationist appears to want to do is force society into the globohomo surveillance state and "hope" people won't just be drones they same way they were in the Soviet Union or China. It seems like they're just there to kill off and demonise any mass movements that form by association
Are Accelerationists actually glowniggers?
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, coffee can be good for you
Democratic nationalism under the law of god is the perfect system
Accelerationists are more frustrated and blackpilled than people who want to take on the struggle of restoring marriage, family, and racial identity. I think the vast vast majority are probably genuinely just that. May be a glowie or two in there though.
Acceleration is an appeal to heaven
Most are just completely blackpilled millenials. But some are definitely glowniggers from various countries.
Absolute retard take, if you think you're going to vote your way out of this you are going to be sorely disappointed. Show me a single successful political party running on a platform of racial-based immigration please. This optics cucking is nothing new, and your misconception that because a few more people are grumbling does not translate to actual political power. Do you think the people today are "more racist" than they were in the 1950's for example? If they could not fix these issues democratically then we have absolutely no chance. Prepare for the fighting or prepare to perish.
The ONLY countries where a democratic solution is possible are the Eastern European countries because they are still largely untouched by immigration and much less influenced by globohomo. Western Europe/USA/the Anglosphere are beyond saving with ballots. Since you have an Aussie flag, this does not apply to you, accelerationism is our only chance.
>Drinking brown bean juice that tastes like shit and makes you spastic
I just want to watch the world burn.
Yes. Accelerating things will ultimately be unnecessary as they already are. The only difference accelerationism will make is an even more dramatic fall than is already coming and shifting the timeline forward by mabye a few years. Its entirely fed bait, and is ultimately useless.
>Beyond saving with the ballots
The fuck are you talking about invalid? All of those countries have a White majority population. On a simple biometric level there are more people inherently who's interests side with /ourside/ than the enemy side, and even the Left is starting to crack as differences between the pro working class (/ourguys/) and the "I hate Whites" Starbucks socialists grow deeper and deeper. If your first political approach is MURDER CIVILIANS you are 10000% a glow NIGGER or someone on medication that the glowniggers are trying to groom. Democratic revolution IS possible. Why else do you think they've censored the entire internet? Because for a moment they felt the court of public opinion lurch the fuck right and they needed to artificially re-establish control.
If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary.
This guy gets it.
How about I accelerate your dick, you fuck?
This guy Doesn’t git it. Probably a cowered or glownigger.
>just bro just let things run their course
see you in 2050 then nigger
No. It’s getting to the point of normalizing tradition through the struggle and collapse that must be had to get there.
I always think of this when I hear about how much smarter asians allegedly are
Mostly. Many people don’t know this, but a glownigger is the one who got Randy Weaver into modifying shot guns. Randy was in some financial turmoil when he was approached by a glownigger with an “opportunity” to make some quick cash (aka saw shotguns that the glownigger supplied for him) how this wasn’t entrapment I don’t know, if that glownigger had left Randy alone his wife and child would probably still be alive. Do not organize with randoms. Friends and family only.
Boomers still had the choice to save our countries politically, yet they were cowards.
We are going to have no other choice.
I'm none of those things, but just someone that believes life needs to get a lot harder for us (white people) to get back to some semblance of biological normalcy. this goes without saying that when life gets harder for us, it gets deadlier for the numerous failed races and civilizations that we've been babysitting for the past hundred years or so. so I wouldn't say I WANT people to die, but if that's what it takes for my son not to have to grow up in this backward ass bizarro world then I will happily watch them drop.
>Are Accelerationists actually glowniggers?
If they advocate for violence then yes they are. That's not a necessary component of accelerationism at all though and never was. Society isn't going backwards no matter how hard you try to set back the clock. The cycle of civilizations needs to be allowed to run its course and in this case that means letting the US empire finally collapse. The Jews and whites in charge of this system are the only thing propping up anti-white ideology, non-whites actually have little to do with it. So in a sense you have to defeat "white supremacy" in order to save white people. It's counter-intuitive.
>what the fuck are you talking about
I'm talking about the fact that all of our 2-party systems are dominated by parties that would NEVER EVER consider fighting for white people.
>On a simple biometric level there are more people inherently who's interests side with /ourside/ than the enemy side,
No, there aren't. The eternal normie does not care about his race or his people, he cares about his profits and he cares about being comfortable. We (accelerationists) mean to force him out of his comfort, while you expect him him to sacrifice and fight for the future of his race (a concept that is totally alien to him)
>left is starting to crack
people have been saying that for fucking decades lad, it's not happening. The left understands and leans into identity politics while the modern right (like you) trips over itself to say "WAIT!!! i'm not an ebil nazi rayciss, i'm totally PC I swear!!! I LOVE niggers! BASED CONSERVATIVE NIGGERS!!!!!!"
>kill civilians
Strawman. That is but one potential avenue and one that I don't recommend. IOTBW & BLM are accelerationism you're conflating multiple issues to smear us.
>If the situation was hopeless, their propaganda would be unnecessary.
Their propaganda is telling you that you cannot ever hope to fight them, it's telling you to go vote in believe in (((Democracy))) like a good little goy. If you had a brain, you would ignore their propaganda and realize that people who will not fight will be EATEN by people who will fight.
>Democratic revolution is possible
Not in Western Europe or the Anglosphere, no. In Eastern Europe maybe.
>why'd the censor the internet
The people the censor are the ones calling for more than voting.
Here, I made a handy flowchart for you after 1,000 hours in MS paint, maybe this will help? If not, perhaps these words from somebody who was fighting against White replacement before you were born will:
Dr. Pierce-The White Middle Class:
based. fuck glowies fuck (((tarrant))) and fuck mossad
took you long enough
based and whitemanpilled
>Hungary flag
YOU still have a chance to fix this democratically, and my comments are not directed at you. You need to understand however that the situation is wholly different in the Anglosphere and Western Europe. Hell, even suggesting that White people may have interests publicly over here will get you fired and ostracized. Our "great hopes" are people like Zion Don, we have no democratic possibility of fixing this. Please learn from our mistakes and don't let them gaslight you guys.
Yeah sure things are going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. Just stay the course. Don't rock the boat too much.
My eyes beheld your post and I knew you were mah nigga
It wasn't legally entrapment because the feds used an "informant" to do the entrapping. The feds just supplied the guns and paid the informant to do the strapping for them. Then they tried to get Weaver to do the same thing to hurt local right wing organizations. They pressed charges when he refused and his lawyer fucked up so he missed his court date. So then the feds went and shot and killed his son, his dog and his wife.
>whomever provides
>it's laws and standards
Fix your spelling or Pierce's ghost will haunt you.
Read Siege
Sorry lad, I didn't make that infograph, but you're right.
Remember Golden Dawn? Probably not, because your a fucking democratic cuckold faggot who thinks he can work in a system constructed to benefit rich Jews, with rules written and that can be rewritten by Jews. Enjoy your Chink invasion
They're little kids and useful idiots mostly.
Accelelerationists are actually just on a higher level of intelligence.
You cannot reverse the effects of certain things, you have to power through them.
Many of you that think the reality of today can be reversed are wrong, at best you can slow the degeneracy down, but you cannot reverse it. Hence why it is wiser to power through it.
Haha yeah bro, trust the plan with us big adult boys! Damn those useful idiots for trying to rock the boat, what we need to do is keep voting Republican, THEY will save us from the nonwhites!
Pretty sure I'm not CIA
>if you think you're going to vote your way out of this you are going to be sorely disappointed
except accelerationism always just comes down to voting democrat and thinking it will cause a solution to magically appear out of nowhere. either way you're just voting and not actually taking things into your own hands.
accelerationism means giving jews more power in the hopes that it will make them slip on a banana peel or something. the actual result would just be that jews become stronger and you're left with even less than you had before and zero progress made.
This gif probably sparked my interest over futanari when i first saw it many years ago