I think the problem with most millenials nowadays is how traumatizing Yas Forums was for their minds...

i think the problem with most millenials nowadays is how traumatizing Yas Forums was for their minds. how do we fix this issue?

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>my therapist doesn't know what the fuck "check out these d*bs" means

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Can I still recover I started browsing at 18 I’m 19 now

sure you can

Check them

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You were raised by a single mother and will commit suicide in 3 years

His therapist is a fucking newfag and shouldn't be practicing.

I am Therapist
prepare mental anus

and you'll be an adult with existential issues like that furry. because Yas Forums melts your brain.

i migrated from gaiaonline when i was like 13 and im 25 now

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I have some bad news for you

Imagine not getting recurring digits

I don't even browse Yas Forums.

You'll learn more on Yas Forums than you would by going to university barring STEM.

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Best thing I did was get a dog, get into fishing and kayaking. But I still mail thumbdrives filled with jewpills to blacks in new york

>checking numerals is considered a mental deficite
how about you check these?

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shit, checked af

And yeah OP, I sometimes wish I had a more normal upbringing. But I guess we are all attracted to this shithole for a reason.

It's only been like 12 years now, I can quit whenever I want.

i swear, you guys are doing this on purpose

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I would never change this part of my life.

Oh hell yea

I've been on this website so long I don't even brag about it because its embarrassing at this point.

holy based

Thread over
>pud me in da screencab xD

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Based thread

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There's clearly a market for Yas Forums-savvy therapists.
If you show any weakness you'd simultaneously get advice you wished you had years ago, and you'd get called a massive faggot. And the pay would be great, because you're here forever.

Quad 4’s nice

>implying most millennialtards even know what Yas Forums is


i don't, i really love this place. you can speak loud what you think and nobody will care, cancel or doxx you for that, that feeling of freedom is nowhere else to be experienced. anonymity is a blessing sometimes. everyday i see "private" conversations happening on twitter or discord exposing people and ruin their lives while here it could be anyone.

Impressive, very nice.

checked & death to all trannies

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Well you dont have to.

i keep praying to god but he doesnt listen.

>oh my god were so special and different as a generation because older people don't understand our lingo

t. every single person to ever live

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>tfw nobody checks ur d*bs


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Fucking newfags

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No it will always have an affect deep in your mind now

well i suppose it's good news for me then. before coming here (hard to actually believe it's been a decade) i was banned from a lot of places. this place is pretty good because i just be myself, even if it is filled with larping faggots, i'm not bothered by it. i've always been a loser and an outcast, this site hasn't changed anything other than give me some form of human contact which i admire. the only fags that get angry at posting on this shithole are failed normies who who moaning a couple of years ago about how pointless their lives were, how they were "failures" without ever trying, and then when they try and succeed, they must feel a great sense of time wasted, how if they did something so and so years ago they might be bigger than what they are now instead of self-inflicting misery on themselves and acting like a bunch of faggots. i don't have this problem though because as i said above, i do try, i just fail. that's why i'm a security guard barely earning more than a retail worker lol

Toughen up pussies. Reality is far darker than anything ever posted on Yas Forums. Millions of people live their lives directly exposed to the real world equivalent of those shock images you've seen. That's just how life is in those places.

why is it always furfags? it's been 20 years and they can't move on from being one of the most hated groups on the internet. is self-victimization such a good sensation?

Oh that’s IT. I’m quitting Yas Forums and never coming back.

Been on Yas Forums since I was 13, a newfag of year 2008. Mainstream society fucks you up way worse than Yas Forums. Any tranny that blames this place is actually fucked by society.

Bohemia and Moravia!

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quads of PTSD

Fuckin checked

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Holy based, checked.

I think these tranners and fags just want an evil boogeyman to blame because they don't want to blame society. They are correct in that they are traumatized, but the source of their trauma wasn't made by user shitposting but by the actual society that live in.

If anything, Yas Forums should be a net positive for your mental well-being. Seeing blood and gore should be Normal and not something that ''scars you''.