>Nigger insults white girl
>White girl responds, telling the nigger to "get back to the cotton fields and make me another t-shirt"
>Nigger can't take it as per usual and starts a twitter mob to go after the white girl
>They mass report her to her school
>The school suspends the girl and, to virtue signal a bit more, even reports her to the police
It doesn't seem like she's been charged yet. This is the UK though so if she was charged she'd no doubt be found guilty of being "grossly offensive".
Also suspending her won't do jackshit as she's in her final year of school and due to the coronavirus, she won't be going back anyway. She doesn't have to sit exams either, as they're giving students them for free based on mock results and predicted grades.
The white girls video:
The schools' response:
Nigger Twitter Tries to Ruin Another Teenager's Life
Other urls found in this thread:
The niggers TikTok:
Apparently she had a few racist videos herself (what black hasn't), but she's deleted them.
The video the white girl responded to:
All this nigger seems to do is watch white people and get offended:
Honestly I'd be surprised if this keeps up and it doesn't lead to a massive spike in racism.
Please, niggers. Keep it up. You're practically begging for apartheid at this point.
Yeah, nigger behaviour is the biggest redpill in the world. The more they show their true colors, the quicker we can move on without them.
We should donate to whites in situations like this. It might start the fire.
Nobody cares
Clearly a nigger
Fuck off Mohammad. I care.
Racism seems to be common among zoomers. See here:
I hope it does keep up. I like seeing women doing it too because if they want they can just get married and not have to worry about a damaged career or whatever.
My only wish is that more people would back them up online and start berating these mobs of feral nigglets intead of spinelessly joining in with them. They're obviously the evil party in this story.
They really are bringing their own end
And it's ironic considering how racist the left is
Literally every day millions of tweets exclaiming hatred towards whites are posted, and nothing happens
Yet one teen makes a nigger comment and their entire life is destroyed. Why do you think that is?
They always ask for it. Niggers are dirty, loud and aggressive and they always respond without thinking.
this wouldnt have happened without white people involving themselves in african lives
I love the twittersphere!
SO how does it feel to be a towel head & nigger?
You mad, nazi?
Didn't realise that was a machete until close to the end. Must be the bluntest blade in history.
>If this was a black girl she would be expelled and roasted by the media
When has a nigger ever faced consequences for their actions other than death-by-nigger or death-by-cop?
You're right.
Those niggers wouldn't even have machetes to attack each other with. They'd be forced to beat each other with sticks.
Now fuck off back home, nigger.
>shola mos-shogbamimu
a shamalama dingdong
Racist whites aren't welcome in the US.
True, it was a mistake. You can't give stone age people technology.
>>If this was a black girl she would be expelled and roasted by the media
sometimes I can't tell if they're blatantly lying or they truly believe the stupid shit they say
time's ticking away, nigger.
can you hear it? Your time is almost up....
I'm so fucking happy that Yas Forums is on the same page.
Yes, please encourage this type of racist behavior to be shown publicly. It's so fucking entertaining emailing colleges, high schools, parents about kids shitty behavior online.
I'm glad you agree, please keep doing it. This shit is too god damn fun.
why the fuck are bl*cks so fucking soft about words and become snitches
i thought they were bout it but guess they just wanna call the cops like they say white people do, pathetic.
It is a nation built by white people you fcktard. Polarisation may lead to white people splitting from the shithole shitskin parts of the USA. So they can have their own nation again
These kids are the next generation of voters.
And when the ball swings from it's current position, it's going to swing right, hard.
Maybe we'll finally be rid of you niggers once and for all.
Why are Whites even on twitter with the sub-human filth? We should have never allowed niggers to have access to human tech in the first place.
yes and? This place is full of niggers and towel heads. I'll admit it.
At least we're not the losers who lost our empire and got saved by the americans... twice....
>When has a nigger ever faced consequences for their actions other than death-by-nigger or death-by-cop?
Yeah, when has one ever faced consequences for being racist?
black people are eternal children, and the only power they have is acting like entitled brats.
They need to be removed.
>She's a product of her environment
The irony of a nigger saying that being around niggers makes you hate niggers.
Jesus christ I fucking hate them. So. Much.
This is her rubbing it in the white man's face how powerful mass chimpouts.
Black fragility
/GBG/ - Greek Borders General
You're talking to a towel head.
White brits are now extinct.
You are no racist if you don't want stone age people in a WHITE country.
Remember: racism is worse than armed robbery.
>telling the nigger to "get back to the cotton fields and make me another t-shirt"
How would you feel if a german told you to go back to Poleshitland where you belong you immigrant pole faggot? Same situation. That girl was absolutely in no sense a victim as you like to make her out to be.
>death by cop
maybe if niggers didn't act like niggers when confronted by police, they'd not have to be shot down like niggers.
"White Brits are extinct"
Can you back this up? Lol
Are you triggered snowflake? :( you can't be racist online anymore without repercussions! Oh boo hoo
Better not show your face or you know what's coming whitey.
unfortunately so... why did the british "culture" die out? even canada has so semblance of the "britishness" it once had
pic related - they were never white to begin with.
Black always cracks. What a bunch of fragile cotton pickin fucks.
Fuck zoomers
These Zoomers that had this done to them should make their own union. It would redpilled them greatly.
The only one I care about is the dog. Poor doggo. Thankfully it seems that niggers have no idea how to sharpen their weapons. How the hell can you hack at someone 20+ times and not even draw blood? There weapons are legitimately blunter than a tree branch.
I'n the Uk there tends to no longer be a "white british culture". entirely anecdotal thou
>white people retaliating
Would have already happened by now dipshit
Near as I can tell, white guilt went batshit over there, and they imported the third world en-masse. While destroying formerly white countries such as rhodesia and south africa.
Collective national insanity, really.
Like most of the western world these days.
Says the stone age nigger
>Dr Gorilla
Doctor of what? Fuck niggers, but it's the jew that enables these disgusting animals.
You have no power outside of Yas Forums and you know it. Say those exact things on Twitter and watch how we doxx the shit out of you and ruin your entire life.
True, Jews want to mix the world so they can create a mass consumer without identity to serve them.
I care. Fuck your censorship culture, you stupid fucking monkey. All censorship lovers should face the wall and eat a bullet.
thats a fact, I pains me most of the people I know only base there national identity on the exact same principles. "Diversity, tolerance" and the such....
This is a great idea we need to show people that whites will have each other’s back when nigger hoards try to ruin our life’s over nothing.
Fuck wypipol
I care nigger lover
I'm not retarded enough to use twitter - it's full of coons like you.
And I hire for a large multinational company - wanna get how many niggers make the cut?
lol. Saying "nigger" on the internet is not the same as armed robbery.
>We have reported the incident to the police
Fucking stupid school and worthless bootlicking cuntbags. She will never be able to get a good job after this, and it’s worse that she was almost done with school.
You are probably some Antifa faggot. You probably have the testosterone of a little girl and you theaten to dox individuals with a large group. PATHETIC PUSSY!
Female niggers are some of the ugliest beasts I have ever seen. I get physically uncomfortable around them. I think genocide is the only reasonable option at this point
This looks like the average lower class dominican neighborhood
The lesson here is
#1 to not be friends with niggers or their friends on social media.
#2 If you want to criticize or make fun of coloreds in ANY way on the internet, make sure to do it in black-face so they can't identify you.
If you can't take it, you shouldn't dish it out.
I can only hope niggers are redpilling youth with their behaviour. I'm gen-x, I used to believe in all that shit as well...until i started paying attention to how niggers behaved.
Now the only solution I can think of is to remove them from the planet entirely. They are absolutely irredeemable subhuman trash.
>>White girl responds, telling the nigger to "get back to the cotton fields and make me another t-shirt"
Blacks are frail as fuck, goddamn.
I see you haven't posted in a (coof) while.
Black fragility on full display.
You fucking whites are retarded. Now is the time to attacks spics and chinks. Blacks and whites should be united.
What's the source on this? Asking for a friend that wants a grinding loli like that.
Is that the white girl that said this stuff? Cause that don’t look white to me.
Hey go and email my college you stupid SJW nigger. In ten years people will gearing up to hang freaks like yourself.
I sense a lamppost and you hanging under it by chicken wire in your future soon.
Blacks can only exist when leeching off of whites.
White society is dragged down by blacks.
Why on god's green earth would we want to unite with you?
The slave trade was a jewish enterprise. Jews push slavery myths to cover-up for themselves and to D&C the populace.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711-1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition
The slave trade, cotton plantations and sugar plantations etc. were utterly run by jews. See this thread for the full facts:
The nigger took the video down probably to make herself look innocent
Ayo dis wypipo fawt
look we found a shit skin. on the internet no less.
Not really is kinda the opposite because of media, most white see the shit on IG and tik tok and think its "cool" to act like a nigger.. wiggers are just as bad imo.
Why didn't our ancestors just kill them all and save us the hassle... guess its time to correct the course of history
>nobody is born racist, she is a product of her environment
could not agree more, here here. No one is racist until niggers are let into your environment.
Why the hell should white people unite with blacks? Blacks hate white people in general and they only care about consuming. They haven't build anything.
Her broken teeth are likely to be sharper.
Should have eaten the skinny girl.
Sorry I don't speak nigger
why throw around compliments so carelessly?
it's just typical black behaviour. They only come together to fuck. There is no concept of love amongst blacks.
>White guilt in the UK
It's not a thing outside of academia. Boomers are still barely aware that anyone considers racism an issue, and it was only last year they learned what a tranny is. When I was talking to my parents about the sickness going on around the world a mere 5 years ago, they flat out didn't believe me.
Now they are aware I was telling the truth, and they and all the other boomers I know are vehemently opposed to it. They recently discovered kikebook and all share memes about the stupidity of transgenders, islam and that sort of thing. The overall response to the killings in New Zealand was "what did the muslims expect after all that they've done?".
Our younger people are cucked to the extreme, and there are quite a few elderly hyper degenerates. A lot of people in Britain simply have no idea about what goes on in America and, consequently, the internet. White guilt is seriously not a thing over here.
>black fragility in action
cannot even sharpen a machete
That's a damned good question.
If our ancestors wiped out niggers, spics, and feather niggers, we'd be so much better off in this world.
We could pretend to give a shit in history books, and then go back to a society that is peaceful and progressive.
Instead of what those shits bring to the table.
Jews still run slavery in Congo (and many other places) today to extract recourses for the products that Jewish controlled companies are producing.
you will be poor and stupid (black) your entire pathetic life. probably a short one too.
>Expecting a fucking African to actually know how to use tools
Dollars to donuts he was holding the blade backward
>Blacks and whites should be united.
Maybe the 5% of blacks who become Fascist can be our friends. But 95% of niggers need to be exterminated.
are you sure it's actual racism or just generic edgy behaviour that found that outlet because it seems to generate the most butthurt?
If my mother ever attacked me with a machete and let me live, she'd better grow eyes in the back of her head or learn to sleep with them open.
>nigger Twitter
You mean Mossad.
Find the schools adress, you know the rest. Play nice now
I do.
Twitter was a mistake and we live in clown world.
How did we get to the fucking point where schools have to go full damage control mode and ruin people's lives over completely irrelevant shit that happened outside of school?
There is no reason that any of these schools / universities should pay any attention or give and kind of response when this bullshit happens. It literally doesn't concern them in any way. In fact it probably makes it far worse because the story goes from "nogs aimlessly scream at a brick wall" to "nogs scream about a major incident that we've just validated as worthy of expelling a student over".
I honestly hope whatever it is that's infecting you guys, you snap out of it soon.
I feel the same for my country, for that matter.
Leftism is a traitorous disease.
Based and gorgeous. I'd sire her children.
[normal 17 year old stuff]
I donated to the John Weed gofundme.
People like us have mainly been kicked out now its a feeding frenzy on social media. They remove the brawn and leave the weak.