I believe that IQ is the determining factor of civilizational advancement and the only modern human evolution is increases in intelligence.
Debate me.
I believe that IQ is the determining factor of civilizational advancement and the only modern human evolution is increases in intelligence.
Debate me.
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What should I debate? You're right
IQ isn't enough. You need a willingness to cooperate. You could have a society of 150 IQ fuckers but if they lack the ability to work together and be cohesive then you won't get anywhere.
Okay then keep this thread open and help me debate those who disagree.
Left is based and tedpilled. Right is an abomination
Image on right is a meaningless Jewish prison. Image on left is cherry-picked to humiliate living in nature. Also, IQ is a test to see how white you are, not so-much how smart.
What's a civilization to become when it lacks the divinity of spirit...
We are all programmable. I only want God to program me. Everything else is simply knowledge, good & bad; but I place him above me.
Empathy was the gift (to Homo Sapiens).
Further we drift from his provided guidance, worse off well be. Well bring it back though, after we wipes thec skate clean.
A society of people with that degree of intellectual ability would understand the importance of cooperation and implement it. You are assuming that high IQ means poor social skills with is merely a false stereotype. Intelligence implies learning ability therefore they will be able to learn social skills faster.
IQ tests measure your ability to learn, not what you know. You can't study for an IQ test.
The IQ thing doesn't even make any sense. Aren't there plenty of high IQ people that are fucking retards? Lots of bluepilled people, so that throws the IQ thing almost in the trash.
Is that supposed to be a reference to the cultural relativism that used to be present in the test many years ago?
>and the only modern human evolution is increases in intelligence.
Wrong, we are all evolving to become dumber because the artificial environment we created discourages smart people from breeding
Empathy is what makes you look at a stupid nigger, give him food and shelter, and then be surprised when it turns on you and stabs you for your pocket change.
You christcucks disgust me as much as a cultural marxist.
We need to return to victorian era empirical science led secularism, not return to ignorant theology or continue with (((philosophical pseudoscience))) progressivism
Is this one of those threads where you ignore posts so you're never wrong and then you win?
No because every system is shit since it's human beings that are flawed beyond reason. Everyone is mentally ill. The human race is garbage, and seeing it any other way makes you a fool.
Japanese city cannot compete with the Chinese megacity.
A lot of high IQ people suffer some form of autism or personality disorders, usually because their area of interest becomes very specific and restrictive
They lack interest in everyday skills, and if their teachers or parents are significantly less intelligent than them they won't be able to connect and teach those skills to them.
/GBG/ - Greek Borders General
>A lot of high IQ people suffer some form of autism or personality diso-
The purpose of current and pass civilization was to entrap humans. If the fruit of the conveniences offered by civilization were given to the people, instead of being hoarded at the time, a person would barely have to work.
The kike's love (((civilization))).
Thanks to Gaokao.
Yeah but your mom is a whore
The Khoisan are alright tho. It’s the damn Bantu that are the problem
Italy and Greece build the greatest civilisations the world has ever known and some of the lowest IQs in Europe. Scandinavians have the highest IQ and have achieved next to nothing for their entire existence.
Can't debate you because you're not wrong.
>At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
Source archive.is
>Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks.
Source: psychology.uwo.ca
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
Source: bjs.gov
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
>The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
Source: colorofcrime.com
Aren't Italians pretty high on the IQ scale?
>eats a bat. starts a pandemic
So what's the point?
You're not going to make it into the new age... Everything you represent will be dismissed. Love you none the less. & im hoping you surrender to empathy, spirit, one day.
From a Black 28yo.
Your post read like a Kaczynski follower so i decided to educate you on why he actually did it.
Empathy has & always will be the truest survival trait of humanity.
Quite literally "spirit"
Ego is fed through means of Narcissism.
Not according to this. IQ means little in terms of developing civilization. The Romans proposed because they had strengths in law and war. Greeks were successful because of their aptitude in science and philosophy. Together they made the perfect empire by combining their individual strengths, but both would be low in terms of IQ.