Realistically speaking

Who is the most important human being in the history of mankind?

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Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus Christ or Alexander the Great

That nigga who created eletricity


my own hot ass

Our lord and savior of course. Praise Jesus

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the guy who invented farming started the singularity


Absolutely BUILT for BBC

the african woman from which all people came from

adolf hitler
a fictitious jew

Not meming but probably this.

realistically.... moot.

what the fuck would any cunt on here know about anything if it wasn't for moot? you wouldn't even know about jesus or hitler.

john lennon

Imagine the smell.



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taytay herself

i dont like her

TayTay, obviously

Hitler is the central character of modern white people's origin story


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the guy who made coffee probably.


The person who invented agriculture.

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Technically it would be whatever cave nigger used a bone as a weapon like that faggot in 2001

Man pig or pan you christards truly are fucking retarded msk

Realistically speaking, it's me.

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Francis Bacon


Your parents and the way they raised you are the most important things in your world, especially in the first 10 years of your life.

it doesn't matter a lick what you think of Christianity - jesus has clearly been extremely important.


Johannes Gutenberg

Tossup between Kanye West or Beyonce.

Jesus and Caesar