Do Africans really deserve this?

Do Africans really deserve this?

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What's the context?

Where is that ?

Yes. All of them.

Attached: 8BD3F3DC-3A2D-4913-B89E-A385A34B3229.jpg (720x414, 57.36K)

and more

quit making this thread, faggot.

Since they're just doing it to one another, the answer is obviously yes.

I hope he's dead because that sure looks like it hurts.

>do black subsaharan africans deserve black subsaharan africans

did he died



Cause of death: COVID-19

>I hope he's dead
he was merely pretending

is he ok?

I love how you use the word "deserve" when asking if Africans should live in African culture.
This is pure Africanism on display.
They made this.
They crave this.
Whites don't deserve to be forced to pretend they're human.

he has no head

you shouldn't need context, you subhuman nigger. even the most heinous criminals don't deserve getting tortured and mutilated like this

yes, the only good nigger is a dead nigger

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Wait, how do you know that this is Brazil? Could you send us a link to like an article or something that could validate and confirm that this is in Brazil?

Of course not, that's another human being that once held dreams ambitions, friends and family. A person that made jokes and made mistakes like all of us. He must have suffered greatly before this, and no one should have to go through that. Executions should be fast and as painless as possible even for animals.

I guess he was either a murder, rapist, or pedo.
A single bullet on the head is cleaner and much quicker. Niggers are still niggers and do this useless violent nonesense nevertheless.
As for africans I think they are all retarded, endless civil wars between each other because of their native groups, yet if you ask someone otuside of africa which group is which they wouldnt be able to tell, because everyone sees them as niggers and thats it.

These ppl got the nerve to talk shit about black americans and being ghetto. I got banned from Twitter permanently when they I caught them talking shit and aired them out with gore cannibal videos, bushmeat videos, etc.

I don't understand what you mean.

niggers aren't human

shut the fuck up cunt
let him express himself

You are what you eat.

It is evil to condone such pain
you were a child once
you didn't become like this from one day to another

>What's the context?

Botched circumcision.

Yes OP

No context required. Occams razor

It'll hurt a bit in the morning but he should be fine.

I can think of a few people who deserve this.

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Nigs gon nig.

No but they do it to themselves out of their own will and I can't do shit about it so who cares. Let them wipe each other out if they can't live like human beings. I'm not a savior of the world, I don't care if the world is safe, I only care if my country and Hungary are safe

violence is the only way they know how to solve their problems. another african dismembered that african.

The user you replied to covered that at the end of his post.

>even for animals.

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perfectly normal for niggers wherever they be.

never relax.

high IQ post

Why is Yas Forums so edgy? And what kind of psychopath do you even need to be to look up content like this?

Rape is worthy of death? Sounds to me like Brazil is more based than the U.S. where everyone is a cuck and nobody kills over their wives taking a BBC.

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Not only do africans deserve this but you do too, faggot

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Isn't this just a normal day in Bosnia?

i just had a great idea in my high-iq brain. let's import a bunch of africans into minnesota. for... reasons.

It's not about deserving. They do this to themselves, that's all.

What about a guy who raped, tortured and murdered children?

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