Havin gay sex with dogs an’ shit. Meanwhile us black niggas went around civilizin’ da whole world. We gave those caucasoids our technology an shit! And what do they do? Do they thank us? Hell nah, niggah. Dey fuckin betrayed us and use our technology to mass murder and enslave us. I ain’t bulshittin you! Dose whiteys be some fuckin BIG ASS BITCHES nigga like ima be crying right now. THE WHITE DOGS STOLE EVERYTHING FROM US!
Friendly reminder that whiteys was literally cavemen
i consider all humans to be monkeys 2bh
>two jews and a crypto jew in that picture
oy vey cool it with the antisemitism
>whiteys was literally cavemen
so you admit that we were the original humans that evolved.
Ha! I see no difference! Good post OP! I had a good chuckle over that one.
>Depict a white person as a monkey or ape people laugh and think it is funny
>Depict a black person as a monkey or ape it is the equivalent of drawing Muhammad.
Typically the thing that disturbs people the most is the most accurate.
>that jew bottom left
You forgot to put on your BLM memeflag Mr. Slider.
>not using cro magnon ron perlman from quest for fire
It’s almost like niggers wouldn’t even have watched that movie. Only whites watch that movie.
Based, came here to post this.
>whiteys WAS literally cavemen
Blacks literally ARE cavemen.
I'm gonna kabong your schlong
slicing up a meaty dick
kniving assholes
This is why i laugh too when i call you a monkey.
>3/4 jews
Woah, cool it with the antisemitism
Ah shit. Found me a triggerd white ass honkey.
haha whitey is monke
>not including eric garcetti and willem defoe
>not contrasting with the multitude of beautiful blacks that don't look like monkeys
How are we going to convince the world that Nubians are superior and don't at all look like apes, negro!?
Shit nigga you be on to some shit. Find me some muthafuckin bootiful ass niggas FAST
Nice larp
>Can't handle the truth, still playing victim.
Stop being such a nigger and you won't get treated as one.
Not-so-friendly reminder that if you piss off a monkey they can and will rip off your face and/or testicles.