Does anyone know any of the figures that got Nick Fuentes kicked off TikTok

Operation Zoomer wars has been derailed with many mass flagging events that got Nick Fuentes and a few other key groypers kicked off the platform. This thread is for gathering intel.

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Do you have a source?

Who is this dude?

Paleocon political commentator. Ignore the catboy or lies of Nick being Gay they were made up by Vaush, a communist Pedo youtuber.

why are all right wing personalities sodomites? even sven from trs likes to get his asshole gaped.

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English is a language created and concocted by magi. The spells hidden in this language are numerous enough to fill volumes, I highly recommend the Language Crystal if you can get your hands on it.

how do i even begin? is it by telling you about how we've unwittingly been CAST into the MOLD of ancient SPELLS of our modern SPELLING? CAST just like a MOLD, or perhaps like a NET? while caught, like fish, in the net of spells and spelling that have been cast, thus SENTENCING us to LIFE SENTENCES and the CURSES of CURSIVE which are just TERMS, just like serving a PRISON TERM.

So we've been SENTENCED to the WARDS of these WORDS which can be deadly as SWORDS if misunderstood or perhaps you missed the understanding of my TERMS or the SYBILS of my SYLLABLES, or even the ancient RITES of writing?

We Languish in our languid Language, in anguish ever since the ancient times of the Anglish angus and the PhonY Phonetic Phonics of the ancient Phoenician Pheonix. You think English is easy?

In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?
Drive on parkways but park in driveways?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.

English was created from the ancient Phonic Phonetics of the Phony Phoenician Phoenixes, and it reflects the creativity and cunning genius of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all, unless youre just another rat, caught in the daily maze of the rat race of this human race against one another.

We draw money from our banks which are the edges of a river, which FLOWS in CURRENTS to the SEA, which is why its called CURRENCY, because our CASH FLOWS like pyroclastic ASH FLOWS toward the SEA, which is why we can trace back the ROOTS of all modern TRADE to the ancient Phoenician TRADE ROUTES

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There was another thread about it I'll see if it got archived.

Make sure to ignore spam

Probably Charlie Kike

This guy was 100% correct with the optics stuff. The groyper wars were tremendously important. Then corona came around and even as the hoax is collapsing he has doubled down. He is now a right solid media/ goverment shill. Him and all the fat costumed nazis and shills on this board are one.

it was these two, plus probably the conservative tik tok ppl

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Every single mainstream conservative media figure is pushing the it's-a-hoax-lockdowns-are-tyranny narrative. If you agree with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you don't belong on this board.


His shilling coronamania has made a really bad impression on me. Yes, he's a kid, and it's exciting to have an "event", but he's also a part of a movement that knows perhaps best of all just how skeptical we ought to be when things go movie-script-smoothly for the agendas of the present powers.

>hur dur anything government does is automatically bad

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Anything the media shills is automatically suspect, yes. As it should be - or haven't you been paying attention?

Ok, so what are your arguments against the shutdown?

Most likely going to be shekels since he lives to serve the jew.

That the illness is simply not severe enough to warrant it, and it isn't. Call me when you have something with a 20-30% (not .20, or .020) mortality rate in otherwise healthy (AND FIT) young people, and we'll talk.

>when you have something with a 20-30% (not .20, or .020) mortality rate
Where did you pull .2% death rate from? It's about 5% in the US for those infected.

I know; I just want to see what he uses to cope.

Single digits from dubious sources? I think not. Take a look at cholera in the 1850s and 30's, or the plague of 1666. THAT's a pandemic. That would be worth shutting things down for - this is not.

>getting kicked off tiktok
fucking how, tiktok belongs to chinese company. Are chinks seriously scared about a pack of screeching SJWs?

>Single digits from dubious sources?
49,000/877,000 = ~5% death rate

>the plague of 1666
So unless 25% of people are dying we shouldn't do anything? How retarded are you?

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spic tranny

Unless 25% of people are dying, we should NOT do anything other than inform them "this disease is out there - if you're in a high risk group, you know who you are, stay in or assume your own risk".

>it's not a big deal if only 5% of people die
>that's only about 16,000,000 people in the US

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no if you get a certain amount of reports and your under a large following the system usually auto bans you and no mod looks into it. a few journalists did articles saying we need to get Nick banned off tiktok

Some people are saying it's some sort of automated bot thing once you hit a certain number of reports? There was a pretty concerted effort from shitibs and neocons on the app to report his account and posts

Hes a spic

It's literally not a big deal. We have an overpopulation problem, we have too many employees, we frankly could lose 75% of our population and be fine.

Based 6 dimensional schizoid.

He's majority white in his ancestory test and compared to most amermutts he's white. Also he has done far more then most poltards will ever do to mainstream some of these dissident positions.

>we frankly could lose 75% of our population and be fine

ladies and gentlemen, your brain on pol

"Oh no!! Not room to grow the nation naturally!!! Not more space!!!!! Not less traffic!!! Ye gods!!"

Literally who?

Holy fuck, this board should be banned; the amount of stupidity it has bred is unbelievable.

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Nobody knew how deadly the disease was back in January, retard. China's handling of the situation and lack of transparency made the situation far worse. Bitch in hindsight all you want, the quarantine was a smart move with the limited info we had.

"Oh no!! Not room to grow the nation naturally!!! Not more space!!!!! Not less traffic!!! Ye gods!!"

>we frankly could lose 75% of our population and be fine
Nevermind. Didn't realize you are literally handicapped.

Well, we'll see if the fallout from it was called for soon enough.

seems like the flagging wars are about to begin and anything remotely political will get flagged into oblivion. Can't say if it's a bad or good thing.

More than fine. Are you seriously telling me that exponential population growth isn't a problem?

>using quotations instead of arrows

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"so user how would you justify the culling of 75% of the population"

>muh natural growth
what the fuck does this even mean? at what point was human growth natural? pre industrial? pre agricultural? what an arbitrary standard


>less traffic
traffic is barely a concern unless you live in the most dense populations possible, even then all it would require is some smarter fucking planning

imagine being this much of a perma brainlet

There's "justification of culling" and there's "well, lots of people died - it's not like there aren't upsides". I'm camp 2 - if it happens, it's not like it's exactly all bad you know.

It would be a big deal if 5% died. When less than 0.5% dies out of which almost all are elderly, it’s not. Look at Icelands stats, the country with the most rigorous testing. 10 dead, 1500 recovered. AND they only tested 6% of their population, likely missed the majority with Zero symptoms

by letting it happen you are justifying it and the reasons given so far are retarded and you are retarded for even saying them