What can we do to convince companies to move their manufacturing out of China?
What can we do to convince companies to move their manufacturing out of China?
Bomb China.
Worked for us during WW2.
Offer them $5 trillion dollars in tax cuts
stop buying their shit
tell the companies that the indian and mexican labours are cheaper.
Create a certification that labels a product “No Sourced Components from China” NSCC certified products show that these companies products are free of commie items and commie slave labor.
>takes tax cuts
>relocates part of the production
>to Taiwan
Stop buying the worthless fruit of globalism you stupid fuck.
I want that to happen but I doubt it ever will
This would be a great way to do it, who do we reach out to to get this considered.
Apprehend owner and CEO family members, publish a dead line date for company to leave China. Also publish execution dates of family. All under government sanction of course, cant be breaking any laws or committing any crimes.
>do this thing that will ruin your life and do nothing
Okay glowie
You guys have like 150 million lefties yeah?
Distribute them around the world, inject them into every shitholes workforce, have them develop bonds with the shithole workers.
Then when the time is right you order 66 those cunts and make them all demand $15 an hour, their coworkers will get greedy and follow the movement.
All manufacturing returns to the USA where people get paid $7.50 or whatever the fuck your minimum wage is.
Sounds great until prices look like this.
Oh yeah I call it Operation Blue Screech.
We have already moved a lot of the automotive industry to Mexico and you euros have moved a lot of industry to countries like Poland. It wouldn't be that expensive and if we give some of the same benefits to them as we do to China we could get cheap goods.
Dont buy chinese made shit
Retarded. All outsourcing has done is prop up margins and reduce quality. Kill yourself Chang.
>go to store
>examine product on shelf
>pick up
>turn over
>"Made in Chynah"
>spit on word china
>put product back
The proper gambit is reinforcing their desire to move to china, then cutting them off. This leaves a void in the market where an indiginous businessman can meet the demand, which effectively transfers all the business back onto the mainland where you want it, all while truly bypassing the offshore company instead of confronting it directly. this is your kung fu, to avoid and riposte, instead of parry & riposte. you won't even touch down as you fly right over their head to make the killing blow.
Now any companies that move in part or in whole to china will lose all their business in the US and will have all their assets seized, by force, both at home and abroad. As enemies of the state they no longer have the right to due process.
Your company moves to china? Every board member just became Wanted Dead or Alive. It's as simple as a piece of fucking paper; author it and the world will move at your command.
Stop buying products from them.
It's not that simple because we dont have access to non Chinese made goods
Have you guys tried to avoid Chinese made goods? It's not going to be possible without political pressure.
ding ding ding
Companies exist to make money, it's the only language they understand. But this will never happen since 99% of people only care about price and aren't willing to spend three times more on a product that's made locally.
I think a decent amount of people would if that was an option.
i'm convinced this is actually a psy-op, if we look at how many consumeables, incidentals and dry goods an estate uses, from our perspective as a home owner, there isn't a whole lot that comes from china other than paper products and certain cleaning supplies. furniture you can easily buy american made, electronics from japan and taiwan are easy. whether taiwan is chinese i suppose is up to you. most building supplies are local, fixtures and furnishings are easily american made. tools are easy, cars are easy too. we already make our own gas so you can't even buy non american fuel unless it's at an airport or a specialty fueling station with high octane stock car fuel or propane for that rare honda. food is easily local. the things we buy from china are things like pens, markers, deodorant, napkins, candles, children's toys and clothes. it will be harder to get these things. most of what we shop for we own for at least a few years, it's only the cheapest consumeables that are chinese.
once you switch to handcrafted soaps and organic paper products, drafting supplies instead of chinese paper and statoinary
Buy an old sub and start sinking cargo ships. Cheap labor does not matter if the pirates sink the goods before they get to market.
Jewish CEOs will just move to India and screw the white middle class even more.
What’s the point?
Either go after the problem or ignore it.
the solution to this, of course, is utilizing research into vegetable based plastic compounds, so that we can tie green agriculture processes into the textiles industry, just like we can use corn for gasoline we will also use it for plastic, increasing the value of american crops even more as we begin to make the world's only supply of biodegradeable eco plastics. the value of american farmland in the grain belt will also skyrocket, and as we transition to electric vehicles from gasoline the demand curve will jump from one industry to the next, leaving the american oil industry poised for near 100% export, making us even more money. it will be glorious. they will be the safest children's toys in the world.
All walmart shit is just trinkets to keep women distracted from house choirs. All you need is to survive is unprocessed fresh food. Bitches can run around the house naked and stay home indefinitely...LMAO
Cost of manufacturing has largely stabilized in the last decade with automation.
China is doing everything it can to stay competitive through currency manipulation. Really it would not be implausible for US to onshore much of their manufacturing. Lots of vested interests opposed to that currently due to overseas investments.