Do conservative communes even exist?

I noticed that leftists and faggot SJW types are the ones that make their own independent communities due to "fearing the government" going against their interests (fucking LOL)

Are there any conservative or right wing equivalents?

Pic related is an SJW commune called "earthship" in New Mexico

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There are conservative militia groups across our country. I'm not entirely sure if that counts


Scientology is right wing?

Isn't conservative.

Isn't a commune.

its called squot and its for doing drugs and fucking around
they love gov and handouts, they just dont like policeman because they are hobos

Yeah dude it's called Canton Ga.

Conservative/Right wing equivalents get the Waco treatment.

I wonder what compels an SJW to believe our gay ass governments in the west aren't totally in their favor.

That looks like a expanded goat power

I'm sure the FBI is running some right wing cults in the woods to stage false flags with

The right wing is just comfortable with the way society is. They don't see things as inherently flawed like the left does.

Conservatives might move to a small town to raise a family, but they're not going out of their way to make an "ultra eco friendly, green deluxe earthship!1!!1!" like the left feel compelled to.

Question for euros; with how faggy and repressive your governments are getting, do you guys have the option to go innawoods in a community and preserve yourselves?

Didn’t you already make this thread a few days ago?

I guess I will answer you again unfortunately.

Every random rural town is effectively a right wing commune and those commie communes always fail because they are all founded by urbanite junkies who realise that you actually have to work and shit so they quit and go home, the ones that don’t will probably become right wing.

If you want a clear example then try Orania in SA which fits your description pretty well.

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Earth ships are based. Taos has more libertarians than liberals

Turn on the news. Another right wing compound gets raided every few years. The leftist communes just collapse on their own because none of the leftists want to work or produce anything of value.

>didn't you make this thread already
No. I have looked into Orania, seems interesting.
Redpill me on it more

>The right wing is just comfortable with the way society is

Yas Forums looks satisfied with the current climate

Lord almighty, go the fuck back

No because the Feds come in and kill everyone. Even women and children.

>build home out of repurposed materials but fill it it with modern electronics when you are trying to live in some green commune
>when all those electronics and appliances are the product of dirty industry

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the united states

Yes, it's called countryside.

Because our governments still allow ownership of capital by anybody from little nobodies to corporations.
It's not enough to have your faggoty ass as a protected class, to have social, legal, and media sanctioning of anyone who publicly says this nonsense has gone too far.
It's not enough to ignore or grudgingly tolerate. You Will Be Made To Care.

yes. they look like this

Attached: gated community.jpg (500x286, 39.95K)

Are you retarded? Building your own off the grid home at minimum cost that maximizes collecting and recycling water for growing your own food is as huwhite as you can get.

Yes, we just dont tell anyone about them. Im a zoomer and my friends and i have our own national socialist militia. We keep our guns hidden from our parents behind the interior panels of our cars, in our mattresses, etc waiting for the day of the rope. We communicate with discord and will be ready for shtf immediately. Theres LOTS of us too. Most white zoomer men are redpilled as hell. And we all hate israel, the lefties hate them because theyre racist, right wingers hate them because theyre kikes.

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Ted had no problems using all tools available to destroy the system, just like commies aren't troubled by using iphones or whatever even if their intention is to destroy corporations.
For them It's about power and effectiveness, not morals.

Except they are vehemently anti-conservative and are advocated by CANCER like buzzfeed
You are cancer. Go back

nice larp fag

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No, building your own david hahn style reactor thats big enough to power a home and charge an electric car is the whitest thing there is. Hippy fags are in the way of progress

They hate trump, they hate everything right wing and are promoted by fucking buzzfeed. You are retarded.

Nope, its real and theres many more like us. Im in a blue state too so the red states are even better.