Why do we allow poor red states like Kentucky to continue leaching off of the federal government...

Why do we allow poor red states like Kentucky to continue leaching off of the federal government? 40% of its budget comes from all of our pockets, to fund a bunch of poor pillhead ex-coal miners who are too lazy and stupid to get a job.

Mitch McConnell is also a piece of shit, so it's no surprise he hails from there, especially when he has the audacity to try to say other states are needing bailouts. Holy shit talk about a clueless old motherfucker who forgot his meds.

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If we cut funding to red states will we also cut funding to blue states?

Blue states contribute more to the federal government than red states. Fact.

why dont we just go to war with all of the rich blue states, kill them and take their money and then call it a day

Only states with positive federal tax contribution should be able to receive federal aid

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You could do that, but since red states can't manage budgets or tax people enough to pay their bills, you would still inevitably go poor and die anyway.

>contribute more to the federal government
You’re talking about aids right?

So basically only blue states would get federal aid.

Whats ILs bond rating again?

Did the young turks tell you this?

Maybe contribute more crime

>what is population density
Who gives a shit about funding the federal govt?

Actually no, red states tend to have more guns, and there's often far more crime there. Especially because red states are full of hotheads and morons.

we'll be reducing costs by closing down the ATF and the marine corps

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If you are man with no social skills or contacts no one will ever employ you, even if you are hard-working and smart.

if you fucking yankees would quit sending your niggers to our cities from ohio and give coal miners alternatives to employment without just gutting the coal industry with "green" energy we'd be a lot better. Perfidious carpetbagger

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Are you basing this on anything other than your feelings?

>ark encounter
Fucking kek.

It's called facts, you might look into it.

Where's the ale 8

Why is it each time there is talk of the red states leaving the United States to form their own country, it's the people in the blue states who shit their pants over it? Why not support them instead? If red states are so bad, let them go and make their own nation. For some reason the lefties never get behind the idea of letting states decide to leave the US if they want.

Post some

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You got those two mixed up - facts are when you can cite your claims, feelings are when you just regurgitate what is convenient for yourself - like the post I am replying to.

Stfu low iq southerner stop stealing my taxes

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”


Maybe if Democrats didn't export all the icky smoke stacks to China they would all be happily employed and not dependant on the state.


So we let what will essentially become a white Africa exist in the middle of the US?

Yeah, no.

I love how these fucking "patriots" like Sarah Palin get on all the Republican hearts and minds even though they're fucking traitors to America and want to split off from it. Conservatives have zero patriotism.

The violence and crime is where the niggers are. Has nothing to do with red or blue.

Dude you've never seen a white trailer court.

Eat my ass, you know as well as I do the majority of american tax dollars that are sent to the population go to either illegals or minorities in the cities. Fucking disgusting concrete jungles, worst thing humans ever invented aside from an idea of equality amongst inferiors

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Being a patriot in 2020 is the most blue pilled thing to be. Anyone who doesn't want the breaking up of the union is a nigger loving faggot few.


lol, no, you Russian piece of shit. You're not going to help break up the US to influence it like you're doing to Europe.

And moon pies

I used to live right next to one. Hardly any violence at all. It's nothing compared to black neighborhoods in major cities where there are shootings every night.