ITT: We say something nice to our assigned Mossad/NSA agent

ITT: We say something nice to our assigned Mossad/NSA agent

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I used to have your job.

NSA flipped for good years ago

>ITT: We say something nice to our assigned Mossad/NSA agent

I have a list of all of the monitoring agents assigned to me that ive gotten fired.

it's extensive.

Stop watching my little pony

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we aren't that important faggots, I think

Come to my house faggot so I can kill you in Minecraft. The creepers around my in game house are huge

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>NSA flipped for good years ago

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I'm sorry you had to see all of this

Tongue my anus

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God's watching.

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who's that fat lady in the hallway?

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don't you have a wife and kids to take care of? Or are you just like me

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You should try watching MLP it's really good until it stops being good.

Everyone should get rid of the internet and every black box in their house. They're cataloging and data mining all of us. Polly all gonna be doxxed irl with knocks on the front door

Thank you for confronting my opponents and explaining that they are not The Nobody.

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I hope watching me beat my meat alone to lolis through my Webcam for six hours last night was worth the paycheck, thank you for your service Sir

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Know how I know this thread was made by a C_A faggot?

>The Nobody
Who's that?

Sorry about being super boring but keep clicking on naughty things every once in a while and refresh my watch que

Stay away from me. I'm commiting no Crimes nor intend to.
Leave me alone, do not speak to me.

If you wish to contact me use the phone or mail.

How does it feel knowing Jefferson and Washington would have hated you?

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>ITT: We say something nice to our assigned Mossad/NSA agent
nice job in vegas.

What kind of lip ointment do Jew use to keep those lips soft so they don't chafe that baby boy benis their Rabbi just mutilated?

Does the average user here warrant monitor? nothing happens is the tagline because noone here well does anything

>ITT: We say something nice to our assigned Mossad/NSA agent

They're good goys from a good family

glowniggers make the best threads


Sometimes I wonder how tracking me would even work. I do use a pass which is a problem, but that's because I use a VPN. Has a post from Yas Forums ever been tracked?

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Cover your cameras and unplug mics. Don't use smart devices and voice commands. Unplug these devices when not in use (always on and recording).

I have sooooooooo many guns all over my house and a tunnel that leads to the sewer

You serve pedophile cannibal jews. You are filth. If you doubt you serve pedophile cannibal jews, read about the testimony of 20 year + LA director of the FBI Ted Gunderson.