Gay couple fights prejudice and coronavirus in Poland by distributing rainbow face masks

Married gay couple Dawid Mycek and Jakub Kwiecinski say they face frequent abuse in Poland for being part of a so-called “homosexual plague.”

Bad reporting. Poland does not recognize any form of same-sex union, so when they are in Poland they are in fact NOT married.
C'mon based Poles, take care of this, please ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>could just show an act of good faith by providing regular masks for their community like some other minority groups have done (such as Muslims)
>instead have to make it about their gayness and sexual preference
the LGBT ladies and gentleman

If everyone was a fag, humans would go extinct. It's a social disease.

>they face frequent abuse in Poland for being part of a so-called “homosexual plague.”
Based poles

Forgot to post the link to the story:

Pedos too.
Being attracted to anything other than a fertile member of the opposite sex is not natural and does not benefit humanity.

Gays are so full of themselves, they have to rub they fagotry into people noses. Getting fucked in the ass doesnt give you superpowers.

>Getting fucked in the ass doesnt give you superpowers
Just makes them super annoying and rambling about "pride".
What's there to be proud about ? I never will get that.

Eastern Slavs have no clue what's in store for them. They're where the West was 30 years ago. They need to be vigilant against this shit because it's never gonna fucking stop until Poland looks like fucking Sweden. So far they've been way too reactive, and people who are always reacting to being attacked instead of taking the initiative and counter-attacking, usually end up being defeated.

Can we get fags to GTFO of Poland?

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Damn. How do they even filter news at Reuters? Like why the fuck would you decide to report on such story of all that exist?

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Also, the fact that Poland is Catholic is a negative, not a positive. Christianity, with its de-emphasis of race and biology, opens the door for all this shit. Look at Italy and Ireland, two heavily-Catholic countries that went to shit because Jews utilized their Christian moralism against them. Poland will go the same way unless it becomes an explicitly racial state.

>try to avoid getting corona
>gets aids instead

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Don't worry, fags usually get BTFOed by locals, so they run into your sexually degenerate countries.

Fags are a consequence of urbanization and capitalism desu. It's big capital that finances degeneracy. Pride Parades, pornography, sex education.

This, this is why people are getting sick and tired of them

No argument here. They need to learn from our (western) mistakes.

True. Also, they always supported by brainwashed liberals who think that everything the West does is good.

Happened to see it on my newsfeed.
You got any better pollack stories ?

>Look at Italy and Ireland, two heavily-Catholic countries that went to shit because Jews utilized their Christian moralism against them.
Very far off the mark. The faggots in the Catholic Church raping boys made people despise the church and want to go against everything they believe in. That's the main reason for the modern degeneracy. The church didn't even get involved in the gay marriage and abortion referendums because they know they're so hated that they'd be hurting their own cause. They have minus influence on Irish society

No, I am just wondering why Western agencies report and thus exaggerate even the most minor events in the world? Some gays give out masks, why does a news agency even report it? I can understand this as local news or some anecdote, but a whole report shows just how detached from reality those news agencies are.

We knew you were doing a mistake making fags relevant even before you made this a problem, mutt. You were flourishing, while Slavs just tried to survived, and that made you weak.

why cant gay people help people without being gay all the time, just be fking normal and no one would have a problem, but nah they have to put gay shit everywhere.

Yes but brainwashed liberals also come from big cities and work for big capital. Capitalism leads to degeneracy unfortunately. Maybe coronacrisis will restrain capitalism though.

Dont generalize pls, I'm exactly that, just live a normal live and most people just assume Im straight. Dont like to be grouped in with fags.

Forcing gayness with everything they do pro publico bono

Like anyone wants to touch anything a gay guy has probably jizzed all over.

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So you are alright with bleed/breed?

these annoying faggots are so fucking annoying
they are full of shit. literally and figuratively speaking

Western media looooooves the homos.
Most of us are rooting for you though.

Be beat you, commie. If we're weak, then you are.... what ?

Good work
All poofters should be forced to wear masks that act as chastity belts for their faces and stop their incessant nob gobbling

In principle yes, in practice, well, it's nuanced...
I will say this. It's better for a man to be attracted to a bleeding 14 year old than another male of any age...

calling all pole anons to drag these faggots behind their trucks....CALLING ALL POLES CALLING ALL POLES FAGGOT ALERT I REPEAT FAGGOT ALERT

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Roasties are toast too?

bro wtf Poland based as hell honestly surprised

Should I become a cartoonist?

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