How’s England today?
Plenty of frazzledippies and conkonsloggers?
How’s England today?
That’s a big fuckin woman
Damn Lindsey Lohan really looks worn for 34.
i'd let her gobble my knob if you know what i mean
Speak English please
gross, I knew Canucks like to fuck dogs but this is too far
i dont explain pls
With a dress, closed mouth and less makeup she would look like a decent human being. You're welcome England.
England is going to shit.
Even a woman that looks like that looks at me in disgust. She'd see me as a middle class ponce. All while middle class girls see me as racist, working class pleb.
Phwaor! Thats a 10/10 bird m8! I’d feed er a greggs sausage if u know wot I mean.
You ever had a Greggs sausage roll? If not, why you talking shit?
Oi she’s a regular best friend o’ the bellend, a right lege she is she is
Yes. It’s short fat and greasy and women only want it when they’re drunk.
Just like my benis:DDDDDDD.
>eating British cock foods
No thanks Nigel.
Try the Spotted Dicks or Classic British Faggots.
OP pic related is a 10/10 in bongland.
I don't know anyone who eats spotted dick or faggots.
nah, she's too young for me
Would. Not even sorry.
why are bongs/anglos so repulsive? what is the scientific reason for this?
Probably because we're a mixture of mutt people's with little social pressure for people to actually look presentable.
OP does
Feed me your simps!
>OP pic
that's rough
Nice Bobby Dazzler
No, the frazzledippies are for Sundays only, you fucking weasel.
Inbreeding. Small island, small genepool, etc.
How is the gene pool small? Didn't the normans bring new genes to the island? also in other countries with inbreeding like India you see genetic defects but in the UK you see ugliness which is weird.
This chick is a 10 in England
The fazwonglers are collywopping so thats all fine, though it must be said that there are issues right now. The bonglers can't do thier bong beating due to the lockdown so nobody really knows when to eat the state mandated tea and crumpets. You have to take the good with the bad of course; the chavs and the frazzledippies are having a right old conkonslogger because somebody called one of the chav lads a "ponce who twatulates with his tart of a mother". You don't do that over here. And to do so will result in the council of proncips rating the cuntitude of such an action according to the doomsday book, as is our custom. Well as can be expected a martial collywopple has been called and now there is spoon on spoon street violence taking place with a 2 meter social distancing.
So thats about it really. How about you yankie? How are things across the pond?
Geez Eddie halls wife looks like that?
Its because we only allow our purebloods to come out at night, silly.
Hornsnozzlers, Snozzwangers and Whangdoodles?
Don't be rediculous. Dumb dumb mutt.