Meat Shortage Coming to the US

1lb dried red beans
1 green belle pepper, finely chopped
4 stalks of celery, finely chopped
1 large yellow onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1 tsp. Dried thyme
32oz chicken or vegetable broth
Salt and pepper
Cajun seasoning

Soak the beans with enough water to cover them by one inch for at least 6 hours. Drain.

In a large pot, add the beans, broth, and another 4 to 6 cups of water (depending on how soupy you want them). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for approximately 3 hours.

Meanwhile, in a large pan, sauté the onions, celery, belle pepper, and parsley over medium-high in a small amount of oil until the onions are clear, about 15 minutes.

After the beans have simmered for 3 hours, add the vegetables, thyme, 1/2 tbsp Cajun seasoning, 1/2 tbsp salt, and 1/4 tbsp pepper, and simmer for another two hours or until your desired fineness.

Makes 6-8 servings. Serve over rice with hot sauce on the side.

None of this is in stone. I prefer 4 cups of broth and 5 cups of water, which is a little soupy when they’re done but perfect as left overs. I usually simmer for 2.5 hours, then sauté my vegetables and add them whenever they’re done. Toward the end of cook time, you can smash the beans against the side of the pot for extra creamy ness (recommended).

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>Amerifats will be forced to eat actual nutritious foods

How awful...

The Americans are going to snap soon, I can feel it...

Why? This “lockdown” is basically free time paid for by the government.

>Meat isn't nutritious
Oh but certainly soi and bread are

GAINZ Yas Forumsfags are about to get btfo.

So eat beans, lentils, potatoes, spinach and meat when available then.

>Why? This “lockdown” is basically free time paid for by the government.
>paid by the government
the average amerimutt right here ya joe it's paid by oncle Sam don't worry

another Jewish lie in a thousands of years long steal of Jewish lies.

Rice & beans, fish, whey, egg whites, and literally an endless list of other food groups can supplement you with nutrition and more than enough protein to keep yer GAINZ

why do they call it waterloo?

I work from home. Payday tomorrow, eat shit leaf.

>eating tyson meat
yeah, this doesn't affect any healthy person at all. If you buy tyson meat you're already a fat fuck with tons of health problems and you were gonna die anyways.

Not hunting like an actual american to get your meat.

no better time than now to learn to chew bugs!

Thanks for the unrequested and unrelated propaganda.

huh, good thing I eat halal

LMAO, okay you got me.

>Payday tomorrow, eat shit leaf.
ya better enjoy it while it last your shithole is about to turn into russia enjoy your slavery mutt


Egg prices are going up too you absolute fucking retard, chicken will be next then fish, we will be forced to eat GMO grains and bugs you fucking faggot go kys

Thanks Martha Stewart

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redpill me on broth. Why not just fry up some onions, season, then deglaze with some beer?

what kinda raviolis am i supposed to eat now? CHEESE! Yikes nigger thats a no from me.

Maybe this will lower the obesity rate.

I’ll put my recent acquisitions to good use.
Proof if faggot. Jeez Yas Forums literally is just a retarded schizo board now. Call unemployment if you’re too useless to earn a living.

Hopefully. Anything to get people to be less fat.

Kek hit the diet fatty

>he calls himself a "prepper" but he didn't buy canned chicken

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there isnt a sugar and soibean oil shortage

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that shit looks horrendous, please have mercy on that child

Cows are not dying people just need to slice them and process them at the meat plants