If you come from the red, you are white

Don’t let D&C shills divide us

Attached: 77929325-87C9-4D31-84C4-756BF01E8BBA.jpg (1362x888, 548.07K)

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Correct except for Turkey and Azerbaijan

Attached: 1587358562998.jpg (771x693, 66.58K)


What's with this fetish burgers have for pushing the "one European race, the white race" meme?
Why should anyone take advice from you on adopting le white race identity when it turned you into browntainted jewservile mutts?

Attached: nigger.jpg (701x167, 81.19K)

Fuck you burger, roaches and ruskies dont belong here

Of course it's an American flag


>Highlights Arabs

No, roaches, the caucasus, and the roachified parts of the Balkans (Albania, Southern part of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Bosnia) are not white, and neither is Kikestan. Especially not Kikestan. Just because they are pic related, they are not white.

Attached: genestealer.png (770x491, 571.89K)

Idk man. Jews look pretty white to me. They got white skin.

Attached: 2E6BF05D-9A04-4259-88A2-28C40DE7B693.jpg (884x1191, 485.73K)

Agreed but remove Turkey.

Three Points:
Lebanon, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, Malta, Vatican, and San Marino should be included.
2. Turkey and Israel should not be included
3. Obvious bait thread

Also paint Portugal out, I don't wanna be associated with the retards up there. I don't care what you think of us

Also Azerbaijan shouldn't be in there either

>armenia, azerbaijan, georgia
bait thread, fuck off american


We aren't white, nigger

Me? White? God forbid.

Whiteness is a composite concept that has racial and cultural components. Racially, we are a subset of Caucasians that lived in Europe for a long period of time and became distinct from other Caucasians, like Semites. Ie: we are a subrace. Culturally, we are what we are, and kikes have never been part of that. They never wanted to be part of that, They never assimilated, and many of them still have rather noticeable Semitic features.


Attached: file.png (1362x888, 350.19K)

>whiteness is like, a social construct maaaaaaan
Fuck off. White is a color. I have eyes, nigger

checked... The Hun knows. And he's prolly whiter than a Finnfag

Chinks are white? Damn you retards are bad at defining concepts. Sign of low IQ.

>>whiteness is like, a social construct maaaaaaan
>I'll pretend not to speak English and that I can't understand a simple sentence so I can talk shit maaaaaaaan

On second thought, you are American, so...

They got yellow skin, so not white

Not all roaches are white. Only the ones they brought from Europe are.

Plenty of Mongoloids have skin whiter than you do. Primarily Koreans and Mongols.

baltics arent wh*Te


Attached: Unavngivet.png (512x453, 143.98K)

Is Greece white then? They’re the darkest.

This. No amount of kike propaganda made me despise whites more than retards on Yas Forums.

The Turkish part of the map would be correct if the turkish invaders would be removed and Greeks were allowed to return to their own lands again. Greece was pretty big in the past. Turks are not and never will be white but subhuman invaders from the steppe.