DUDE let's throw 1500 years of theology and tradition in the trash!

>DUDE let's throw 1500 years of theology and tradition in the trash!
Is this the ultimate example of German autism?

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isn't the Vatican trafficking children?

Luther wanted non-jews to be able to read jewish texts so that the jews could read them weren't the ones in power. Is that so bad?

Martin Luther is practically, literally, and actually a Saint in my eyes. I love Martin Luther will all of my heart soul and spirit.
My favorite piece from Saint Martin Luther is his book.
The kikes and their lies.

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Can you just both accept you are both wrong and adopt genetic transcendentalism
>your morals derive from the survival of your genetics and genetics most similar to yours
>this is improved by a combination of individualism and collectivism
>endorses ethnocentrism and nationalism
>mandates ancestor worship and fertility
>doesn't have a kike God
>doesn't have any pagan Gods

I just dont like the way Catholics worship the Saints.
Shit is so fucky imo.

Shit was going so great up until then

It was the ultimate jewish trick, the effects of which Christianity still hasn't recovered.

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Peak materialism. Is this the final form of the whitoid, a pale kike?

>let's throw jews and pedos in the trash

and the problem was?

>dude just blindly obey nepotistic corrupt politicians in a foreign country!

Just more blood lust

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that is heresy according to prots

It's antisemitic which means it's anti cuckolic so that's why the 5 cuckolics that aren't spics, are still eternally seething about him to this day.
It's idol worship at this point.

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catholicism is the ultimate jewery

selling peaces of heaven? selling less time in "purgatory"?

The problem is that would have possibly thrown heresies into the mainstream CHurch. Translating the Bible from Greek to Latin was a meticulous affair, and it essentially caused a schism due to different interpretation.
Imagine you're the Pope, and Luther wants to translate the Bible for everyone. In every language. After that happened and essentially drove a wedge into the christian community for the last four hundred years.

Any believer in Christ is a Saint and you are ignorant.

>Let me, the jew, tell you about the Germans' crimes of antisemitism, goy.

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Would’ve been better to end popery and fix the Catholic Church than split into a million denominations

He was based as fuck

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Its only a "problem" if you care more about power and control than about actually spreading the religion and its message

He's basically the commie of religion. On the surface he offers reformation to "bring god closer to muh simple folk" . In reality he just used it as an excuse to get power, sin and marry a nun. One of the main bishops did the same and Henry the 8th also used the reformation as an excuse to divorce his old wife and marry Anne Boleyn.
I don't know why school education gives such a vague and idealist picture of Luther.

He one of the earliest versions of controlled opposition. On The Jew and Their Lies was basically "Whatcha doin' Rabbi: The Book".

Yeah fuck the renaissance bro and the age of enlightment, lets all go back to living in mudhuts and being stupid niggers

didn't he wrote something about killing crippled or otherwise weird babies becouse their mommas fucked with demons?
og ubermensch philosophy right here

>Strawman arguments
Is this the ultimate example of c*tholic apologetics?

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jewish propaganda and bumble fuck ranting isn’t theology

>imagine not being Calvinist.

Hurr durr praise Jesus XD
Reminder that John the Baptist came to doubt Jesus as the Messiah and that Jesus did nothing to help him during his months-long imprisonment before being executed. Why was he executed? Cause he doubted Jesus? Nope. He was beheaded cause he called out Herod who divorced his wife then illegally married the wife of his brother.
So you admit the vulgate may not be that good a translation? Jerome based it off of earlier Latin versions that conflicted with each other.

You lie, jewsuit shill.

>if you care more about power and control than about actually spreading the religion and its message
To the Church, the purity of the Word is paramount, and then comes the spreading of it. It's why there were so many Councils debating on the nature of Jesus in the pre-schism Church, because the Oecumenical Patriarch, AKA the Pope in those days, wanted to tell people the Truth, and not be taken on the flipside if someone suggested something that wasn't suggested at all in the Scripture, AKA REAL heresy, a corruption of the role of Jesus.

Why is the new testament anti-Semitic

>Jesus and his apostles were wrong, it is I, Martin Luther, who decides what the real church is.

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Thinking of Martin Luther in relation to the Catholic church of the time reminds me of the "who's Jewing who" meme

Jesus never declared Roman Catholicism to be his Church, His Church is the SPIRITUAL BODY OF ALL TRUE BELIEVERS. You are a satanic cocksucking bitch.

It's not bad, but neither is it good, or else the Church would still be one. However, except for a few mistranslations (which is inevitable considering the intricacies of languages), it was sensibly the same as the old.
It helped that it wasn't translated word-by-word to be printed in the next two weeks to half of Germany.

imagine still seething after 500 years because some guy called the pope out on his bullshit after he tried selling overpriced paper that he claimed could get your dead relatives to heaven

Of course it's a problem. It's why shit like pic related happened.

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Fuck the church here's 95 reasons why.

>DUDE let's throw 150,000 years of theology and tradition in the trash!

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but dude we need to worship JESUS because hes KING OF THE JEWS!

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I don't think Luther was evil, it's everyone that jumped on the bandwagon to make their own Churches that were, and this without any doubt because they served the interest of the perishable before the Word.
Luther was acting in accordance to Matthew 16:18 and Deuteronomy 6:16 : the Church couldn't fail because of the Pope, but one should oppose him to not tempt the Lord.

>being a christian

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All hierarchies become corrupted and eventually serve only to enrich the insiders at the top.
So from time to time hierarchies need to be dismantled and something completely new needs to be built in their place.

>150,000 years of theology
>of theology
literally an hermetic concept, and hermeticist were monotheists.

The Church is still one. It just has nothing to do with catlicks. Which btw had already split in the Schism hundreds of years before, hence why we have East Orthodox churches today.

Do not call any man on earth your Father for your true Father is in Heaven
>hay let's call our head leader "pope" meaning "papa/father", our priests "Fathers", or just straight up call the pope "Holy Father" or "Vicar(substitute) of Christ"

Do not do repetitious prayers
> hay guyz am i doin' my prayer beads rite???

"Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."
>alright gang let's worship Mary she is clearly Mother of God and just as great as Jesus

Do not carve yourself a wooden idol
>hey guys check dis out its jesus corpse on a stick, satan's proudest moment, lets put these everywhere

> hey check out these upside down cross which we all know means inversion of Christ but we will make up a story that peter wanted to be crucified upside down because he didn't want to die the same way Jesus did and then idolize him which if the story were even true, would mean this is the LAST THING he would want
> hey lets horde all the worlds gold and own the British Crown and then preach about da poor
> hey lets have masses instead of dignified prayer behind closed door
> hey lets cannibalize god and believe we are literally eating his flesh and blood lol

etc etc etc