Tonight this Mercedes Benz in Berlin neuköln was spray painted with right wing extremist slogans...

>Tonight this Mercedes Benz in Berlin neuköln was spray painted with right wing extremist slogans. On the other side of the car it says HH and 88. For three years right wingers have been terrorizing this district. Up until now no suspect was sentenced.

When will this white extremist terrorism stop pol?

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why do you give a fucking you kantoon scum bastard you aint better you filthy scum crossing the border to buy our cheap gourmet soups becauses they cost a fortune in your swiss chess shithole. reservations lol.

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Fuck off hans before I I'd rather eat bat soup then your canned tomoatencremesuppe


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Those poor Jews. How will they ever recover from this inhuman vandalism?! It makes my blood boil, knowing that Nazis are out there using spray paint to marginalize an already vulnerable group... If i woke up to find a SWASTIKA on my car, I don't know what I would do. I really can't think of a worse thing to wake up to...

aww man that's a shame. these germany problems should be solved if you hop back on your plane and fuck off to where you came from.

>gourmet soups
imagine being this delusional

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I fully support this. Not the (((white))) supremacy. But the Araboids that drive like cunts in their 'cedes and Beemers can suck a fat chode.