God I wish this was me

Fuck living in nanny cushion doublethink dystopia. I want the real shit.

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Does everyone in Russia walk like that?

OP, Leddit is the site you wanna be if you're a Communist. Go back plz

in the military, yep

1984 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> piss >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BNW

probably he loves ORDER instead of living in a cuckstate?

Yeah, it's because of the loss of motor control caused by alcohol poisoning

cuck shit fuck off
this, if I'm gonna suffer I want the real, hard shit.
Fuck this bog of happy derpy cuckholdry meme totally-not-a-prostitute existence.

I suppose if OP is a Masochist who doesn't think that getting thrown in jail for being racist is hard punishment enough, and instead wants to be executed for being a racist.

>I want to switch who's telling me what to do all the time!

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In normal totalitarian states you get whacked if you fuck with the wrong person/state. The -ism memes are used as an excuse, they're not autistic enough to actually care of follow that shit.

if you don't: the gulag is waiting

this. also becuase everyone is accepted as cattle these excuses are only used by those in power.
meanwhile literal fucking WHOs on social media can end your life by exerting some meme isms as excuse to fuck you, cause muh important individuals muh individualism muh protected classes
fuck this cuck shit again, it's like double anal rather than single anal.
what's the fucking difference you morons hide your powerlevels anyway

>it's like double anal rather than single anal.

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how do they not slip



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>ended racial inequality
remove that cuck shit its not even historically true anyway.

intelligent soviet engineering

>Fuck living in nanny cushion doublethink dystopia. I want the real shit.

Gear your bags for war, because the real shit's right around the corner.

We've been in a conscious vacuum for as long as our society event horizoned itself in selfishness. Hence clown world. Next is the rollercoaster drop, and it will be anarchic. So have fun, male, because real's all we'll soon see.

a few decades too late bro

thank you user your post brought me a little bit of happiness

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Im am the biggest anti-communist you can only find, and I tell you, USSR was all about order and nothing about degeneracy. Take that bullshit "people / races / nationalities are all equal" away and you'll bet 100% perfect nat soc state most of ye are dreaming about (Im more on a capitalist state personally)

Holy shit the amount of inaccuracies
Why isn't NatSoc better though?

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Neat balancing trick

i don't care about the natsoc or commie
i want real open oppression, not cotton wooled cuckholdry that slowly chokes you.
to put it in perspective i would love to have lived during empire times, even as shit eating peasant who will die soon, it's fucking living, real, hard, suffering, not this gay dance of pointlessness now, where they watch your every move and if you act like a the animal you are you are put in mental hospital where they try to make you into eunuch sex toy, nevermind they do that shit to kids already. too much in the mind games, i want physical.

was it better than modern r*ssia?

Cool. Start working on it. Have you started a group or an organization yet? No? Then stop whining and act nigger faggotl

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>act on it
what, so they can put in me box that's no different than my room and feed me biscuits all day and try to fuck with my mind about how good everything is and I should be happy and here take these drugs it all be ok? what the fuck they wouldn't even execute me this gay ass shit.

depends on who you are and what do you want and need. for most part: better.

your modern state is same cuck feminsed shit as here.
it's this feminisation bullshit that's probably driving me insane, passive aggressive bitchiness and "ooh i didn't mean it hehe" sycophants.
all that birth control in the water fucked everyone mind.

>your modern state is same cuck feminsed shit as here
no it's not, but since you won't believe me anyway, whatever

idk, your zoomers are limp wrist faggots compared to russkies i knew in 90s.

and they always bitch and moan like women

It is not only accurate, but the truth was even more accurate because words can not express how accurate reality really was

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Im 34, Nigel. and I've seen much more than you can think. so stop guessing you aren't a fucking soothsayer aren't ye?