Leaf Shooter

Why did he do it? Was it a false flag? A cover-up?

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Probably just couldn't live with being a Canadian anymore.

He was a crisis actor who took things too far. Think about it. He had the outfit, prop car, etc... justin trudeau gave him drugs and it made him do this.

>mutt gets a gorillion mass shootings a year
>one happens in Canada

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yeah, that's a mossad glowie right there

>justin trudeau gave him drugs
I bet Trudy gets some breddy gud shit

Thanks for giving all the Ashkenazis Germanic surnames so we know when to spot one

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why are jews the only ones raking?
there isn't enough fedposting in the world to describe how much canada deserves it

this is what theyve come up with.
>Investigators believe Wortman and his girlfriend were at a party at a nearby home in the Portapique area when Wortman began arguing with her. They left the party and sources believe Wortman escalated the argument back at his cottage — assaulting her and tying her up. She escaped and hid in the woods.

>Wortman left his cottage after the assault and investigators believe that’s when the shootings started. He returned to the house where the party was being held and killed several people there, sources said.

story so retarded it could only come from a false flag

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In the US, committing a shooting is easier than jerking off. You gotta work for that shit in Canuckville.

He didn't have a gun licence or use a "military assault weapon" but trudeau and the incompetent liberals will ban ar15s anyways

they've changed the entire story like 5 times over the last few days. i think people realized it didn't make sense that he would find one person an hour and that the police would take 12 hours to look for someone who just killed one of their own

You filthy mutt you got a sensible chuckle out of me

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Source? Someone else said he stole the gun from the girl cop he killed. The RCMP said they were responding to gun shots tho

Also they definitely shot and killed him in custody right?

They still haven't release an official story.
He only killed one of them 15 minutes before he was then killed.

its gets even better
>Police found Wortman’s girlfriend around 7 a.m. local, sources said. It was from her they learned he was likely dressed as a police officer and driving a fake cruiser. She also provided the picture of the vehicle that was widely distributed. The information changed the way police were searching for Wortman.

all wrapped up in a nice little bow.

>Score would still be in the top 10 if this happened in the states
So leafs are just better at it?

He probably did steal her gun, though possibly not since the timeline is extremely tight, but it was right before it ended anyway so most of the rampage was with some other gun.

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They say that there is no way the rcmp could pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude to hide something they were doing...

...and yet, we're in the biggest fucking conspiracy involving the whole world with this Covid 'pandemic' and look who the fuck is in charge! Look at how retarded and idiotic all the talking heads are about this covid thing.
The sheep will believe anything if enough 'authoritative talking heads' says it is so.

So, could it be a conspiracy that they literally fucked up hard? It is a possibility...it is so fucked up at this point that it is almost more plausible that it is than some dipshit denturist driving around for 12 hours having his own personal 'syria hour'.

the article I read with the "source" says this
>Sources confirmed to Global News that Wortman shot RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson in the chest before dragging her from her car and shooting her again.
>He stole her handgun, sources say. It’s not known whether he used the handgun on any of his victims.

although I dont put any faith into no name sources. They usually make claims like Ryan Lanza killed his father in New Jersey, which is followed up by every media site reporting that bullshit information

Based American. Knock-off "Americans" cannot bear living in the shadow of success and glory.

People are fucking nuts user. That's it.

Makes sense.
It is possible he used it to steal the silver SUV he left the area in.
He was killed around 12-15 minutes later.

Wiki says he was restricted from buying a firearm. So these new gun laws are bullshit

Or maybe I don't know he was just a crazy guy.

Please don't cuss in my thread bud

This timeline is absurd. He is seen on video at 10:55, changes clothes then gets back in his car and continues onwards. by 11:14 he has been rammed, shot the cop 6 six times, gotten out and executed her, set the cars on fire, jacked another ride, went the opposite direction to a gas station where he was stopped and then lit up by the cops there. Seriously BS.

Why? Because all those extra steps, the changing, the starting, the stops, the getting rammed fighting, the securing another car, the stopping for gas, the getting identified by the police all take time. He had to have been going a hell of a lot faster than 120km/h, or some of those times are wrong.

why would he tie his gf up, but leave her otherwise alive?

story of how he basically got robbed by some kike and lost the ownership of his house

RCMP also confirmed at a news conference that he did not have a licence. He called it by the old name, but still.
Not being able to effectively enforce the laws they already have on the books won't stop Trudeau from demanding they put more of them on there though.
That is his platform and he will stick to it. His base won't care about any logical consistencies.

The timeline is tight if you assume he was only going 120km/h. Even for a small highway like that 130-140 is a reasonable speed while you're on the run and over the course of 27 mins gives him plenty of time.

personally I think this guy was always driving in a silver SUV. why else would he stop at a gas station less 20 minutes after murdering a police officer in the middle of the road and then carjacking another car. its totally ridiculous

This will be memory holed. Calling it now. The politicians want to bury it because it disproves gun control. The RCMP want to bury it because it makes them look as incompetent as they really are. The media wants to bury it, because it makes all those stories they've told about the good of gun control and RCMP look like the massive lies they are. This will be buried in a just a few days, a week at the most.

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>why would he tie his gf up, but leave her otherwise alive?
they needed some excuse on why they had a photograph of the police car.

Maybe she gave good head?
I still think quite fondly of those girls.

Because leafs are mentally disturbed dog fuckers.

when has a gun law brought in because of an "incident" ever been an answer to what they told us "happened".
If it's on their controlled narrative maker, their brainwash machine it's either:
A: complete bullshit, freemason lies
B: real but being spun for freemason interests

and they dont really explain why the 2 cop cars are burned to a crisp. like look at this photo at the bottom. they just let em burn up.

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The security camera is just some random store's so the timestamp may be off, but the 11:14AM reporting of the car on fire comes from the police helicopter so that would be reliable.
The math is on there. If he drove 120km/h it is possible to do that.
He gets hit around 11:10, and leaves by 11:14AM (the helicopter reports only 2 cars at the scene) giving him at least 12 minutes to get to the Irving which is exactly how long it takes to drive there at 120km/h.
The timeline is *very* tight, but possible.
Him getting nailed on the highway at 120km/h, leaping out, mag dumping, stealing guns, stealing another car, and pealing out of the scene inside 5 minutes is the most implausible part of it.However, it is still possible.

Even going 180 km/h at peak inst enough because the overall average is much lower given how he is starts off slowly from the security camera, get rammed, has to approach the gas station slowly and is stopped there for at least a minute before he is ventilated. That before we add in all the time spent without actually traveling: getting rammed, executing the rcmp officer, carjacking the silver suv, changing in the security camera view. this seems more reasonable: but it puts their whole story to lie.

his gf left him for an n-word. and they were both living in a house he paid for. he killed them both, then burned the house down.

Possibly to kill more people or to refuel the car he just stole.

He was on the Mossad payroll

Oh fuck off.
You don't own it.

Before I actually learned about the BS the RCMP reguralry pulls, I would have thought somethign akin to that. Problem is given the absolute BS of their official story, coupled with a very long verified track record of RCMP officers going apeshit on innocent civilians (taking them to back roads and raping/murdering them as an initiation) I'm going to believe until there is strong evidence this wasn't the RCMP fucking up, again.


>11 a.m. Police say Wortman was last seen travelling southbound on Highway 102 toward Halifax from the Brookfield area.

>11:20 a.m. RCMP say Wortman has changed vehicles and is now in a silver SUV – a Chevrolet Tracker.

somehow he did a cop murder and stole an SUV is less than 20 minutes. as youll notice, they sorta gloss over where he got an SUV. he just sorta reappears with it

he was having the time of his life beating
his x and her new bo to death.

He was the one doing the Kikeing

You can post in my thread faggot just please don't swear

yea this guy is just a regular terminator

lol no motive

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He is on camera at 10:55AM approaching Brookfied so that part lines up.
I drew a map for you. It is possible to do what they claimed even if he drove 120km/h.
He likely was driving much faster seeing as the highway there is flat and in good condition.

dude he's gonna get the stephen paddock treatment. they'll be interviewing subway sandwitch employees who served Wortman 10 years ago
>he didnt talk much, he just wanted a sandwitch, but I do recall him blurting out that he hated police officers and jews

There isn't any real ownership you over sensitive fuck. Ignore the swearing and just keep scrolling.

the beer store was closed