We're entering the 20's with rising nationalism, a depression, and an epidemic

>we're entering the 20's with rising nationalism, a depression, and an epidemic

Who is going to be the next Hitler? It's inevitable at this point.

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Nah, no-one wants that dusty old junkie back.

Barron trump will unironically become the nation's leader through sheer force of will and conquering nigger states

Alex Jones gets my vote

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>We are starting off the 20s with rising liberalism extremely happy times for everybody except happeningfags and coronavirus is the biggest nothingburger since forever.
here's the real redpill, there isn't going to be a new Hitler, there isn't going to be an awakening, all normies are retarded and will take all shit the elites give to them, and we are a small minority of stupid losers on an anime imageboard. however, I have a plan to get money off the thriving system as long as possible while you guys are going to larp about muh white race. Admit it, the thief shall inherit the Earth.

Coach Bobby Knight, his comeback into politics.

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It's gauranteed already

more than anything Tucker cares about family values and liberty
Hitler has a genetic dead end that lead though force and censorship
violence is never the answer

>violence is never the answer
The commies back in the early 1900s didn't think so.

It worked out very well for them. They entirely eliminated the Russian monarchs and established their communist rule over Russia and it's neighboring countries, usually through violence.

It works. The biggest lie is that it doesn't,

Hope his Jewish sister will help

Tl;dr NEET cope
Dunno, probably British or American

he's amongst us on Yas Forums somewhere.
godspeed user!

Violence is the ultimate answer.

Well, I share his personality type.

I was just thinking about if it were possible for me to swoop in.
But I don't see it happening.

People will never do anything until they’re starving and that will never happen unless they want it to happen

I want to be the next Hitler but there's some degenerate images of me, long deleted but probably on a Google/Apple server. Should I go for it?

>N-n-now it'll happen, g-guys. Now w-w-w-w-we will definitely rise

Have you not seen thread of Yas Forumsacks posting images of themselves? It's naught but twigs, skinnyfats and one guy with steroid mode traps but nothing else.

Attached: based gay spider.png (100x100, 18.69K)

On some extent he his right.
Weimar republic was an exception, it was a proud and ethnic country brought to his knees, made by people with sane principles willing to fight and die for their country.
Do you think modern western countries with 15%-20%-30% niggers and immigrants will take the same path? Do you really think tiktok faggots zoomers and spineless millenials will gave up their consumistic, hedonistic, individualist way of life and sacrifice their lives?
The west have to fall.

Many people who hold power have worse images available more easily.

On one hand, since everyone today has taken nudes it's probably fine
On the other I might get character assassinated

Tucker could never be President, especially after that clip of him getting rekt by the cheeky Dane was leaked

Does this guy just shill himself here? Why do people put pundits on a pedestal?

Only idiots would post images of themselves on Yas Forums

>Skinny bad
>Fit bad because muh steroids


Attached: Tuckerthebasedcarlson.jpg (734x869, 122.77K)

>Who is going to be the next Hitler? It's inevitable at this point.

He's violently campaigning against the globalists from stealth, to get away with the violence.

Some random psychotic jew like the last time:

Digits and it's
>Ben Shapiro

Skinny's fine. Twig mode borders on unhealthy. I tried to enlighten the weakling Yas Forumsacks on hoisting but alas, they hated the truth.

Obviously he isn't going to be widely known at this point. It could even be one of us. Even me

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Viktor Orban


I volunteer!

>t. Paki

Hitler wouldn’t have come to power without his WW1 experience. Initial major conflagration needed.

Yeah and how did that ultimately go for them? Right
