

Attached: D617C0E2-EB26-490D-ADDA-29C931F5ED63.jpg (1242x2377, 1.03M)

Your own fault for visiting sites with fake news.


If the media finds out black people did it this story will be memory holed instantly

Fucking police shouldn't even be investigating this.

Seriously what can they even investigate?
It’s not even vandalism

Alright which one of you niggers did this

>Real events from less then 180 days ago are racist

And that's a good thing.

das rite

More like based

More than half of Atlanta is black. Without chinks they won't be able to use their EBT cards to get chicken wing/french fry combos.


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>Actual plaques with adhesive
What's the name for high quality, IRL shitposting?


yes racist, absolutely

Whoever is making the plaques should try making coins with them.

where can i buy one?

Nothing racist about this. It comes from Chy-nah

Where in atlanta are these? I want to steal one. In mine craft ofc

Heffalump bump


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Muh hate crimes obviously. How could you not know ??

I would be willing to pay significant sums of money for one of these in silver. Move over batboi, there's a new Corona Coin in town.

Attached: batboi.jpg (500x500, 67.56K)

it's obvious that they were made by someone from one. i'd love to have one of those. please send me some, here's my address:
2 Fuyoujie


Beijingshi 100017

People's Republic of China

i meant here

First the fucking statues. Now they're tearing down plaques.

But wuhan is not a race? Are you assuming Wuhan is 100% Chinese? Sounds very xenophobic.

I solved this case.
It’s a fake hate crime perpetrated by the Trump Deranged Coffee shop owner.
Look up her history
She’s a full spectrum nutbar

Whoah they still make special quarters?
I thought they stopped that

That plaque was CNCed there is no fucking way a nigger did that

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Yes, you can also order giant 5oz pure silver versions of them directly from the US mint.

Stop calling it the “wuflu” or the “Chinese virus”
Chinese numbers are SHIT compared to ours. We are once again leading the free world and emerge some recognition for that.

Henceforth it will be known as the Mutt’s Malaise

Fuck off chang, back to Canada with you

How does it feel chang that your women are addicted to bwc?

Based and Toynbeepilled