You went too far this time Yas Forums. Too fucking far

>Rebekah Bruesehoff, a 12-year-old trans activist who has been spreading words of love and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community since she was 10, has recently been exposed to nasty trans-phobic messages on her Instagram page where she voices her opinions on everyday problems and gives inspirational advice. This coordinated attack presumably comes from right-wing elements that are capitalizing on this current pandemic crisis to legislate anti-trans bills all around the country, her mom says.

Now you're all harrassing literal children? really? You're telling kids to kill themsleves?

Fuck you. Fuck you all. Today is the day I stop being a nazi. Even I have morals.

Shame on you. Fucking shame on you.

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shut the fuck up you massive faggot

You forgot to change your memeflag, chang

well, sign up for hormone therapyy and start looking for a nice pink dress, fag

So fucking brave, why don't you pick on someone your own size?

Coward. You know you'd get your bitchass kicked.

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Ok groomer

Why don't you whack off to someone your own age and different gender?

wait, is she a tranny herself or just an advocate

>t. discord tranny
Kys faggot

oh cool this thread again

Her parents should be taken to court and shot. That kid needs to go back to her life and do what kids do.

>has recently been exposed to nasty trans-phobic messages on her Instagram page

let me guess... gay and trans rights activists made a false flag?

>today is the day i stop being a nazi
nice larp faggot

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She's ugly. Other pic is misleading.

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god she's hot

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Yeah, when are you going to stop larping btw?

Hey you guys I used to be a Jew-hating Nazi as well until I saw some people on the internet harassing a LITERAL CHILD because she is a tranny lover I can't stand this one more second I hereby abandon my internet ideals and will stop grandstanding on the internet. Today is the day I hope you are happy you Nazis
t.former Nazi. Goodbye forever! I'm joining Judaism I know ur all seething RN LOL

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That's a cute boy.


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This boys and girls is a shill/cuck?

report this idiot, he's spamming the same shit all day

Paedophila spotted. Parents -jail. Internet company - jail. Kid - asylum.

If I have to wait to be 18 or 21 depending on the state to own firearms
Then kids have to wait to be legal adults to fuck up their bodies
fuck off chang

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Great bait pedo

Do you have to fuck it in the ass or does it have a pussy?

this is the lowest quality bait ive seen in some time. Was it worth the (you)s faggot?

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>Today is the day I stop being a nazi. Even I have morals.
So you are defending an organization that tries to sexualize children when they haven't gone through enough puberty to even understand gender..... because someone made some rude comments on instagram?

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Eat a bullet kike

Post your address you fucking faggot so I can come kick in your cumbrain kike teeth, you worthless subversive degenerate.

I think you should be more concerned about the people molesting him.

I would suck his dick and lick his scrotum

>Today is the day I stop being a nazi

Nazis haven't existed since the National Socialist Party was disbanded in 1945.

>I have morals.

There is no universal concept of morality, I enjoy eating meat, for instance. Some people have a problem with that.

Appeals to emotion and morality= "I don't have an argument.

Feel better soon lady!

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>Now you're all harrassing literal children? really? You're telling kids to kill themsleves?

What's wrong goyim? Everybody dies.

>"presumably comes from right-wing"
>"capitalizing on this current pandemic crisis to legislate anti-trans bills"

What a bunch of BS. The self-serving mother thrives on virtue-signalling and attention-whoring...even to the extent of pressuring her son (years of brainwashing) into trangendering to broadcast how "open, loving and accepting" SHE is. Next step is putting on the poor victim costume to garner sympathy.

This is how mental illness spreads.

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>Today is the day I stop being a nazi. Even I have morals.
so take the flag off and show yours

>who has been spreading words of love and acceptance

She needs to be spreading those delicious thighs for an attack from my right wing mouth


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mmmmm dis girl is yummeeeeeeeeeeeeee