We're Already At 7%

It can only rise from here. In a week, if there were ZERO new cases, the death rate would end up around 11%. In 4 weeks if there were ZERO new cases, the death rate will end up 20%. This is Biblical.

China lied, people died.

Attached: 7percent.png (729x79, 9.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck is "we"? You're using a fucking meme flag idiot.

>Who the fuck is "we"?


>You're using a fucking meme flag idiot.

So are you.

Why don't you retard take into consideration the fact that CDC guidelines specifically mention to count all deaths as corona?

>4/19/20 Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker Task Force admits CDC Guidelines that at the time of death, it the person had a covid positive diagnosis, was in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death, even if it clearly died of an alternate cause


You're thread lacks credibility.

Also you're calculating it wrong, its 20%, because 932,353 cases have a defined outcome, and of those 742,255 recovered or were discharged and 190,098 died.

You don't count ongoing cases into the death rate calculation.

The current deaths are actually severe undercounts, moron. You need to at least double it for all the care home and outside of hospital deaths. Morality averages don't like. This is Biblical. Keep coping you dirty little sweat spic filth, and stop posting on white boards.

I know, I'm just saying 7% is literally the best it can get from this point onwards. This will be the bare minimum death rate since it's going by all confirmed cases to all confirmed deaths, and that can only increase.


Must feel awful getting BTFO by a literal who country like mine, and I'm not even using memeflags.

Err, no? You can have the proportion of discharged go up without increasing deaths.

You're a fucking retard, no matter how you look at it Chung flu is raising daily death totals far beyond average

>Err, no? You can have the proportion of discharged go up without increasing deaths.

Sweety. If all current confirmed deaths are 7% of all current confirmed cases. That number cannot go down unless cases continue to rise while deaths taper off. Which simply is not happening and won't.

This is simple mathematics, hunni. Little embarrassed for you now, actually.

The death rate is literally below 1% and the antibody testing is revealing that.

CDC total deaths remain unchanged , pneumonia and heart diseases are "down" and magically corona is "UP UP UP". Try again.

go back to twitter smooth brained faggot. Literally a bullshit thread by a memeflag sage.

Go back to /cvg/ brainlets

this post informed post
OP ill informed fagmo


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>So are you

>Which simply is not happening and won't.

The whole point of the lockdown is to spread the peak out and reduce the amount of cases that are occurring simultaneously and not having to triage ventilators. Once you get past that point the rate of death to cases should drop off.

Imagine not actually checking quad quads. I won't reply to you anymore.

who tf is dying from coronavirus outside the hospital lmao.
>hospitals hilariously underwhelmed everywhere
who on earth, especially now, would be sick enough to not get tested and be admitted to the hospital with coronavirus? you are a cuck

after an initial rise, deaths are far below projected non-pandemic levels. if they were stretched out, it still wouldnt account for the dropoff we see now. and no, it isnt the goddamn lockdowns bro

Checked quads of bad luck

No-one cares about that shit user.

>7.8 billion humans
>not even 0.1 percent of the population has died

Literally nothing. Also as others have stated the put your cause of desth as corona if you had it at time of death, even with no symptoms.

Holy shit user, i dont have bodybag this big

It's pretty common knowledge almost all countries are only reporting hospital deaths and that unreported deaths outside hospitals are almost as high as those they have reported in hospitals.


lol. also
>al jazeera
>the daily beast
again, who tf is sick enough to have coronavirus, then NOT get tested for it, then be sick with it at home and NOT go to the hospital, than DIE from it and have it not be recorded. hospitals are literally laying people off and recording everything apart from car accidents and gunshot wounds as covid-19. you really think the media wouldnt be running with this?
>they dont want to incite panic
apart from non-stop coverage and bullshit prop stories for the past two months encouraging total lockdown. but this is just ignored lol. also meme flag

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>more cope

You're genuinely not worth the effort, and this is barely any effort.

How cute, CCP is trying patronizing. Or is it commie far left democrats? Either way, hang yourself.

> oh lookies at my scaremongering bullshit courtesy of the fake news media

The death rate of people who are sick enough to go to the hospital for this flu isn't great, but the actual death rate for infected is less than 1%. Firstly the antibody testing is showing that the number of infected is higher than initially thought by an order of magnitude at least. Secondly this is America where unless you're rich or really sick you don't go to the hospital to get Advil and a $50k bill. You only go if you're near death anyway, which is inflating the death rate again. Thirdly hospitals are inflating numbers to get government funding.

And finally fuck the Chinese and fuck jannies.

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For example, a study that came out today indicates that about 14% of NY's population has had and recovered from the virus. That's would be a 91% drop in the mortality rate there, if anyone was curious.