Joe Rogan has damaged an entire generation of men with his marijuana promoting. He makes it seem like you can be a motivated, energetic, successful millionaire while smoking weed. He is an outlier. I have never met a successful stoner in real life. NEVER. The guys I know who indulge in real life are all lazy, unmotivated, and living near the baseline
>Why is he doing this to us?
Rogan Weed Propoganda
>He makes it seem like you can be a motivated, energetic, successful millionaire while smoking weed.
but you can be that
I smoke weed every day and chainlink made me rich
He's literally a fucking clown. What did we even expect?
COPE harder.
I hit the bong in an a anti-weed state and make $165k pretax.
I know a lot of rogan listeners but don’t know a single one who believes his weed propaganda excluding the ones who were pot heads to begin with.
The wheel of fortune made you rich, not being motivated and energetic.
Some people can smoke weed and not be affected much, and those people push it on everyone else as if everyone is like them.
Think of it like this; Micheal Phelps ate McDonalds every day. Everyone took that as a sign that McDonalds could be eaten without affecting you, while forgetting that Micheal Phelps was born with the genetic lottery and fucking 13 inch hands
Finland is only known for heavy metal.
I doubt any Finnish have a successful podcast as Joe. Stay salty my friend.
I went from an income of around $20k to $80k in ohio in 3 years while smoking weed just about every day.
I agree that in general weed is bad but its not impossible to have success while being a stoner. The reason your perceptions give you that idea is because the obvious stoners are the retarded stoners. The smart stoners keep quiet about it.
>I have never met a successful stoner in real life.
Anecdotes are not statistical.
>successful stoner
Larry Ellison, George Zimmer (Men's Wearhouse), almost everyone in Silicon Valley.
Yes, yes. We all know. Everyone here makes more than 6 figures and has the figure of Adonis.
This. Only retards can’t handle their drugs. Same thing for alcohol. You can drink and still get shit done. You can also become an alcoholic and let your life go down the shitter. It’s all up to you Manifest destiny.
Tl;dr op is a fag
I was motivated and energetic enough to do the research and make 2 million dollars
what have you achieved sober?
nothing lol you wagecucked like a cottonpicker nigger
Anyone who listens to this retard is low IQ to begin with so it's not like anything of value was lost.
>i clear six figures post tax
sure you do, kid
>The reason your perceptions give you that idea is because the obvious stoners are the retarded stoners. The smart stoners keep quiet about it.
This is false. The reason is because successful stoners are a very small percentage of stoners. You know this too.
>I have never met a successful stoner in real life
Cringe. You have met many many of them and you didnt even realize it. Lots of people smoke, and dont talk about it with you obviously because youre a faggot.
>be me
>opened my custom paintshop at 29
>no loans
Business boomin'
>housekeeping gf
>literally high aaaall the time
>pretty much a stoner Varg
Kilk yourself, mutt filth
rare based leaf
>muh succesful podcasts are way more important than a working society
Never change mr. mutt
With that said though, I would kill kike rogain in a heartbeat, together with all his kike guests. Seriously, 9 outta 10 are hooknoses. Faggot.
I hate Rogan for this lmao just do drugs bullshit. Weed but especially the shrooms and DMT. It's just a degenerate hobby for pretentious dumbasses.
Truth. There's an entire generation of men aged 20-40 that cling on his every word. It's so scary considering how utterly stupid he is.
Nah, m8, I make six figures but added 25 lbs of fat to my once-built frame, now I probably look just like you.
Great thread onions user
Shut up retard. Everyone makes their own decisions. If idiots want to smoke, they have free will
which one did you bet on that didn't pay out or were you not motivated enough to put the time into learning enough to where you felt comfortable investing?
Seeping irony in this post. Weed lovers are the most onions of all men.
You guys are idiots. I stopped drinking and started smoking only weed after working out and being done with work for the day.
Made 6 figures for several years now I’m my own boss. Still smoke, a bit more than normal right now but DGAF.
Oh those 2 jews you listed use degenerate drugs and have millions of dollars. God that’s shocking thanks for sharing this revelatory piece of information.
If you smoke, drink and take recreational drugs you're also dumb and subhuman as him.
I only smoke the devils lettuce because alcohol is fucken gay and just poisons you.
While weed let's me commune with Joe Rogans in the astral plane. When was the last time any of you losers did Astral DMT with Ascended Rogans?
Imagine where you would be if you quit both alcohol and weed.
Nice dude business must be booming with all the sweedes that need you to spray them brown
Only online do I hear about all these 6 fig super successful stoners. In real life everyone I know that smokes weed is a loser. I smoked weed in my youth, I quit once I got out of college. All my friends that still smoke weed work dead end jobs and still live with their parents in their mid to late 20's. They;ll never make it in life. Glad I quit that shit. And joe rogan didn't even start smoking until he was 30 years old, and had his career together.
weed is fucking shit anyway.
salvia is a far better alternative
>The guys I know who indulge in real life are all lazy, unmotivated, and living near the baseline
They were this way before weed. Weed just brings out your natural state more.
/GBG/ - Greek Borders General
All the really successful men I know either came from money or are gay.
>taking advice from e-celebs
>marijuana has been proven to lower testosterone levels
>Rogan has been on TRT for years
He's a fucking hypocrite and anyone who seriously listens to him for life advice is a fucking tool. With that said, when he doesn't have comedians on, his pod cast is nice background sound.
On the gay side, they are successful because they don't spend their money chasing women and gay guys tend to hire other gay guys.
just am
When he doesn't have comedians or MMA faggots, it is decent.
Because every job drug tests it’s fucking stupid. Lmao smoke weed and you’re fucked for atleast 3 months in terms of a drug test.
Actually agree with this 100% and have thought about this very topic for years. I was 17 when the first JRE came out and I was listening from the start. I actually hate him for his extremely biased and uneducated views on weed.
Boys and young men should not touch weed. Joe Rogan started smoking weed well into his late 30s. His brain has already formed and set, all his habits and traits were already ingrained into him, so him smoking weed is passing through an already well-progammed filter.
Your mind is all over the place when you are young. Weed WRECKED my memory and cognition that university was 10x harder than it should have been. It is literally a motivation killer.
Everything you promote doesn't necessarily have to be responsible/conservative/the right thing. Weed has had overly bad rep for decades, now people overcompensate a bit.
Seethe. OP asked for rich and successful people that blaze, I provided two largely self-made men who fit the bill.
This is true, gay men operate like the mob. Especially gay men that came from money. They hook each other up with the good jobs.
Weed never made you a loser nor anyone you know, it made you/them ok being a loser I smoked weed daily since 15, finished my undergrad, graduate and doctoral work before 30. Started a compnay and am now retired at 40. Still smoke weed. Again weed doesnt make you a loser, it makes you joke with being a loser
>The reason is because successful stoners are a very small percentage of stoners. You know this too.
the number of successful people is a small percentage of people. most people I know, stoner or not, are working jobs a 16 year old can do and have no aspirations to use their free time to learn more valuable skills. I believe the percentage of people willing to put in the extra work to gain valuable skills is slightly higher amongst non drug users, but as far as how much higher, neither you or I have any idea. Most of the stoners I hung out with back when I smoked regularly ended up doing rather well for themselves, but thats also mostly because I dont hang out around losers who bitch all day about how the system is rigged against them and thats why they cant do well for themselves.
Of course it is a motivation kill. It releases dopamine, the hormone that should be released when you achieve goals. It kills the need to achieve goals.
>motivated, energetic, successful millionaire while doing drugs
Literally every single billionaire is a drug addict, what are you trying to say Moshe?
it’s also worth mentioning that he got into pot AFTER becoming a celebrity and making it. If he had been a stoner in his youth, he might not have.
I guess that’s my advice to people is to just wait until you are older to smoke weed like late 30s. If you’re a failure at 40, might as well toke it up, nothings going to get better and you tried your best. If you’ve made it, and live comfy, then why not toke up and celebrate the life you’ve created. Since your comfortable in life at that point, and your brain is mature, your risk of dependency is fairly low.
>never met a successful stoner.
Your drug dealer doesn’t count.
whoever made that meme knows fuckall about programming syntax.
I smoke everyday.
everything is relative right, but i am making more than 95% of the population of my country according to official statistics.
Also own my house and if it wasn't for this corona shit, I would be visiting plots of land for sale right now, to build vacation home. I'm only 34 and have 2 kids. All my friends told me dont smoke man youre going to ruin your life. Turns out they are all loser and I will roll one up right now just for the sake of it :)
I smoke weed every day and am a PhD student in mathematics at the University of Oxford.
If they listen to a guy like Joe did they even have any potential to start with?
He fails to mention all the butt pumping involved
those people are lazy either way...
I smoke weed every day and I have almost 20k in the bank
anti-cannabis pharma-jew thread
>Implying people have to do at least one drug
False. We can live with the consciousness we were created with.
Maybe you don't need to medicate at all.
What do you sober fags do ? I grow my own, I dont sell. Nobody knows besides my friend who has the money to bail me out if i fuck up. But rather than that i function like all you fucks I guess. Saving for house, doing some investing, working fairly comfy job. I lift at home, cook my own food, i have a clean apartment, all bills paid off, no credit, vidya once a week. I dont spend Money on stupid shit, unless upgrading my grow. Dunno i feel pretty good about my life. If shit goes down I will just go underground and make money of it. Thats a good skill to have and easy to pickup. I was hiking one time and found about 50 flowering plants, some dude made good money out of it and there is morally nothing wrong with it.
>I have never met a successful stoner in real life.
I've known plenty. Problem is that successful people who smoke rarely ever tell others that they smoke because they're defined by their success and they understand the social implications of speaking about it. While on the flip side, the dredges of society whom do can't wait to tell you.
so you admit we are responsible for our own lives not Jews? Well 99% of pol would disagree
i never saw a single lolweed movie growing up and now im gay
if it wasn't for joe smoking weed on his podcast id probably be catholic or a paedophile by now
Felt the same thing, literally all the businessmen I know do either weed or coke
>marijjuana proven to lower testosterone levels
for real? fuck
that's the goal