Essential Worker General /EWG/

Just got off work. Man. Am I sick of this goddamn company.


how are you Anons holding up

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Fuck Management. Fuck Corporate.
This isn't what the Founding Fathers wanted...



Why the fuck did Americans insist on stealing our town names along with everything else?

I work at Sam's Club. Fucking love these new hours. Less customers, for some reason half our staff is missing. No occurance points.

wagie wagie rage in cagie

Hey guys, i just wanted to say you're heroes. You're literally holding the weight of society on your backs.
Godspeed bros.

So it's essentially a gourmet grocery store for the rich


Best cheeses and meats and all types of shit...5 star quality. Liquors. Etc..

We actually get a lot of Brits and rich Foreigners.. And ironically the company mostly employs Mexicans

Lucky bastard.
Not for long Faggot. Just gotta wait until the end of the Quarantine. Literally. Then I have an amazing opportunity.

Thanks Brazil bro, really appreciate it

Stop spraying carts with that hand sanitizer shit. Last weekend I grabbed a cart and it was all sticky cause of that stuff had to clean the handle with some good old spit and shine


As someone who has never worked a day in his life, and always relied on gibs made possible by people like you, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you weren't out there risking your life, I couldn't live without doing anything. Thank you.

I sell cans of spray paint. Apparently I'm essential. At least I have a job I suppose.

I use disinfectant and multisurface cleaner with peroxide. I don't do it lazy, either (like most of those wetbacks) I wipe it down completely.

You're not even American lmao faggot

>15 people got infected where I work
>everybody is working like nothing happened
I am tired of being a paypig formy mom and shitty sisters

Tell me about it user
Dunno how it is in your Nation.. But ours is fucked.

You know what I'm tired of? The stupid, entitled rich people and third world Hispanics.

Some of the rich are cool. Same with SOME of the Hispanics... But. In reality? They're both trash. One os pretentious. One is ignorant, greedy, nepotistic.. Oh. Can't this virus shit end already so I can start my new job?????


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imagine makin close to minimum wage disinefcting carts while others at home playin video games are now getting unemployment+$600/week, $1200 trump bux, food stamps, medicaid, and TANF. that's socialism for you.

Well to be fair the 30th is my last week. They did lay me off. Supposedly. But i dont trust them.. Something smells fishy. But i have to wait and see..

I made $20 an hour yesterday cleaning carts all day, you're getting fucked user

Why not quit on account of Corona and get 600 a week? Do you at least have healthcare?

No unemployment if you quit. You need to be fired or laid off

There is if you refuse to work due to Corona I thought? My place shut down but the fuckers at unemployment haven't sent my gibscard.

I make minimum wage at a store that sells shit like hot tubs, cushions, bed sheets etc. The CEO sent in empty freezers just before the lockdown, so it counts as an 'essential' retailer. I now have to go to work to sell useless shit to retards, exposing myself to hundreds of people a day. It's been busier here than ever before, and there's no help from anyone at the top because all upper management are self isolating.

The police keep turning up, and our council are trying to shut the place down, but the government didn't give them the power to do so, and don't give enough of a fuck. I work in admin side of the store, and my office has turned into a therapy session of people coming to sit with me to vent all of their rage and get away from the shop floor. Middle aged women are coming to me and crying, they're doing so much, risking their life, for literal minimum wage, just so one billionaire can earn MORE money.

The Range for any bongs interested, please don't go and shop there, and don't say it's good for the economy, all it's banks are off shore, the company pays no tax. Yes, I am going to quit.

I guess it's really inconsistent. I got one buddy who quit for the gibs and he got fucked

If you quit you are fucked. Now. They supposedly laid me off and my last week is the 30th.
What I am scared for... I hope they don't lie and say I quit or was fired. If they lie and fuck me like that.

It ain't gonna be pretty or nice what happens.

No. Corporations act as if thr Pandemic is inexistent. I even spoke to vice pres of Human Resources at my company and he didnt even know wtf to tell me because he knew I was right

Damn. Could be me soon.. Hope not. Hopefully I do just get laid off.

Schools and a lot of businesses are closed. All their trash goes in their home trash cans. My fucking shoulders are killing me!

Sounds like your company is owned by motherfuckers with the same mentality as the motherfuckers that own mine

They deserve to be done away with... They destroyed any chance of a Free Market..

But there are SO MANY of them.. So many..

Also morale at my store is fucking 0/10 terrible atm everyone has an issue it is shit

I hope you get your gibs user. You are one who deserves them

Ohhh man. You dont have a truck that picks up the bins for you? Or did i misunderstand

I do have an automated truck but it isn’t mandated everyone has the carts. Lots of people still use normal trash cans. Maybe 60% cans still.

Thanks user.. I don't get much unless i fucking take it however..nothing is ever given to me

Which is why if the State fucks me and i continue to get fucked from all avenues of Life I am resorting to crime and a new identity fuck the bullshit m8

Oh that fucking sucks... Man
Well brcause of people like you our Streets don't look like goddamn North Africa so i truly thank you bud

>works in a dead-end job
>complains about the dead-end job

Wow you right-wingers sure are dumb poorfags if you're not working from home making $20+ an hour.

Nurse here. This virus stuff isnt as stressful as people are making it out to be. My job is almost empty. Still wish more people would appreciate the personal sacrifice I’m making by saving infected people that are too stupid to follow social distancing guidelines and basic sanitation because there are a few people infected that I have had to be around last week. Overall not too bad especially because they almost doubled my pay for coming in.

Quietly form a union and rape them while the raping is good. If they fire you and the rest over it go to Goybook and Twitter and talk loud and long about they fired heros. Then start writing some faggy book about it. Cash in.

Fellow essential worker here. I've been enjoying my 5 week vacation, but I saved enough for 4 months of bills and a 20% down payment on a house.

Step into my office, user

Tell me how Ohm's Law can be applied AT ALL while at home in order to wire someones home that just had a short

While I agree it is a dead end job, your statement contradicts itself due to it's blatant fucking nonsense

Low's food is kinda comfy and the old people are nice.

America has English roots. All your quality people left that hellhole of an island years ago and you guys took in niggers and pakis in their place because only retards stayed behind.

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I appreciate you at all if you can help me when I am vulnerable.. As long as you're the type of Nurse (dude or chick) that doesnt fuck with those gay ass tiktok videos and actually is ready whenever a situation occurs to SAVE that person.. I love you from the bottom of my heart

You're the one who decided to be some lame blue-collar electrician. Any intelligent person fixes their own electrical issues, or wires their own homes and just has an inspector come take a look.

Seriously, if someone can't figure out hot, neutral, and ground, then they must be a fucking idiot.

Califag here, and I work at a Savemart. Full time college student and my boss has been making us work a shit ton of hours. These zoom classes fucking suck and post discussions online when I am at work. I feel tired and want it to be summer already.

I work for a huge parts company for the east coast. They're giving us nothing but demanding everything. Its bad. We're getting no sort of compensation for being out here in a pandemic. Its insane

Spoke to other Employees about it.. While they all agree they are scared. People are turning into bootlickers now too. Its a fucked up work environment... Before the virus it was nice and comfy desu....ythink i should email my local news? If so how should i word it?
But are we really any different with the... Blacks and Hispanics... I feel sorta bad if i say nigger rn, a church came by and a black dude gave me a lunch with snacks for my "service"... I guess some nogs are cool...

lol you lost the war. If you hadn't maybe we would still be a colony.

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Lucky faggot
Your Office is disorganized, looks and smells like shit - and you look like a goddamn truck ran you over

>mostly employs Mexicans

They are the only people willing to settle for such demeaning jobs.

I am not an electrician. My Grandpa is. Gonna help him work labor wise this coming week(s) as he lives next town over (Palm Springs.)
He needs the help. Fuck it.

And... Yeah. Some people are scared of touching anything involved with a current enough to kill a man..hence electricians high pay

I was at a funeral home yesterday fixing a refrigerated trailer, saw the bodies coming in none stop, the guys driving the cars and handling the body bags weren't even using gloves or masks, btw im not getting hazard pay and its slow as shit, I have to drive around looking for work, I wish we would just shut down already. they laid 4 people off already and they get to stay home away from all this shit.
Thanks I guess