30+ year old men

Is a single male that is 30 and above a redflag for women? I mean surely by 30 you should have found someone and started your career by now. Yas Forums likes to talk about how 30 year old single women are a problem, but aren't the men too? Most good looking guys looks start to go down after 30 as well.

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yes I get way more mires now then I ever did in my 20s

i am a disgrace to my family, because being in your late 20s without a proper job and no relationship is considered being a failure.

For most men, you become more attractive for young women as you age until 40 unless you are balding. After 40 you start getting less and less attractive to women. Reverse is true for the "Milfs", the closer a guy is to a teenager, the more she thirsts for him.

Rationale: Era of daddy issues, young women see daddy in older guy.

Older women don't suffer from daddy issues nearly as much, seek man with maximum virility.

Female hypergamy
Chad widows
etc etc

well, they aren't exactly wrong

Bullshit, older men are only attractive if they have money. Majority of women want a guy that is like 25.

Wtf. 30 is your prime life as a man.

Fortunately for me I'm 31 but I still will find a fresh 18-20 year old Muslim wife, and did I say that she was fresh?

says who?

Only to fuck, maybe. They think of most men in the 30-40 year gap as competent and more successful and established than in the 20-30, basically someone with his shit together. This is true only due to daddy issues. Women want to be owned and older men fit that niche quite well.

thats what roasties tell the 18year old that i fuck daily. she doesnt seem to care as long as she can drive around in my cars

Lol most 25 year old men still live like shit and have roommates

It wasn’t until i was about 28 that I finally started to feel like I had my shit together and it’s really only gotten better since I’ve turned 30. 20s are peak for women but for men its just a lot of figuring shit out. I’d say 30-40 is probably peak for men

>Is a single male that is 30 and above a redflag for women?
Depends on why you are single. If it's because you're 30 and have never had sex or a girlfriend, yeah, you're fucked. Figuratively.
>After 40 you start getting less and less attractive to women
That's not true. While I'm no Brad Pitt, I'm decent looking and in decent shape, well over 40, and have no problem attracting women in their 20's.
And no, I'm not rich either. Just mature, which plenty of young women like.

i'm 44 and get all the 18-30 yo girls I want. I love seeing their guy friends seething as I give them the BXC

owning a home and 2 cars goes a long way to woman who just got out of highschool looking at a 100k student debt

I just like living by myself gramps. Never lived with a woman yet, age 29

You don't see why you're wrong? If you need your "shit together" to pull women, they aren't actually attracted to you they just want your shit and to leech off you. Does a 22 year old chad need a good job or money to pull sweet ass? Of course not.

keep telling yourself that, poorfag

Says anyone who is almost 30.
20-25 me was a fucking retard, homie. Naive, irresponsible, pissed money away on booze and chasing women. 27 or 28 you finally start to figure out who you really are. You start to realize that women are actually toys. Confidence + shekels = anything you could ever want in life. People talk about feeling old, but if you take care of yourself and didn’t catch the short end of the genetic stick, you look and feel great still.

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I honestly don't give a fuck.

Men should marry at 35 to a woman of 18 years.
t. Aristotle

>caring about what women want
thats your first mistake friend. they want money over looks. and they give me sons while they look at your shoes and say aww thats a shame coulda been a nice guy

>I just like living by myself
Cool, same here.
But did I even mention cohabitation ? Nope.

Based my grandfather married at 40 and my grandmother was in mid 20s.

this. you cucks arent smarter then this guy right here.

>she’s only attracted to you because of what you’ve accomplished not because of your looks

Wow what a tragedy how will i ever recover

next they will tell us our slaves dont really like us because we are mean

you give me hope, user. I'm 26, just got a salaried job, but feel like a failure because I didn't have 5 kids by 25 like my parents. Frankly I'd love 8 little shitlings of my own but haven't found a worthy woman yet. Maybe it's still in the cards for me. Maybe if i buy a house by 30, have a career, stability, and a future, and continue to Yas Forums I'll be less of an autist about approaching women, as right now I have nothing to offer them.
Otherwise, at about 40 I plan on committing constitutional terrorism because fuck a retirement plan.

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That's just what ugly guys say. I didn't even have a salaried job until 28 years old, before that I didn't have a pot to piss in and had no trouble attracting women. And i'm no brad pitt, just a bit above average looking and over 6 ft.

No. Women want you .to boost their social status and lifestyle.


Being 30ish is pretty great compared to your 20s. Plenty of money, house, job, good physical fitness, etc. Assuming you figure your shit out by then. I definitely feel like I get more attention from women of all ages as well, but there is still the anxiety of not having a suitable wife. I'm sure it is one of those things that you could enjoy in hindsight with the extra freedom and cash if you just knew it was guaranteed to happen in the future.

>haven't found a worthy woman yet. Maybe it's still in the cards for me
Depends. Have you had sex (with a woman, not your hand or another guy) yet ?

like twenty-five, to like thirty three is pretty much the most attractive age physically to the biggest population of dating women.

>still caring what women think

you aren't even employed
here's a thread for all of you that is of the utmost importance

>tfw "proper" career
>make 80k a yr
>stuck in the boonies
>turning 28 this years
I'm not going to make it bros, but I guess in the end it is what it is.

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ok boomer

I'm 27 now. Pretty much just planning to stay a single virgin until I'm about 65, then kill myself.

I like your ending, but why the virgin part?

I constantly get annoyed by roast beef because they want some daddy to take care for their thot ass. My current plan is to marry a virgin that is under 25. Will probably not succeed but I sure won't touch any women that is my age, they stink and look like 45+.

I wouldn't say I get all the girls I want. I don't even try. I don't dress like a slob and can speak English properly and have a sense of humor. I'm 51 and women seem to be attracted to me still. Not rich but no debt and own a home (inherited)

No. Men aren't the same as women

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I'm 31 in a few months. Never even held a female hand. Unlike many who've had a similar life experience, I don't regret it at all.

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I've had my share of relationships, they always ended after the 6 month mark, usually when they started talking about hating children and how they could never be a mother.

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cool. and yall can go back to your designated sbitting street and fuck in your cardboard box for all i care.

Gen X posters are the cringiest larpers on the board.

I’m reaching my 40s and I’m still single.
Pulling tail easier than I ever have.
It’s all about energy and money and self improvement.
Yes I have kids.

You'll probably be ok then.
But it's time that you thought about why you were in relationships with those types in the first place, and changed that if possible.

>No. Men aren't the same as women
I don't believe that. Men and Women are both humans, and my girlfriend loves me the way I love her. Unconditional true love.

I got married at 36, right in the middle of a career change. Life is comfy now with new job working from home and baby on the way.

I'm having the time of my life in my 30s and look better than I ever did in my 20s. I'm also fucking traps and fem boys more often. I bever got to do any of that shit in my 20s.