Immigrating to russia

i'm fucking tired of my country. i'm sick of justin trudeau and his diversity. i'm tired of immigrants stealing our jobs. i'm tired of watching my country go to shit.

i have made up the decision to move to russia. i want to live in a conservative country that doesn't bow down to diversity. i hate the fact that women here race mix.

any russians here have any advice? im looking at remote jobs where i can work in English while learning the language

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Other urls found in this thread:тaтья

Russia is way worse than Canada, and you are a traitor. I hope Trudeau sends you to the gulags.

also i'm learning russian during the lock down

>traitor to a post-national state
He's just participating in the market of allegiances :^)

KEK what is trudeau going to do? give me $2000 for being white and leaving the country

You will never ever learn Russian at a non-laughable level if you're not a native slav

Get дeнги before you make stupid threads. Bring 50k dollars and make at least 2k a month remotely.

>i'm tired of immigrants stealing our jobs.
>goes to russia to steal their jobs

Russia is way worse. It's like Mexico on steroids.

>tired of immigrants
>becomes immigrant

>any russians here have any advice?


And I would recommend to move to Britain.
Russia is not as conservative as you think.

We have a lot of Muslims. Im Moscow or St Pete especially.

Weed is prohibited.

But we don't have any blacks. And we don't have any liberal Marxist.
Even our left are conservative.

Don’t do it dude, Russia is falling apart before our eyes.
Wait until at least 2024, because now everything is very indeterminately, the economy has completely collapsed, state institutions have been destroyed and corrupt. The goverment has been usurped by the oligarchy.

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my english is shit

>i want to live in a conservative country that doesn't bow down to diversity.
If you don't speak Russian, you'll most likely end up living in Moscow which is the diversity capital of Russia.

>im looking at remote jobs
IT is in layoffs now due to corona and teaching English isn't an option as most language schools are closed. Even when this isn't the case, the job market is competitive. The westerners who do well here did well in their home countries before they moved here.

Meet a girl here and get married. This is the only way to survive. The Soviet Union bureaucracy never ended here.

Big cities in Russia aren't Eastern Europe EU cheap. If you don't have significant savings, you are fucked.

>i'm sick of justin trudeau and his diversity. i'm tired of immigrants stealing our jobs. i'm tired of watching my country go to shit.
And yes, in Russi still the same thing, it just is not noticeable.

>i want to live in a conservative country
Russia is conservative only in words and in propaganda.

Uh they have more muslims than anyone ombre.

You should check Americans who moved to Russia:

>Uh they have more muslims than anyone ombre.
Yes dude, they come from Central Asian countries.
Nationalists have long demanded a visa regime with these countries, but Putin only needs money; he sold the Russian people to the oligarchy.

Also, do not forget that nationalists are persecuted in Russia, these are real political repressions under article 282 of the criminal code.тaтья

Wait you’re saying russia isn’t le BASED REDPILLED white county that pol was telling me about

I've honestly considered this too, but it's really not practical. I think even Russians who were born there but left are having a hard time getting back to the motherland, so like pyccкий user said, unless you're already successful here, have alot of money, or a woman to get married to, it's not realistic.
Pro tip: Get into the agricultural sector user; big things happening.

This is propaganda.
The Putin regime is a regime of TOTAL LIES, manipulation and substitution of concepts.

Do not watch RT ever.

>And I would recommend to move to Britain.

Why in the world would you recommend that?

move to Asia

Your future is neo liberal degeneracy, so obviously you'll try to run, but take care, they isolated and heavily sanctioned Russia so it cannot grow, also tried to murder it by taking the Ukraine, a heavily connected economical partner. Attacked on all fronts for rejecting neo liberal feudalism. He was literally at war with the oligarchy for 10 years and because of that Russia was punished for wanting to be independent from degenerate world view global elite are planning for humanity. You can see those agendas in play every day in the west.

>any russians here have any advice?
Yes, don't go. There's a reason Canada has so many Russians: Russia is a shithole. Get off Yas Forums and get a reality check, friend.

fuck off. russia is full

germany is a much better place to move to in my opinion. only come if you're jewish.

Every country on earth has Russians, it's not exclusive to Canada.

Attached: Russian prostitute price in China.jpg (726x1024, 640.33K)

You're proving my point. Why do they all want to get out?

No dindus? Tell me more...

is that cheap? also where is this? asking for a friend...

You can't run from the kind of problems our countries have. Do not become a burden to the Russians

For the same American and Canadian women do BLACKED: because they want to.

Shanghai. But most Chinese cities have Russian prostitutes, the capital of your country must be crawling with Russian prostitutes. Most places with beaches have Russian prostitutes.

Wait a year or so.
Their is going to be a economic crash.
It will become conversation then you just have to wait

U are just a lazy ass guy who coom 24 24

nope, the capital is filled with disgusting brown Venezuelan whores, if there where Russian escorts i would've already fucked them all since i find them so exotic.

The moment you step into Russia, you will be tracked. And not "USA tracked", "Russia tracked." They will know when you eat, sleep, and shit. They will monitor you for at least 1 year to make sure you aren't a spy. Then, the tracking will be a little bit relaxed. But you will be tracked until the day you die. The KGB was the best intelligence agency in embedding life long spies into other countries. They are well aware of this game. You will not have any freedom. Anything you watch, browse, and download will be recorded and used against you.

Also, unless you have half a million DOLLARs, you will live 45 minutes outside the city and won't have a private toilet. You will have to use the 1 toilet for the whole floor. I'm not joking.

Have fun!!