Imagine if the far right and the far left were to unite. Natsoc and true marxism share a lot of core values and most of the same enemies.
The jews, the bourgeois, the central bankers are all the same group.
We could make the Nazbol gang meme a real movement and fuck the neolib and cuckservative centrist establishment from both sides of the spectrum. It would be fucking glorious.
Imagine if the far right and the far left were to unite...
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Juche already exists. Go defect to North Korea if you want to give the nazbol world conquest speedrun a try.
Isn’t that just Strasserism
we could. if communism wasn't a tool of the jews.
>Natsoc and true marxism share a lot of core values
fuck off back to /leftypol/
Problem being he most likely isn't Korean. Wouldn't it be pretty fucked for what I assume is an ethnonationalist to crash an ethnostate?
You have to go back.
If we lived in a white ethnostate would you be opposed to socialism tho?
My main problem is with socialism is that currently it mainly benefits niggers and immigrants but in an all white society collectivism sounds more functional
Kek. I'm not a gook so i wouldn't be very welcome in a gook ethnostate.
Don't you want to abolish usury and nationalize corporations ? I'm more natsoc then tankie but all i want to smash is cultural marxism. I have no problem with the original economic marxism.
Sounds good in theory are there any left that are not "anti-racist" and/or straight up faggots?
pretty sure thats capitalism your thinking of.
Go back to your country, cracker.
Marxism is a Jewish tool designed to subjugate atomized people under an elite. It is utterly ant-family and anti-nation.
Not many, there are a few on bunkerchan i believe.
Visiting wouldn't be such a big deal though. I think we have absorbed most of the salvageable tankies and such. Post-war propaganda has obliterated people's minds and most of the far left prefer neoliberalism to cooperation. Plus its dangerous to associate with just the regular right. Never mind the far/dissident right.
>Marxism is a Jewish tool designed to subjugate atomized people under an elite. It is utterly ant-family and anti-nation.
But the jews are the bourgeois, in a state with a strong emphasis on ethno-nationalism marxism wouldn't be anti nation.
Die, jew.
Depends on who's in charge. Lenin and Trotsky where disgusting. Lenin was pretty traditional and promoted healthy families and allowed the orthodox church to operate again.
Communism is as Jewish as the Mafia is Italian
Marx was literally a jew, Moshe.
It's also dangerous to associate with communism because the boomers remember when the news shilled "MUH RED SCARE" 24/7. Both the far right and the far left are condemed ideologies in the eyes of the normies.
That's the problem. When most people think of left they think of lib-tards etc. but that's got nothing to do with true commies, for example Communists in Poland kicked the Jews back to Israel.
Not a kike, but i doubt you'll believe me
Exactly, fuck normies.
That's one of the most retarded ideas I've ever heard. Communism is about removing inequalities (including race and nationality). It's an Internationalist ideology, focused on uniting the whole earth under 1 equal way of living
How would that work with Nazism?
Oh boy, do you know why National Socialism is National SOCIALISM ?
Based. There are a few tankies out there that understand jews=bourgeois.
Yes because Hitler wanted to create his own idea of Socialism completly unrelated to Left wingers, considering he executed left wing Socialists and Communists, you god damn retard.
He shouldn't even have called it Socialism, because retards like you don't understand.
Sounds like it would be more like us just absorbing than an actual alliance.
I am aware of that historically, but currently and especially in The US they are essentially just radical liberals too stupid to know they push the system narrative.
nationalize the socialism faggot
jews created capitalism to enslaves whites.
jews created communism to genocide whites.
get redpilled.
Because socialism sounds way better when you know your tax money is helping your race instead of nigger welfare queens and 3rd world immigrants.
>true marxism
Why do you want Whites following a Jew?
>The jews,
Communism is Jewish, though.
>We could make the Nazbol gang meme
Bolshevism is Jewish too.
thx. btw I'm kinda confused why most Nazis want to staight up kill Jews. They're dangerous for sure, but can be used for progress. Imagine Jews plugged into matrix-like mashines sucking their Jew-Magic out of them, it solves the energetic problem forever.
>Natsoc and true marxism share a lot of core values and most of the same enemies.
The jews
The problem with Marxist first and foremost has alwasy been that they DONT call out the jews and they dont exclude them from their states.
Which inevitablly results in them becoming jew run jewish supremacist fucking shit holes.
The Only Communist countries that we're ever even vaguely propserous being the ones that DIDNT allow jews and ((((International Marxism)))) to buck fuck them like Cuba and Vietnam.
If Leftists are serious about the Red Brown allience they NEED to stop fuckign defending the jews and shilling like bourgeoisie Karens for Trans Rights and Nigger Equality.
Shit is cucked beyond all imagination.
The Civil rights movement, affirmative action ,desegregation, women in the work force and mass immigration were ALL tools used by the Capitalist eliete to supress worker wages and were cheered every step of the way by almost every single Communist group in America.
We can have intelligent conversations about the abolition of wage labor an end to the market system.
But the moment you start larping about how "Black Lives Matter" you need to GTFO with that kiked shit.
This. National socialism is best socialism
I am in my country memeflaggot
Who do you think papa Stalin purged so hard in the 30s ?
>Who do you think papa Stalin purged so hard in the 30s ?
Everyone. While he was protecting Jews and dicking a Jewess.
>Who do you think papa Stalin purged so hard in the 30s ?
and to prove that Stalin was protecting Jews in the 30s...
In answer to your inquiry :
National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.
Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931
First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936
>My main problem is with socialism is that currently it mainly benefits niggers and immigrants
Based and Redpilled.
Though there are some logistical issues of a fully nationalized economy. (Much of which comes from a lack of decentralization that plagues late stage capitalism as well)
Either way it undoubtedly the case that Niggers Spics and other non-whites leaching off of whites is the MAIN and undeniable reason for opposing Socialism in the modern context.
1. Yes they did, Poland is an example.
2. The problem is the Jews were hinding outside.
3. These tranny loving queers are not true left, they're some new abomination.
4.Againg this Multi-culti thing is not true way for socialism.
>imagine being this fucking new
Get out
If we named the jew most of the problems with marxism wouldn't be an issue.
>4.Againg this Multi-culti thing is not true way for socialism.
Even if you had Marxism and an all-White nation, you'd still have multiculturalism because Marx was a Jew. You'd have the people be White but their soul would be Jewish.
We all know the Jew is inherently anti-White.