Brit/pol/ - the master returns edition

>Series of Binfires reported in Ipswich over night

>Youths sought over raging Binfire near housing estate

>Supermarket staff and public put out Barking Binfire

hello Keanecels

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Other urls found in this thread:

scrub under your fingernails


that's what your hands look like if you work a man's job instead of folding jumpers at Primark like you

To the nurses,
the care workers,
the delivery people,
Person wearing turban the bus drivers,
the teachers,
the paramedics,
the shop workers,
the police officers,

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>it's just a flu

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Could you stop posting these old articles

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Also if you sit on the pavement with a begging cup and a mangy dog on a string

find more bin fire stories then you lazy cunt

Also inaccurate.

any of you lads buy bitcoin when i was posting how low it was a few weeks back? would have doubled your money as of today

I'm well known in this general for my opulent lifestyle you newfag, I sniff coke, drink top-shelf liquor and eat fine oriental cuisine and you envy me for it you sconner

So i applied for Universal Credit. It turns out they just start calculating how much your base salary was in your previous role based on the 80% scheme of maximum 2500 quid (I barely made 1500 in my previous role) without even double checking. So it just means they're handing out money to literally everyone no questions asked.

First payment is due 28th april. See how it goes lads

mostly boring though

For me its tidal wave and having ham sandwiches my mum made me which have gone soggy.

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sounds like a LARP t b h kid

Are Royal Mail

Attached: royal mail paki spreader.png (1812x1446, 2.58M)

Why are teachers sneaked in the clap spastic list? The schools are closed.

First for based leader Boris Jewh'n'son

Attached: BorisClapClapClap.webm (480x270, 1.88M)

for me it was seeing the fat kids tits through his top on tidal wave

Never get a gf with hands like that

just hoping a few of the lads got in too
dont think its too late i'm expecting it to double again over the next few weeks

Get in there and tell him how gay he is.

it's not inaccurate. CFR is the only reliable method of measuring the death rate of an ongoing outbreak.

Peter kay looked more fucked then me

Aye, lad.

You are known for posting very blurry and out of date pics, being a mental neet and a dead girlfriend or something.

i feel bad for this guys life decisions.

Just got in from a long walk just before the cult clapping, some fucker was playing bagpipes. I'm in Yorkshire.

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start a thread on outer, yanks will love this

For a moment I thought his boyfriend was on a sunbed

It gives an estimated percentage.
Fuck off and learn basic maths.


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54% of women orgasm during rape, there should be an extra image of her looking happy, rape is the no 1 female fantasy

I briefly worked in the same office as the most beautiful girl I have ever seen back in 2015. I didn't have the courage, maturity or bank balance to approach her so just seethed in silence telling myself I'd say hello to her tomorrow. She smiled at me a couple of times, but I didn't know how to interpret that. The one time I said hello to her, she ignored me, but I understand why she did that. Realistically it wouldn't have worked out, due to my aforementioned lack of courage, maturity and money, but still it's nice to imagine.

why do you envy me for boshing flake and blasting gabber classics?


>estimated percentage
>formula uses confirmed cases and deaths

i want off this ride

Have you ever done coke out of a womans crack, if not your nothing but a larper.

its because you front like a simp

That bad! Damn

okay but stop reposting ancient ones

mate. your mam is yer dad.

Weeeee jannie fucked off Brit/pol at last it seems

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we're only at the beginning of wave 1. there are going to be at least 10 waves.

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your mum doesn't mind, btw she said she'll bring your Horlick's up to the loft for you once she's put the sheets in the wash
you're a poorfag and you invested in ripple you virgin lmfao
and yet you envy me?

At least we arent hearing the same retards on here saying "theres no possibility of a vaccine" anymore

pls leave us alone

I am thinking of giving it a go. Today it turned out I wasn't such a key worker after all, what with there being nothing to do and no prospect of ever having anything to do. One problem is I do have 16k in the bank, but I could arrange not to in hurry.

*only uses CONFIRMED cases
Plenty of people have it and don't suffer any symptoms.
Therefore it's a useless figure for gauging the overall rates.
Now fuck off, the adults are talking.

How long into your "research" did you come up those figures?

>Plenty of people have it and don't suffer any symptoms.
can you prove this?

I tried to off your bird's but she's that fat I lost half oz in there lmfao
you've been tasked
and you envy me for that?

I lost my cokeposter styling on jancels folder

>We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our depot

are they really going to deliver my new iPhone by tomorrow morning?

>confirmed cases
Exactly, only confirmed cases, we still have no idea how many people are actually infected though do we?

just sold some blow to a hairy pudgy scotch bloke, said he was from bearsden but he smelled like boiled cabbage. he must've been 4'11 at most. is that a dwarf?

8 days for a glow plug from germany so (x) doubt

all my claims are properly sourced

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They are all lying bitches. They only say they had an orgasm so you don't kill them after.

>For me it's the three R's: RNHS, RNHS and RNHS.

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you've never sold so much as a pack of crisps from a multipack you loftbound crimelet

It was difficult to comprehend at the time, and even now some people are still unconvinced, but Lenny Henry playing the Jamaican granddad character was a historic moment in British comedy.

The repercussions of these sketches are inspiring a new generation of comedians still to this day.

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>Can you prove this
Can YOU prove that everyone ill with the disease is known about? No
Do we know that many people with the disease are asymptomatic? Yes


Just be sure not to tick the option stating that you have those 16k. Some other lad said he did exactly that and basically delayed his application for another month lol