Harvard University COVID-19 federal policy whitepapers leaked

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Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics developed a series of COVID-19 Rapid Response Impact Initiative white papers. outlining the "emerging consensus" of experts. The Research Initiative Reports recommends:

• Freedom of movement and association be legally readjusted in the interest of public safety (WP 1).

• Accelerated re-entry of incarcerated persons into society giving priority to HIV-infected persons (WP 1).

• ICE immediately release all detained people and cease all enforcement (WP 1).

• Transitions of schools to a digital curriculum with tablet-based learning (WP 1).

• Transitional economic decisions be based on eliminating social inequalities of wealth and opportunity (WP 10).

• Increasing social capital for people of color be given higher priority than helping small businesses stay afloat (WP 10).

• Mandatory routine testing of all Americans (WP 8) supplemented with random testing (WP 6) with a target of approximately 50 million tests administered daily.

• Participation in public life eventually be made contingent on possession of immunity certificates (WP 8) .

• Creation of a new federal institution to manage the crisis with "decisive authority" outside the partisan friction of congressional supervision. (WP 10).

• All national voting be done exclusively by mail with the possibility of enacting compulsory voting (WP 3).

• All non-essential infrastructure and services be shuttered; however, the panel recommends that although non-essential, teleconferencing technology, the television industry, and Youtube be increasingly subsidized (WP10).


• Propaganda-based social shaming (the panel specifically praises a UK Guardian editorial that argues it is ok to yell at people not wearing masks) (WP 6).

• "Verifiable-to-social contacts proofs of hygienic standards" (WP 3).

• Social institutions that require weekly mass gatherings (e.g. churches) be transitioned to videoconferencing-based attendance or permanently closed (WP 3).

• The Federal Reserve Board be given broader legal authority and control of the economy (WP 3).

• All federal subsidies to individuals be contingent on strict monitored compliance with stay-at-home orders (WP 3).

• Stay-at-home compliance be enforced by community-reporting, phone tracking, drones, and algorithmic prediction (WP 3).

• Aggressive federal investment in contact tracing and surveillance technologies (WP 2).

• Thermal scanners be deployed in public gathering spots (WP 2).

• Deploying a nationwide, centralized, Bluetooth-based contract-tracing and exposure alert system using phone apps; phones with the app would also collect and report the location of proximate phones without the app (WP 5).

• Access to public venues and events require members of the public to scan qr codes with their cell phones to enable contact tracing (WP 2).

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I think I'll wait until a more reliable source reports on this. You can't just believe on everything you read online. As far as I know the Gates foundation has been doing a great job.

All of these literally look like democrat talking points how exactly will """transitional ecomic decisions be based on eliminating socil inequalities of wealth and opportunity""" help stop coronavirus.

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Link it. If that evil is real, it requires a government response.

lmao these are such severe measures.
There is no fucking way they would do it for anything with a mortality% under 1%

this virus is worse than is being shared with the populace

Looks like they are getting their dicks hard for the taste of lead.

yeah fuck that dude
not gonna drain my phone for some faggots BC


This is 100% bullshit but I believe it

Sounds like a redditor's wet dream.

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Please post the white paper so that we can go through it. Thanks.

And Trump will go along and even promote it.

Kill them all.

Nah he already said a lot of the shit they want won’t happen.

He will also get re-elected in the fall despite your nattering, kikel.

They also published a roadmap.

Attached: roadmap.jpg (4815x2160, 1.28M)

>Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics developed a series of COVID-19 Rapid Response Impact Initiative white papers

This is it guys, get yourselves ready.

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Look into Nanomix.

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Let's see your nose buddy

He's already gone along this far for a hyped up flu, so we're already talking about the lesser of two evils. Hopefully he won't go any further.

Almost every recommendation is designed to subvert, undermine, and destroy the freedom of a society.

I wonder who is in charge of Harvard?

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Greentext that shit, newfag.

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>Pandemic 1
>dis nigga know something?

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Given that the chair of their chemistry department has been arrested by the feds for his connections to the Wuhan virology lab, Harvard would be wise to just be quiet and stay out of the spotlight right now.

It's not like this came out of their heads they are just the conduit, there are lots of other universities and think tanks that are used to promote these policies.

Does it mention Charles Lieber, the jew who got arrested for involvement in Wuhan?


Check out the whitepaper buried within that outlines more detail. ((They)) slipped all kinds of good shit they have been trying for in there


>Workers and capital can be redeployed to support medicine and public health

>temporary breaking of leases will encourage redeployment to more productive uses

>Voting by mail should also be enhanced and made available without precondition

>To make such tools effective, universal or near-universal availability of high-speed internet connections and mobile connected devices is necessary.

>powers of eminent domain are needed to rapidly increase wireless capability

>police power must be avoided if for no other reason than limited police capacity.

>Conditioning early availability immune testing and certifications on provable compliance is a natural route, as is allowing individuals to prove certified compliance to friends and family.

>Mobilization for transition appears feasible even by the end of April if we can muster sufficient political will.

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The virus has an overall IFR of 0.5% and an IFR of less than 0.1% for under 50s. Fuck that, what a joke. How do these people sleep at night?

>To make such tools effective, universal or near-universal availability of high-speed internet connections and mobile connected devices is necessary.

This is why the coinciding push for 5G.
No one actually wants 5G except billionaire communist satanists

This is why they did those false flags burning towers loudly saying they cause coronavirus. This is the Hegelian Dialectic in action. Youtube and facebook responded to the terrorism by banning any discussion thats anti5G, even in private messages.

Its all an excuse for their global control grid for their one world government that makes us slaves and them nobility

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Too bad even the normiest person on earth never instinctively looks at a frumpy frizzled Jew and thinks they're noble.