Why are millennials so entitled? You’re not entitled to a home.
Why are millennials so entitled? You’re not entitled to a home
>spend years working dead end job since high school since you're a low intelligence, no skill nigger monkey
>save literally none of your money, blow it all on weed and alchohol
>uhhh ooga booga nigger where my house be at n shit
>blame economy
Millenials are worse than boomers. No, worse than jews
Don't pay attention to these blog posts. Millennials don't want that. The fact that this article used the word Millennial is a clear sign that this article's purpose is shock value.
boom boom make lie lie
>1 post by this id
>Luxary home
Nobody wants these houses. The types of houses that people want aren't feasible to build due to regulations created by boomers
Almost all expenses have outpaced inflation and income significantly. It’s almost as if the housing market crashes so disastrously on regular intervals because home prices have nothing to do with fundamentals and can fall as arbitrarily as they rise. The only people seething are those that bought at the peak instead of waiting for the dip.
asuuhhh dude..where is my affordable housing market
I just bought a house. Similar houses in the area were 50-70k less just a year ago. If I wait another year, I'd literally be priced out despite making well above median in my city. These house prices are pure fantasy.
Four bedrooms with a garage and two bathrooms isn’t feasible to build??
All the regulations, codes and regulations will make that house to expensive for people that would want a house that basic. People that could afford it would want more luxary for the price so everyone is stuck building luxary homes.
60% of shitllenials are trash and should be culled for the good of humanity
Eat less Avocado toast and one day thiis will be yours zillow.com
*bootstrap clank*
t. Jude
These people got participation trophies when they lost. What did you expect. They're pathetic.
The Zoomer Reich will save the world.
Lol. Milennials are barely buying new cars and eating out way less. Boomers worked low skill jobs and could afford a house on a giant lot within one to two years. Also you mock people for having 'no skills' then if they graduate college with 100k in debt you'd say 'what retards taking out loans they can't pay'. Fuck you
>Housing market buyers are cheering for a crash
How is this surprising, immoral or in any other way wrong?
Uffffffffff the red-pills.
Yea imagine thinking you could have an actual society and nation to allow you to more easily succeed....... I am hoping for a total collapse that breaks the back of Neo-liberalism.
Fuck yea, winning.....
Why are boomers so entitled? They're not entitled to constantly inflating prices.
Millennials were found to be more likely employed and to work full time compared to other generations. A whopping 79% of millennials were employed (65% full-time), which was far higher than just half of non-Millennials (59%) who were employed, with just 48% holding full-time employment.
Part of Millennials holding more jobs could be because of their educational background. Forty-five percent of Millennials between ages 25 to 36 held a bachelor’s or advanced degree, which was far higher than the 35% for other generations in 2017.
Exactly. GDP is a dirty lie and tying our housing, education and healthcare costs to it but not wages is destroying us.
Pic very related. Just look!
Millennial here, this checks out.
I went to uni for engineering and met my wife who was studying health care.
We both graduate at the same time and get jobs, get married a year after graduation and buy a house 2 years after graduation. Wasn't hard when you're actually saving money, half my paycheck went straight into a savings account
You are not entitled to basic legal rights either:
>*1 post by this Yid
Landlord here. I also wouldn't mind to pick up some properties on the cheap. Not millennial.
im cheering for a market crash prices in australia are ridiculous. chinks and everyone else driving prices up. majority of houses in western sydney over 600k and average wage is 75k. fuck the housing market just another jewish scam. hope everyone who has multiple mortgages necks up plents of cheap houses then
Cant wait for that "millionaire" on youtube to watch his net worth go to 500k
Just get a STEM degree the goverment paid for and like save half your 100k paycheck not hard
Becuase they have destroyed the nuclear family. Which means no stay at home moms. The women have always stayed at home in my family.
>You’re not entitled to a home.
This sums up the Boomer mentality, perfectly.
i hope the whole jewish housing market crashes here in Oz prices are ridiculous 600k for a shitty house out west. im hopeing the cunts with multiple mortgages neck up and we stop internationals buying houses here that would be quite the dream
>Be 25ish.
>Boomer parents sent all jobs overseas.
>Including tech jobs.
Gen X btw.
Boomers only want capitalism when they're screwing over the next generation, and socialism when they want to screw over the next generation. They do not care about the future of their children and grandchildren.