Terrific guy!

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Please remind us how many times DT had contact with or spoke favourably about JE after he was convicted.

That comment seems to come across as oblivious rather than sinister

Yeah that was 20 years ago
As soon as he found out about Epsteins hobby he banned him from all his businesses and was the only witness helpful in his trial providing information
I'd wager trump didnt talk to him in almost 2 decades
Yet the Clinton's had multiple logged visits to his pedo island and the instant hes imprisoned he dies under ridiculous circumstances
And you want to shift the blame to trump lol
Mods delete and ban op for spam and trolling

We should look more into this
Start with the names on his flight log.

Even the guy behind the show you just posted was with old jeffrey, what was his name again?

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Fake News. He knew him, but like many people knew the guy. He was never in the island tho, they were not friends.

> Generic Complement
How many trips did Bill Clinton take on his pedophile plane again?

trump for example

Trump worked with prosecutors voluntarily and gave up a bunch of info on Epstein, as well as banned him from mar a largo for eyeing a 14 year old. Epstein wanted to blackmail trump and trump didn’t fall for it.

>Defending Trump...still

Let’s see your proof

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Some fix it. The record is skipping again.

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Trump was probably on the short list for future elite candidates. They needed his name to be cleared a little.

Are we really sure he isn't comped?

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Lady Guishlaine approved

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Already debunked faggot. Hoped a ride to NY.

Have a glass of water.

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>throwing around blatant lies to direct attention towards trump instead of something you dont like
Bruh can I see your nose?

>" From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17

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you denying reality is not "debunking" something

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user, you know you've probably unintentionally complimented a pedo in your life as well, correct?

Thinking you're a worthy shitposter.

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>Ride to NY
>Same as ride to pedo island
Take your meds.

Imagine after every lie the media has came out with. Everytime it was debunked, leftists move on to the next hoax. Now imagine retarded leftists still believe it all.

>Muh russia collusion
>Muh rapist

You shills are very obvious. First day on the job? You are overly emotional in your posts.

>" And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark 1:15

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You should catch a day for announcing your sage opinion.

Well no shit. Why is espteins lawyer who tried to keep from getting him convicted also now trumps lawyer?

die nigger lover

>jew york isn't pedo island
okay shlomo

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I see this copy paste comment all the time. Yet he still had contact with ghislaine maxwell and ray cohn. Ray cohn was open about his blackmail schemes and ghislaine was known to be the madame.

>" In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 3:1-2

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