How do we expect him to run a country if he cant even put on a fucking mask?

This is literally my president. Fucking ridiculous

Attached: 20200423_213055.jpg (720x646, 148.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You had a chance.

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Well, niggers

he just confused it for a pair of loli panties


Our president is still a bigger retarded nigger

The last 60 seconds

You can put on a mask in current year?
Don't be so racist user.


You don't wear loli panties by sticking your head through a leghole and trying to push your head out the waist.

^Get a load of this faggot.

Man, this post is quick. Lolled when I saw him do it.

Waiting on the memes...

Fucking boomers man

Boomer: I've been on this planet for 50 years. You kids dont know anything

Also boomer:

Attached: Screenshot_20200423-213039_WhatsApp.jpg (720x1520, 199.94K)


Birdbox 2 look pretty good

Attached: IMG-20200423-WA0030.jpg (750x561, 42.19K)

I saw him screwing nervously with the mask in the last section of the speech before going 50 shades of grey on it.


Haaaaaa!!!!! I like how the white woman doing sign-language, looks disgusted

Wish there was a video

The look on that poor white woman's face knowing that her country is led by retards

Its here

If only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: 20200423_221816.jpg (2896x2896, 321.91K)

15k hrs in paintbooth.

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He tears it off hahaha. Look at the sign language box

you seem quite the expert


It’s actually fine bro I watched the video it took him a second

Sucks that ya didnt make it 1st right kek.

Educate a few friends and overthrow him, in minecraft, of course.

cut the HRT

Attached: trump0974.png (800x1247, 399.81K)

It's about who makes it better and nobody remembers a bad meme

You will though , big guy