Red states receive more government funding than blue states. Mitch's own state included.
Red states receive more government funding than blue states. Mitch's own state included
what does 15k deaths have to do with your state ecomony?
The dems should stop losing then, kek.
We need to stop funding red states.
Then maybe you shouldn't have spent the first few months of this trying to call Trump a racist for stopping travel. Maybe spend less time slurping chinese cock, telling your citizens to go out and party with the infected and no one in your state would be dying. Honestly fuck this lying blame shifting piece of garbage.
Is this the stupid cuomo brother?
Why would you just LIE on the internet?
>this is not the time for politics
They you shouldn’t have a democratic government because it’s always time for politics, my wop friend
OH NO Wuhan flu made us promise billions of dollars in unfunded pensions.
it's nipple piercing cuomo
fuck off commies.
Maybe if they should have thought that before they decided to shut down their tax base
NY abuses federal programs like SALT which ended recently and they are shitting their pants
You are going bankrupt like them so learn to live within your means and get a real job instead of coffee making in California with a liberal arts degree.
Go back to California, faggot.
I agree, fuck national parks and Indian reservations.
drill baby! drill!
Whoa! That is one spicy take!
Just go.
most of the states what want/need a bailout were in the shit before the virus was even a thing.
its not the virus thats the issue, its the state's terrible leadership over the years.
This is actually hilarious that Libs think it makes red states look stupid.
In reality, the people that don't want to go along with high taxes and federal programs basically said "Okay fine morons, but we'll be on the sweet end of it if it's gonna happen."
The lefties are ENTIRELY outwitted and they'll writhe and twist endlessly to avoid coping with this blatant fact.
I think gop has given up entirely on winning blue states. Issue with that is folks in red states are watching.
So you believe the rich should receive more money than the poor... I see you, ya fuckin jew.
>"this is not the time for politics"
Those blue state governors bankrupted their own states purely over politics, speculation, and trump derangement. Now they beg and point fingers. Are these people incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions?
They also contribute more funding. Blue states are a net drain.
SALT isn't a federal program retard, it's a deduction of state and local taxes from your federal tax liability.
Even before SALT limits were drastically reduced the urban states paid more in net taxes, while the South and rural Midwest has always been a major net drain on taxes, particularly the Southwest. The only outlier is Texas.
Anyhow, with the Feds seizing PPE we paid for I say the North, West, and parts of the mid-West tax strike and watch as all those shit ass towns who rely on SSDI for half their income collapse into third world shit holes.
Aren’t there like 15,000 murders a week in nyc?
Typically blue states end up being more of a drain on the federal government since they take more in services than they pay in. But the people there are also paying higher taxes to the state and local authorities (that they write off on the federal taxes to a large extent) which leads them to thinking they're actually paying a larger percentage of the overall taxes that go into the US government.
Fact is they're leeches that should be paying their fair share.
We aren't going to bail out decades of corrupt crony pension funds. You can fuck right off.
We also need to start scanning for NY / NJ / RI license plates. Those are the assholes who fled NYC and have spread this shit.
NY has no manufacturing due to taxes and regs, but skims a cut from everyones 401k going to wall st then whines.
Also dont forget all of their old people go retire somewhere else where they collect their social security and medicare
If you can't play the notes, you can't play in the show. Simple as.
Not really though. Deep red States like Kansas and Kentucky went full Democrat after hard line small government republicans got a term of total control and the population of rural towns went totally ape shit that their benefits got cut.
Sad but true fact. People can identify with Trump in the national GOP because they divorce their kid getting super expensive special education, or their uncle getting SSDI to be a lazy fuck from them being dependant on welfare. But they are. If you earn less than $94k a year you are not going to be a net tax payer in your lifetime. Top 10% pays for 50-60% of everything and it is true in rural states too.
Lol this is bs. Blue states pay more in federal income tax than any red state.
This is purely politics by mitch and he will pay big time if he goes through with it.
I'm dead in the middle of Manhattan. Cuomo and Blazz can blow me. I hope this state burns to the ground.
States dont pay any income tax retard
>Then maybe you shouldn't have spent the first few months of this trying to call Trump a racist for stopping travel
Trump actually expanded his original travel ban from 3 years ago to include several African nations he didn't like at the end of January, that was the source of all the racism quotes.
Trump's Chinese travel ban around that same time still allowed infected Americans to return from Wuhan without quarantine, so it was way too little, way to late.
Fuck Cuomo on bailing out fat state and city pensions. My college room mate is working on his second six figure public pension for doing shit.
>income tax
>federal income tax
people in the state pay income tax and it goes to the feds
Then let cuomo raise their taxes