Éire Yas Forums zombie nation edition

Can't afford links

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Bump. I'm a plastic paddy, but I love erie pol. You guys need to get your shit together. Both on this board and irl. Why are your zoomers so much more pozzed than here in the usa? Its mildly shocking how much they buy into LGBT/fem propaganda

Checked. Let me buy you a link pal.


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I aint clickin that shit fear gorm

Most of the eire poltards died from the shanghai shivers

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Speak English ya fairy

History of Ireland in a nutshell
>A bunch of pirates conquer the island
>The best of them get tired of fighting with each other and go somewhere else
>A few generations later they realize that Ireland is actually heaven on earth
>They come back and conquer the place all over again
>repeat ad nauseam
The population of Appalachia is about due to come kick your asses again.


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Why do the Irish go AUS and NZ way more then America?

I wish the British had exterminated you.

god damned communist kikes changed the laws so its harder for decent almost white people to immigrate to the USA.

fuck you shitskin

lol the future of Ireland is brown. For a 1000 years your ancestors fought for the right to exist as a people. Now you throw it all away for the opportunity to suckle at Merkel's withered tit.

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Come out you Black and Tans!


lol the future of the middle east is Israeli. For a 1000 years your ancestors fought for allah. Now you throw it all away because you suck Saudi ass.

Identify your flag so I can insult you

The IRA was pretty great. Now most of them are just bank robbers and heroin dealers. Some of the splinter groups might be legit still.
If I was going lead a domestic freedom fighter gurellia group in minecraft I am basing a lot of it on the IRA.

Can someone explain what's this thread about and what's going on in Ireland atm?

Lockdown like every country, but our government are sort of milking it to regain support which fell in the recent election and had no clear winner.

The IRA is now LGBTQ-friendly, I kid you not. Ireland is doomed.

why havent the locals firebombed this place yet?

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Just that? How is the economy doing? Emplyment?

I'll have to go back after I finish with a business deal here.

fucked, something like 400 thousand are now unemployed. it's recession 2.0 electric boogaloo.

jesus, i heard its bad down there

.>Ireland atm
It's not good mate

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Clinton money did this

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>The Donore Presbyterian Church was constructed in the 1860s in the style of a 13th-century English church.[1]
Lol. Why is Protestantism so gay?

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underrated meme

This recession is bigger than 2008, things are going to get really bad. At least it will test which economies are solid and which aren't.

Spain is fucked, very fragile economy that wasn't that good before. Politically stable and low crime, we'll see.

Can't be that bad. Your economy doesn't depend that much on tourism and financial services and software companies are still working.

Burger approved

Based meme, but this was based on impressions I got in ireland right after the vote to repeal the 8th. The college kids in Galway were legitimately shocked that I, as a 22 y/o didnt believe in gay marriage, thought abortion was evil, and regularly went to mass. They hadn't even heard a coherent argument against abortion ffs.

I'm sure the average American zoomer is no better. Just because they post le edgy meme on tiktok wouldn't mean it represents the majority of American teens

Seen even the faggot parties like SD, FF, and Auntu are questioning the pandemic. Varadker and Simon need to go

St. Kevin Asylum


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They actually aren't. Especially the guys. Meme culture has turned 14-22 y/os into a bunch of little facists (the guys at least-the chicks just shut down nd ask for you to respect their opinions whenever the guys confront them about being liberal)

This country has been fucked since the last recession, we sold our Independence and embraced degeneracy ever since


I think a lot of them are scared of the crime

Tu mama hace el amor con mi perro

Meme flag

When np take over the country tiktok will be banned