Richard lashes out at Scott Greer and the Groypers from his corner of irrelevancy...
Richard lashes out at Scott Greer and the Groypers from his corner of irrelevancy
He's right though. This "immigration ban" is 60 days and isn't even keeping out h1b's and other groups we don't want. The idea this is a win for us is a literal cope grifters want out there so they can make money from people by saying "my rehtoric is responsible for this so give me more superchats".
Cope and seethe, probably dilate as well
I should mention that Scott’s tweet was made when Trump made the initial announcement of the ban on Monday.
Not an argument. The immigration ban is. literal election bait and toothless. Charlie Kirk is still on stage and fucking Trump endorses him and his gay book. He doesn't give a fuck what Krik said about him years ago, only that he's a loyal maga zionist shill for him now. "Groypers" did nothing useful at all.
Yeah, the EO is a real game changer like the one ending birthright citizenship
Well no matter how irrelevant you think richard is he's not wrong here. Scott Greer has some really shitty takes desu and clout chasing for Trump is just gay. It's not 2016 anymore.
say what you want about fuentes, at least he's not an effete irrelevant fed homosexual
Nick fuentes and his followers are fags. I've never seen a section of right wing little pussies be so brainwashed.
He literally makes you fags go out and spread his name so HE can make money. How many subs did he have before youtube banned him? 60k? 70k? He's a fucking nobody but because of his loud stupid incel audience... he is elevator.
You're right, he's just a regular homosexual.
Richard is seething with envy. He's become completely irrelevant and the groypers are actually influencing young people. They make inroads into tiktok while he says retarded shit on Twitter.
lmao trumpbots already doing damage control
At least Nick actually has a coherent and effective plan unlike Richard who just organized marches so right wingers could get doxxed and beat up by Antifa.
nigger fuck off to reddit
>groypers are actually influencing young people
they are influencing people who will grow up out of those beliefs in 5 years, because racism will just getting boring fast
>They make inroads into tiktok
spic fuentes already banned, gg no re
>Nick actually has a coherent and effective plan
date catboys and call others cringe, then everyone will convert to catholicism, right?
If your plan doesn't involve building literal parallel institutions like banks and schools, then you don't have a plan.
Hang all e-celebs.
dude you don't get it, hes building a team of very effective washed up ecelebs, hes going to dethrone charlie kirk and trump will retweet him, because Spicy Fuentes is the Real ConservativeTM! lets ggggggooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Is the plan to badmouth white nationalism while at the same time supporting MIGA Donald ironically?
No, his plan is to redpill zoomers by exposing Charlie Kirk and Con. Inc by making them look like fools at their own events. What is your plan? To sow division by hiding behind a memeflag like the kike you are?
>No, his plan is to redpill zoomers by exposing Charlie Kirk and Con. Inc by making them look like fools at their own events
You retard, people have the attention spans of ants, if your not on the stage your not relevant and naught but a fly in the face of those in power. And TRUMP endorses Charlie kirk, he doesn't give a fuck if Charlie hated him years ago, he knows this already. He cares that he's a loyal Zionist maga shill who won't step out of line.
It's just more of the same zionist cock sucking civic nationalism. Nick Fuentes will accomplish nothing.
>bad mouth white nationalism
When has nick ever done that? If you’re talking about the wignats, Nick has counter signaled them because they advocate for failed strategies as mentioned above.
>supporting MIGA Donald
Nick isn’t a die hard Trump supporter like he was in 2016. His thought process is that Trump is a building block that can give us small victories. He will also vote for Trump over Joe Biden (who has openly bragged about white replacement).
Nick is more popular with people in their 30's and 40's than with actual young people. He's more of a Greta or Sophie figure, popular with older people that want to fantasize about how popular their views are with the younger generation.
Nick the Spic simps for Trump while you simp for him.
Who cares about either of these fags
Spencer glows, that other kid with the knockoff pepes is a loser, and I'm tired of seeing shitty threads clogging up the board about which group is edgier. If you support either of those chuckleheads just an hero because you're too dumb to be of any use to this country
You people act like one man is just going to change 50+ years of Zionist entrenchment in our political institutions. Did you expect Trump to start throwing Jews into gas chambers the day he stepped into the Oval Office? From day one Trump has been subjected from nonstop attacks from every angle and has had to make multiple concessions just to avoid being removed from office. Nick has done more to move the Overton window in the right direction than either of you have in your pathetic existence. I would suggest that you actually fucking do something to spread the message, before you criticize others, but I fear you autists are so incapable of interacting with normal people that you will immediately drive any support we would have had permanently away from us.
>Yas Forums celebs attacking other Yas Forums celebs
Sounds like an utter waste of time to any sane person. Fuentes has no power, TP has far more money and has been battling trolls in their meetings since inception.
Sounds like Fuentes is dumber than TP. That's pretty fucking retarded.
Groypers have gotten extremely cringe since Groyper wars (which were fun but a minor win if even a win, more like a draw or stalemate)
What takes have they had since then? Weinstein is /ourguy/, Trump is doing a great job with corona virus. Trump's pathetic EO is somehow promises made promises kept and it's thanks to them somehow?
So this literal faggot who picksfights with women, because he's too weak to fight even a boy let alone a man, is spending hours and hours on twitter claiming that China's virus numbers are completely accurate, and that all evidence that paints their handling of the situation as negative is fake, and he's accusing others of living in a fantasy?
Charlie Kirk won that fight. Kirk is one of Trump's closest advisers, while Fuentes can't even get into CPAC.