What is life like for black people in Japan?

Black weeb here. I've been wanting to go to japan for a long time now, but I'm getting mixed messages on what it's like for black people there.
On one hand, I hear that blacks are seen as cool, exotic, alpha/masculine, ect. and hip hop culture is revered there. I heard its easy for black guys to hook up with cute japanese girls in tokyo because of this.
But I've also heard from others that there is a lot of racism and discrimination against blacks in japan, and I dont know what to expect if i go there and have to deal with a lot of racism.
Also if I wanted to live there, what do I need to do to become an english teacher like some other american anons?

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they hate blacks. I would recommend not moving there.

she kinda cute

They hate blacks hands down. Cool with the spanish tho cause I did a semester abroad and met a lot of cool people. Banged a couple nips too

are you sure? im getting mixed messages, I hear that in urban areas like tokyo that they love blacks and see us as cool, they have their own hip hop subcultures. and that its easy to hook up with girls there, ect.

asians in general hate black people but if you can handle being called nigger every once and a while you'll be alright the chances of you being physically assaulted isnt for it is really low

They don't like blacks. Getting citizenship is incredibly difficult, you need to get corporation to sponsor you for a job the japanese government considers "in demand" and not get fired for 10 years. (Hint: English teacher is not one of them)

you're a foreigner and they make fun of you. You will be starred at everywhere and people will expect more out of you. My brother in law is black and he moved to Isreal instead. The pay is better and the school set him up with a better room. Also, the girls are hotter.


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I've been to Japan, SK and China. It's just a meme, nobody gives a shit if you're black. All foreigners are treated with curious suspicion and they're all paranoid around each other anyway. If you don't speak the language you're hardly going to interact with anyone in the first place. Just enjoy your vacation like anywhere else.

move to africa, and take your family

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If you think for a single second you are going to face hardcore "racism" in any way, shape, or form, you are fucking stupid.

Japanese are not going to do anything. You can kiss a Jap girl infront of them and they won't even bat an eye. They're so introverted in hentai women and anime that they let their gold diggers ride the carousel of cocks all though their 30s and 40s.

You'll be fine.

Also, do you have a sister, and is she cute?

>My brother in law is black

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I went last year with my friends.
Everyone was pretty cool don't believe The parrots on the internet who say they hate black guys just don't be retarded and rude and you're set.

>My brother in law is black and he moved to Isreal instead. The pay is better and the school set him up with a better room. Also, the girls are hotter.
I also know US black that moved to america. He is kind of a nerd and had no luck with girls in the US. Now he can choose because he goes to HipHop clubs in Haifa.

Israel is underrated. Being black there helps with diversity so you're more likely to get hired. Japan and every other asian country doesn't have diversity quotas. Plus, look up the "IDF Girls". Israeli chicks are smoking hot.

Japan will let anyone do anything. In the countryside you could be a fucking oddity and king. So easy to get their gals.

I was stationed in Japan, and it was dope.

Fuck off, they're full.

Haha, they will bully the fuck out of you


>you're a foreigner and they make fun of you. You will be starred at everywhere and people will expect more out of you. My brother in law is black and he moved to Isreal instead. The pay is better and the school set him up with a better room. Also, the girls are hotter.

Israel is great, just don't look Somali, and you'll destroy there.

I would assume it's both.

It depends on how you look. If you look like a pitch black African caricature you're probably have issues but if you're good looking you'll be find. I smashed a Japanese girl who's parents worked at the embassy, I was 19 it was a great time.

Wow another nigger hoping to be treated as a KANG for existing with shit colored skin. Why am I not surprised?

sounds nice, have you hooked up with any girls there. i dont know much japanese. and yes i do but shes not cute

Painful and difficult I hope. Fuck niggers.

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More proof that everybody on pol is a nigger.

ummm, how do you get women if yall cant speak the language

Just don't act like gangbanger or a retard and keep ur distance. If you act like a white person, you should be fine

just pull your cock out

>What is life like for black people in Japan?
Just look up the Nigerian community in Japan. Niggers are absolutely hated.


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Also SAGE, this isn't political at all

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alcohol and shouting meme words really loud

user, you know the answer in your heart, don't act retarded.

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I was also stationed in Japan. The Japanese girls I always saw black dudes with were fucking gross. Usually overweight or just downright unattractive. Which is to be expected because Japanese kids are taught to stay away from blacks. The only women doing anything with them are those rebelling against their parents, the bottom tier of women, been run through by a bunch of other dudes.
It's doable, you aren't going to do NEAR as well as a white guy unless you're funny or charismatic and speak Japanese enough to be on TV. English teachers are bottom of the bottom on the tier of foreigners in Japan, and black English teachers are even lower.
Tl;Dr, stay out of Japan
>t. Aerospace Engineer in Japan (5 years now) stuck in the states due to coronavirus

You shouldn't go to another country for the purpose of "hooking up" with their women. That is, unironically, nigger tier behavior. I'd say the same to whites with yellow fever but since you're black it will be seen from japs as particularly more "muh dick" behavior.

But yes, racism is strong in japan, even to europeans and other asians like chinese / koreans. ESPECIALLY chinese and koreans.
You're a foreigner, and will be so until the day you die over there.

Israel is remarkably welcoming of foreigners because they like to seem diverse. If you go over there just make sure to not ever say you support palestine and you should be golden, with the addendum that for the most part they speak english as well there, which japan doesn't.

>I hear that blacks are seen as cool, exotic, alpha/masculine, ect.
They are rightly afraid of you. Negro soldiers did an awful lot of raping during the occupation.

>Muhhh DiCk
nigger this isnt a hentai


That's a shemale bruh

Why do Americans suck up to Japanese?

Why are you even asking pol. Ask other black people who went to japan

Japan is a huge place I'm sure you'll find your niche

seeing as modern japanese men are spineless pussies you’ll be fine since the chicks love anyone who isnt japanese

Cause of Anime and shiettt. Also, Americans are in awe of culture, something that Americans never have

hi op. i'll be real with you. you will be okay in the major cities. tokyo is your best bet. however if you go out to the rice fields, you are fucked. regardless of how good a gaijin you may be, you will never be accepted as a japanese. that does not mean you can't live there, work there, find a girl there, etc. all of that is possible. but the japanese are well aware of the antics of niggers in the USA and they don't want anything to do with them. you would be facing not only nationality stigma but cultural stigma as well. i doubt anyone would call you kokujin to your face, but you will have an uphill battle trying to be there for anything more than being a tourist. again, that's not to discourage you. its just something you need to be aware of. when i lived there, i was in tokyo. blacks were uncommon but treated fairly if you understood and respected the culture. as far as english teacher goes, that's a whole other ballgame and i wouldn't have the expertise on knowing what to do about that.

t. whiteboyfag who lived in japan.

Most of the ones around college age or so will speak at least rudimentary english. Between that and your own broken Japanese you’ll probably figure it out