Netherlands hate thread

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netherlands? more like niggerlands, am i rite?


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this is your country on pot

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Italians are not white.

C'mon guys be original, what else besides muh bbc shit.

Keep seething pasta nigger.

Is there anything else you are famous for that is not drugs an prostitutes?

You pissed of the OG's of europe m8ts

U dun goofed 300 gorillas navy seals now

Of course it's entirely on you for not knowing anything else. But I have a redlight district here in my neighborhood, it are Albanian women and others of such, hell if there were Dutch prostitutes there I'd go, eventhough I never visited one.

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Were native dutch as unbearable as the mutt dutch or did it change with the race mixing?

Nederland kutland!

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How about you faggots stop begging for free money.

Being capable of running a budget surplus.

Grutte Pier

I went to Amsterdam Last year but everyone I saw was white. Must be really segregated or something

Native dutch are more based.

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going to bed now!

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>Native dutch are more based.

lol no. how much pot have you smoked dutchcuck? seems to have caused braindamage

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Atleast we dont need to beg for money and are controlled by Nigerians maffia spaghetti nigger. Btw your graph shows that dutch are still majority in those cities

fuck off meme country

thats a Belgian textbook.

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Drugs, hookers, tulips and nigger football players is the first that comes to my mind

(((divide and conquer)))
Resort to killing yourself schlomo

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Dutch people are very polite.

Wow black dick inside a white pussy is so ugly

Fuck off! please.

Microscope, cd, ((stock))

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Sorry, I've been sponsored by a Dutch woman who promised to provide me citizenship.

We are the country first by surplus for 25 years in the entire world.
Right I forgot tulips that were produced for opium... oh, it is still about drugs.

Its safe to say that before anyone did anything, the Dutch did everything.

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Damn, look at those blacks. There's something very trustworthy about them. Almost like I could rely on them to carry presents.

What's the matter, are we not paying you enough free money already

funny how it are always the italimutts posting this all the sudden after we refused to help them with their chinkflu situation.
hold on there achmed's servant. how are you able to type while holding your girlfriends hands while she's getting railed? Svens dont have the right to speak about this lol

Please keep talking about us, I love the attention.

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why are white people such cucks?

Just a reminder that the Netherlands wouldn't get this much hate if that one autist didn't make so many "med hate" threads.

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We had a ROYAL cocaine factory!
The dutch state flooded the opium markets in the 17th century and beyond.

Supremacy breeds jealously...

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the degeneracy of the dutchcuck knows no bounds

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We were neutral in WW1 and we were the only neutral country to supply both sides.

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