Sky News: U.S.A. on the Brink of MASS CIVIL UNREST - Thread #2


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Thanks for the new bread user

Guarantee if white people rebel it will be seen as evil
>remember when blacks fought for rights? That was good
>whites fighting for rights? Uhh that's kinda racist and incel behavior


I’m honestly a little excited after arguing with that tranny commie in the last thread.

100% yes. The (((media))) will viciously oppose it the entire time.

Bump for insurrection

Can you faggots grow the fuck up? It’s embarrassing when glowniggers browse this board and we have idiots like you making everyone look like role playing weebs. It isn’t going to happen. Americans are too comfortable. It takes more than 20 neckbeards to start a revolution. Take this fantasy role playing shit elsewhere, lardasses.

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>says the increasingly nervous tranny for the thousandth time this year

The media is nothing more than a tool for the elite. All major media is controlled by the same team. They can pre-program us to accept anything using it, and with stories like these, it's like the elite want an uprising in order to justify more draconian control.

The faggot has arrived.

This was thoroughly discussed in the previous thread. The issue is the gibs payments aren't sufficient and when the foreclosure and eviction suspension periods end, millions will be on the street. Anywhere from 30-50 million total unemployed when you count 1099s, under the table workers, etc.

Trannys are more rational than you conspiracy idiots. Wish the suicide rate of conspiracy nuts was high like the tranny’s too

We'll see more unrest in the large cities once funding and food dries up in the coming weeks. Not to mention the heat.
Most of these protests are in smaller cities and only have 1,000 max, about 0.1% of the populations. And they're astroturfed.

>more draconian control

Shutting down half the economy and putting tens of millions out of work permanently because business cannot recover isn't draconian enough? How about the mass house arrest?

I’m actually excited for this now

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I mean what number boogaloo are we at now?

You really think the government is going to let millions of people go homeless?
One second you idiots give the government excessive credit like claiming they set up 9/11 and now you undermine their influence? Pick a side, tinfoil hat faggots

Great depression 2.0 ?

Problem; once it starts it won't stop here.
It won't stop if it starts.

Hol’ up, are there boogaloo cats now? Like cat 4 boogaloo?

But many make it seem like it's the white protesters out now that will cause the damage.
NYC is proposing a one year eviction exemption. That's not going to end up well for landlords or tenants, especially if they own backpay and it fucks their credit.

If only it was true.

That was a more cohesive America than we have now, we are looking at a very different situation.

Δ ∇
armed gangs forming

Yes. Because it cant control the forces that are causing this.
Even libs are buying guns
Enjoy war.

Link? Locations? Membership applications?

>civil war will be started because Cletus can’t get to Applebee’s

I don't need the media to point out morons to me

>civil war will start because cletus can’t work at Applebee’s

There are chimpout categories.
My point being back from Obama's FEMA camps to the Bundy standoff, there has been a claim of a monthly happening.

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No but when he's completely broke and he can't feed his kids and they plan to take them away...

To be honest he kind of has a point. /VSG/ turned out be to be absolutely nothing. The entire "protest" was just 20,000 lolberts saying "see, we aren't bigots!". No politicians were hung or shot. Capitol building wasn't stormed. Absolutely nothing happened. I hate to admit it, but the defeatist is right. It's going to take a massive shit to hit a massive fan for anyone to nut up.

>You really think the government is going to let millions of people go homeless?

>One second you idiots give the government excessive credit like claiming they set up 9/11 and now you undermine their influence?
It's not an issue of capability or power. It's an issue of what wealthy (((donors))) care about.

I knew about the chimp out categories but I was hoping there was a new info graph for boogaloo categories. This new situation is unprecedented user.

Don’t try to rationally explain things to these idiots. They like to live in their role play land. They’re as bad as the libs they criticize

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The plague changes everything lmao

Shaping up to be that way, except the end result may be different than last time given existing racial/political tensions




such mass.

much wow.

It was Waffle House, not applebee's.

Thank you dear Americans please gives us
> death from virus
> civil unrest
For us to watch in our comfy homes for entertainment

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Pic related.
The feds don't treat any of this as a larp.

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I actually hope trump pulls this off and we go into an isolationist America. Not a larp am serious, if trump fails us I’ll be very upset.

Plagues don't offer healthcare workers enough time to choreograph hundreds of Tik Tok videos. HMU when an actual plague/pandemic happens.

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>white on white violence
>the jew rubs his hands

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>implying he didn't turncoat the US on day fucking one

No way! The burger joints are still open.

I think about the media at all.

Imagine comparing this to vsg

Again, the feds don't treat any of this as a joke and see Yas Forums as a direct threat to their power.

Fuck off shill

It was pretty much that, except not cville 2.0. It was such a pathetic event. I was sick to my stomach. I didn't even bring any guns or anything with me, so I guess I don't have too much of a leg to stand on, but the majority of dudes there only cared about virtue signaling to liberals and niggers. They lost their focus because they so badly want to be accepted by the people that hate them.

Libertarianism; not even once.

No job, evicted from home/apartment will change many people's minds

Why is 1200 dollars not sufficient? If you are unemployed all you need to buy is food, water and utilities, maybe some gas if you need to travel to the supermarket by car. I would think 1200 dollars every month should cover that.

Don't know how widespread renting is in America but I'm sure most tenants are city people, therefore likely to be Democrats or blacks. You're much more likely to see city riots than some kind of right wing revolution

>protesting is pathetic and pls don't vote goy
>IIA is about lolberts
I'm sure you're mad IIA protests didn't do anything as retarded as your beloved antifags.

> "So many with gun ownership, and so many with AUTOMATIC WEAPONS as well"

LMFAO. How can 'Journalists' not be held to any standards anymore? Is a noose a standard?

The Feds are incapable blundering idiots. They wouldn't know what's legitimate anymore. Only the lowest of the low work for the government, all the top-tier dudes work private sector.

imagine thinking every time it's going to be different

>still thinking Trump puts American before Israel
You're either 14 or 65.

Way to completely miss the point, flaggot.

It's not 1200 a month. It's 1200 once and that's it. Good luck paying insurance and rent on top of buying food

They still have power and will act on their lack of proper information.

Ron did nothing wrong , he was just drinking San Pellegrino®

>imagine thinks every time is different
This has never happened before you stupid absolute faggot.
>14 or 65
Mid 30s you shill

>comfy homes
u wot m8?
Oh poor baby you do not understand. The american ideal very clearly lives in all countries on the planet. When 'THE BIG ONE' hits, the civil war, it will be Nationalism vs. Globalism. It will break out in virtually every country that has any nationalist movement. As it goes with history, both sides will be backed by crony corporate and banking interests.

My fellow burgers, when the fighting starts, don't spare a single shitskin. Cut down every last monkey and leave them bleeding in the streets like the animals they are.

If white people rebel, it doesn't matter anymore how they'd be seen. For those who are doing the seeing will not be seeing for much longer.

>comfy homes
Thinks he is going to avoid the global recession this will cause. Globalism is dead, hope you enjoy poverty.

That's giving a lot of credit to the government. I do suppose you could be right, though.

>this has never happened before
God damn dude you need to read more.