This is what white people should listen to

This is what white people should listen to

Attached: 6C15213E-7836-4576-A7D7-643155B695F9.jpg (640x1061, 211.47K)

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If you have an IQ over 80, you do not listen to any of those """musicians"""

Ask me how I know you’re a faggot

Unironically good taste


literal audio diahhrea

Strokes first album was great. Other than that I see a lot of fags and Jews. Beck was complete trash but because he was Jewish, the Jew media had to tell everyone how he was one of the greatest and most versatile musicians of all time.

pop music is overall cringe, cultured people listen to folk, religious or patriotic stuff, and classical is cringe too because it's just pop music of the past

If you listen to anything other than plainchant and military marches you're not white

Ask me how I know you eat tide pods.

Can only recognize taylor, so the rest of them must be pure diarrhea.

This is terrible

you listen to nigger music

cumskin music is about pickup trucks, beer, blue jeans.

Yas Forums here

mars volta and taylor swift are alright

>0 EDM
Awful list

It's time to stop posting, retard.

I dont listen rap or trap

Why would anyone listen to EDM at home

nigger uga buga gunz money raping killing uga buga good nigga good boys

Hipster faggot

>This is what white people should listen to
try this instead, I can't think of anything whiter than sci-fi folk music

Teagan and Sara. Any dude that listens to them will suck some dick. Even hot sexy supermodel status line trap dick but you still would suck dick.

Am I cool you guise?

Attached: topsters2.png (800x328, 176.19K)

This. Radetzky March and Slavonic March Op.2 ftw. Fuck niggers, jannies n’ fuck trannies

How do you listen those? What are they?

You're not wrong. I dont like that much btw just listened to one album

The Strokes are based


Thy Catafalque

*ahem *

That was seriously awesome.
Musically based post OP.

Leslie Fish- one of the good non-Molochian Jews.

dance gavin dance is based

So if i am a white guy who don't speak English as a naitve speaker, should i to listen them anyway, even i don't understand what they sing about? Why American people always behave yourself like all in the world speak in English?

1. Race mixer
2. Decent
3. Coal burner Democrat
4. Don’t know em
5. 2 dyke liberals
6. Psychos
7. Don’t know em
8. Don’t know em
9. Band for women

Honestly, anything is better than hip-hop so I agree with this list.

Good crowd but im not into german music

Nah you should listen to russian post punk

Of course you don't recognize, your country doesn't even have proper internet.

EEEERIKA ! bump* bump*

Listen to some good old progressive or neoprogressive rock, the only music made by musicians instead of (((musicians)))

Black metal

>letting a Sumerian sock ironing forum dictate your musical tastes

i have never heard of any of these faggots im 22

Like what