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Fuck you Bill
Del system32
Anyone want to make a bet that "K" name is something jewy?
Oh shid, I didn’t realize it was lunatics who thought bill was evil.
I’m on team #OpentheGates now!
You fags need to take your meds!
Bill Gates, take your own vaccines.
vaccinate and shill ... until it is DONE (yeah that commercial really happened in '95, fuck you Billy)
Melinda is a tranny
no they didn't, they are lying just like with "Guccifer 2.0". Fucking kikes.
Based. Post benis
Bill Gates member of trenchcoat mafia confirmed
Allegedly. I'm still waiting for any evidence
The Yas Forums server is discord gg p7w43h
We will interview Alex Jones this week, get in.
4 days now that you post that fake and gay photoshoped crap fuck off already schlomo
Link to the drop?
>Let's just insert the conclusion we want you to have, and how we want you to feel about it, in the headline.
This. It was astroturfed crap.
how does literally every news organization lurk here and still misunderstand what is going on? on that matter, SETH RICH WAS MURDERED BY THE DNC
he hacked himself dude
im staying. finishing my coffee.
this is code
>Bill Gates got hacked
Bill Gates didn't get hacked. Some already available passwords with his foundation's email address were publicized, and most were invalid.
>by Lunatics on Yas Forums
Some "user" posted information about the password lists on Yas Forums, a publicly accessible site that anyone in the world can post on anonymously, but they didn't break on Yas Forums. They actually broke on Twitter first, and the Yas Forums threads all referenced the original twitter threads and archive links. That "user" could've been anyone.
Most likely that "user" was a deep state actor trying to stage a "hack" that wasn't so that they can preempt some upcoming leaks. Similar to Guccifer 2.0 staging a "hack" of the DNC that was completely unrelated to the content on Wikileaks, yet was used by our acclaimed intelligence agencies to make a spurious connection between Wikileaks and muh russia.
fuck off already retard usahackers.com what a fuckingg bunch of whore they're the larper who posted fake password and fake screenshot all over the board?
Wait, we did what? But this is a Mongolian yurt building board.
>be the CEO of microsoft
>tech and antivirus software assumed to be at least up to date
>get hacked by some neckbeard in bumfuck nowhere
Lets assume the story isnt fake, who would even buy anything from them at that point.
Next up:
>bill gates got hacked because he was using ubuntu/apple products.
kek, 2nd richest man on earth got btfo by hacker Yas Forums
I'm sick of you all just talking about doing something, doing this, doing that. If you want to do something, then grab something and just do it, don't talk about it.
They're hackers on steroids treating the web like a real life video game, sacking websites, invading Myspace accounts, disrupting innocent people's lives. If you fight back, watch out.
Bill gates did Columbine
>think he's behind the coronavirus
i don't come to this redditor infested shithole much anymore, but i've never heard about that theory.
Tongue my hemmeroid anus bill
>eat the rich!
>ban billionaires!
>defend Bill Gates!
Fuck you.
Here's your apology.
And I've got a pirated Windows, never had genuine copy in my life.
What about the briefcase?
when i'm dead.
With that wacky headline they are basically admitting that Gates is behind it.
I told you the day they "leaked" most of them were fake, and the list was a deception , a false flag event that will be used by the msm to portray him as a victim and a saint.
Look what happenned 1 hour after they leaked on Yas Forums ?
Every msm news outlet owned by the jooz reported on it and made it a scandal.
You all got played like a fiddle this time, i thought Yas Forums was a place with high IQ individuals but it looks like, it's overrated.
I'm disappointed in you falling for an old jewish trick.
Funny I was browsing pol the whole time and never saw any threads about the hack or the hack originating here. I saw a few forced threads about it that no on ewas reponding to.
I refuse to believe these people are real. Walk out in a swastika, you'll get assaulted, walk out with a symbol that's equally tainted, and it's alright.
We live in a wrong timeline.
>plain shitty pasta
>seriously fuck tricolor pasta
>plain streamed veggies
>grilled chicken is ok
What a bummer of a meal.
source plz
Oh wait thats right, not doing what (((WE))) want is crazy
He genuinely doesn’t care lol
3xc3pt...people are going through the leaks...right now...and there is NOTHING that you can do to stop them, shill XDDDD
no bully richfag
You can tell that your either Indian or Asian. Based off of the content dropped...I lean towards Chinese. Sup Chang? You mad bro?