You’re now living in your ancestral homeland 1600 years ago. What’s the first thing you do?

You’re now living in your ancestral homeland 1600 years ago. What’s the first thing you do?

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Tell everybody to never let big black cock in or else it's over for us.

More rapidly weaponize gunpowder, transcribe the maps on my phone, and prepare in a year or two for an audience with the emperor to tell him why we need to colonize America

if you only have 1 ancestral homeland, then you are inbred af...
still, I would prolly take a bath.

Fuck a twink

live my life peacefully in nature away from all of the artificial problems of modern society.

I'm american, i don't have an ancestral homeland. plus in 1600 countries we know today don't have the same borders. unless you're bragging that your ancestors stayed in the same village their entire lives for 20 generations.

Im not sure. Philosophy?

he said 1600 years ago, not the year 1600. learn how to read fag

Probably get murdered because I don't know the language and vikangz we're basically white niggers always fighting with each other

Take your pic then. Statistically speaking you're somewhere in Northern Europe

Relax, it's comfy.

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Which one?

Force a sturdy bastard sword and go running through the woods destroying dead trees and collecting firewood to roast boars I slay with the bastard sword. After I have a source of food and water secured I’ll most likely join a group of bandits until I have enough fighting experience and wealth to join the mercenary class

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instead how about year 1620? It was literally heaven. Only a handful of us whites had made it through the long trip on the mayflower. Nobody was here. Especially not (((them))). heaven.


why not a two-handed sword, you get +5 damage to large creatures over a bastard sword

Which ancestral homeland? North America? France? Spain? Germany? Britain? Scotland? Ireland?

The bastard sword can be used with two hands and I also like to carry a shield

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go to every kingdom and demand they give up their jews to be thrown in a clay oven

>if you only have 1 ancestral homeland, then you are inbred af...

Is this truly the Amerimutt mindset?

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Living in the colonies at that point must have been interesting as fuck to be honest.

Get fucking killed by germanic invaders in the crumbling Roman Empire

start bombing Brits sooner

Move to America

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Find me a virgin I can fuck and C O O M deep inside her

This time of year? Probably plant seeds?

Stop shaving.


Neckbeards are viking fashion and proof of high testosterone. Unfortunately modern fashion doesn't like it.

Probably I would drown, my ancestors came Treviso, that's near Venice, and you guys know how full of water Venice is

Eastern Europe. I'd do my teenage wife after our three kids have gone to sleep.
Then wake up and have a breakfast of cereal crops followed by toiling in the mine or field for the local lord until I can bang my teenage wife again.

Try to get laid

kill magyars, liberate Slovakia

So year 400bc. Id kms

Be wet, muddy, half naked, and probably drunk

No, that's 2420 years ago.

Same as now then?

truly... pic related could easily be Nordfag

Kill the Jews instead of banishing them

it's unsanitary

It might be cool to start off with a great sword..ultimately I want a greatsword, two swords and a shield. Might take up pirating and sail to some countries I might want to fight for, learn of their politics and figure out how to make more money. Maybe later delve into espionage based off my moral character or likelihood of victory.

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Kill a Swede, eat a reindeer, pillage a Saami camp, steal qt Bride, give her Benis 4+ times a day..

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> modern fashion doesn't like it.
This is why you are a cuck

is bill watterson based and redpilled or cringe and bluepilled?

I don't speak Old English so I would probably be killed off by the locals

When you don't bathe very often, as one most likely wouldn't in barbaric late antiquity, body hair actually helps protecting you from the dangers that come with lack of sanitation.

I don't understand what you mean.

Light up the boof.

Gain wealth through my large agricultural estate, become an Eastern Roman General. and kill all of the pharisees and destroy any and all copies of the Talumd forever.