What is the legal precedent of banning loli shit all over the internet?

What is the legal precedent of banning loli shit all over the internet?

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the one in your pic related

Loli isn't banned in the states though

yes it is, see your pic related

Gateway to pedophilia if indulged to an extreme. Though most people use that excuse without being able to differentiate between the paper and reality. Logistically, if you constantly get off to the small body to a point at which your desire no longer satisfies you, you will go lower, and that can lead to an obsession depending on your cause behind attraction.

loli leads to sexualizing children so I don't really care if it is freedom of expression. Kill yourself pedos

It's not, The person was viewing actual CP with anime thrown in there

1000 year old extra dimensional loli demogorgans disagree. Learn to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Yas Forums is a gateway to terrorism

Video games are a gateway to murder

Movies are a gateway to rape

Books are a gateway to evil ideas

Saying something is a gateway to something else is a retarded defense since that can be used to apply to anything

You're defending literal thought crime

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>if indulged to an extreme

how long can you jerk off to cartoons of children before you start seeking real shit? I get the argument but sexualizing kids isn't something I will defend

What do you define as an extreme? I read 1 book a day, am I fucking extreme?

You wanna lock me up user?

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I'd love to see them try

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The highest rates of pedophila comes from countries that don't even have access to the internet

Your argument is invalid since you can't even provide real life examples, if anything countries like Japan are examples of morality and public safety for children while counties where loli is banned are some of the most harmful to children

Like the UK where kids get groomed daily

Your opinion comes from fantasy

I don't decide the extreme, it varies from person to person, but statistically speaking, the more time you spend going in a certain direction, the more likely you are to hit a point at which you reach an extreme. Those gateways can all be true, though it depends on how hard one pursues those areas. Have you done anything that has warranted being locked up?

That answer varies from person to person.

I'm not defending thought crime at all, but I am saying that a ban is a deterrent. You can't stop someone from seeking pedophilia or loli with a ban, but the ban provides another filter.

>Your rights end depending on my feelings

Fuck you

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you are literally a cop. lmfao

It'd be more accurate if you used the paint bucket to fill in the figure's left head with brown.

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A deterrent to what?

You're not stopping actual crimes, you want to police future crimes

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but then it would be rape and only insecure faggots fap to rape

>land of the free
>cant post 2d drawings of cute girls

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jesus christ why

I don't know about legal precedent but given how you fags shitted up 8ch the last time should be justification enough. Hopefully he purges the furfags next.

We'll note the "obscene" requirement is actually quite specific in what falls under it and most loli simply won't meet all three rules.

For something to be illegal it must be obscene to the "average" person and *not* have any redeeming social value in the numerous ways it could be argued as such. By US definitions loli is NOT illegal which is why it still is posted on Yas Forums without bans. Obviously some websites still ban it because they don't want the legal trouble of being challenged not that it's illegal per se.

>Can't look at loli
>Child drag queens are A OK

I'm going to burn every last kike on earth alive, and scatter their ashes to the wind if not for this mind numblingly obnoxious double standard.

A deterrent to heading in that direction. It could be argued that it's presumptive, but if someone still wants to seek loli or even pedophilia, the law isn't going to stop them, though it will make them easier to catch if they do try.

Not what I'm saying either. The ban is a social policy to deter people in order to lower the likelihood of such a crime happening.

If a guy likes porn, but then the regular stuff isn't doing it for him because he's used to pornstars and pornstar stuff, he'll want something different. Something different could include something more pure and less porn starlike, yet still satisfying, though the moment the guy gets used to that too, then he may focus on finding something even purer leading to a reinforcement. You can only go so pure before you seek adults acting like children with ddlg and subsequently going to drawings, and you can guess where it goes from there.

Saying that looking at pictures of lolis is going to make you end up raping a kid is like saying that looking at pictures of big titty anime milfs is going to make you end up raping a woman, aka its completely retarded
Stop trying to police the internet and start policing real life you stupid fucking faggot

How many people escalate from porn to prostitutes? Very few. You're just desperate to justify why you want to stop people from doing things you don't like. It should be crime enough to entice or groom a child (and the steps thereafter) and call it at that. But someone looking at drawn pictures... give me a break. Let's arrest people for real actions not actions you're worried they might do later.

1. How do you know something is going in a direction when there is no evidence to support your claim


2. You're basing your own assumptions onto other people and predicting their future behavior based on your own conceived Perceptions

I'm not policing anything, what I'm saying is the purpose of the law is to prevent you from going continuously in that direction, statistically increasing the likelihood that you will eventually end up there by playing in that field, such is the nature of using something or someone to get yourself off.

Very well. Let me start with a simple question. Logistically, if a man watches the same porn day and night, without any intervention for 1 month, will he still enjoy the same porn he started with by the end of that 1 month?

How many people watch porn continuously without disruption whenever they please? I don't care whether it is banned or not, but I will defend the ban if the majority is against it. You'll run out of fetishes to jack off to with drawings, or hit a depressive streak from not getting to try them with drawings. Those two things are certain ends.

I've been jerking off to Nico Robin porn since I was 12 so I'm pretty positive you're just projecting

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How frequently and have you ever had the impulse or desire to jerk off to anything else?

I jerk off twice a day and just because I jerk off from time to time to other stuff doesn't mean I'll become deviant just because I jerk off to one character that I like

Again you're projecting

Why are you so obsessed with talking about jacking off in a thread about pictures of anime girls?