Do these maps count immigrants together or just the country's native population?

Do these maps count immigrants together or just the country's native population?

Attached: images.jpg (761x403, 51.86K)

is there a single source for those maps except for some narutard on deviantart?

There isn't, it's the same regurgitated bullshit. Even if there is, you will find other studies with 2x or 3x those numbers in some areas, light hair is not a well-defined concept.

native obviously. so many immigrants in Nordic countries today the actual percentage is somewhat lower

I have always found it strange that Germany has 60% blond and 35% brown. The opposite would make more sense.

I challenge you to find a source for any hair/eye colour distribution in Europe. Map or otherwise. There's simply no data.

Look Paris and London, you have the response

lol Paris and London are browned to oblivion. the sad thing is the white population won't come back

These maps are made by some retard that hasn't done any proper research. What counts as "light" is questionable itself.

Yes, and you can conclude to the question

got something else

Attached: Alleles.png (1104x756, 448.76K)

This explains my experience when visiting Italy. The south was extremely middle eastern looking, the north was more toned down, more mixed like a big city. Think Berlin, in which you find whites mixed with shitskins

there's absolutely no way we're 75% blonde even if we're only counting ethnically Norwegian people. It's definitely bullshit.

It also counts light brown hair

natives, most of these are typically based on anthropological data collected back in the last century when European anthropology wasn't haram and the native population was everywhere overwhelming

Attached: hellunddunkel.png (1226x1961, 2.41M)

Strange that every German descendant I know is blond. As long as there is no mixing.

Attached: blauaugigeblonde.png (1226x1961, 1.54M)

How common is dark brown hair among Nordics? That's my color and I always thought of myself as an Arab for that.

The second map is what? Brown hair?

brunette type, brown hair and brown eyes

Stop posting meme maps

If you mean middle eastern dark, I don't think that's a thing unless you are from there or have ancestors from there.
But darker shades more like south french / italian are kinda common.

Mainly it's dirty blond / light brown hair you'll see on people here.

Those maps are bullshit.
There are less than 20% blondes and like 1% gingers in Germany. The rest has brown and black hair.

Attached: germans.jpg (1200x800, 152.07K)

And do native Germans with black hair, like Michael Jackson's, exist?


>Mainly it's dirty blond / light brown hair you'll see on people here.
yea this. for some reason Amerimutts think we're all have that light yellow hair when it's maybe 25%, it's funny

I am 1/2 German, 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Portuguese, so I have dark hair, but I always wanted to be Nordic.

Please include the source in the picture. I'll trust. That's definitely better but still shitty. Maybe when clown world dies for good we can organize a proper study, at least for curiosity's sake.

>dark brown hair
that is unusual for a native Scandinavian, but it's common in Med countries. most of us are like pic related

Attached: Sweden men's soccer.jpg (1000x550, 87.68K)

The chubby woman next to him must have worked his whole life in the sun.

well some probably do, especially closer to France/Switzerland

>feminine light hair
No thanks
No wonder those countries embraced bbc and muslims do fast. They are basically women with some overgrown clits

Attached: 9c7a11ba17d042c097f9da13f5372457.jpg (510x857, 48.65K)