From what I understand America which is a nation that is run completely by those of jewish descent requires that whites give up spots to jews, chinks, and even monkeys or niggers as some may call them! Why is this the case? And why are white women promoted to have sex with niggers is it because then a lower iq mongrol population will be easier to control?
Why does Harvard accept monkeys into it's University?
we are cursed to have the burden of eternally caring for and boosting this hopeless race.
This is very accurate! Why are medium iq whites such cucks? I guess at the end of the day the white race is becoming more extreme hopefully and the extreme ends of really stupid whites and high iq whites will increase! Those with medium sized iqs who are faggots will decrease!
No jew has ever given up their spot for a nigger, they give up our spots instead so they dont have to compete.
No, this is not funny. Your lack of sensitivity to this issue makes many people feel bad. Okay, that's Yas Forums, but there are things that can go beyond the computer screen and hurt the pride of those who read you. You have passed a barrier that you shouldn't have and that's why you cause me little less than disgust.
Because jealous lithuanians can't spell?
Inb4; nigger
Has anyone done a study about life after Harvard for these kids. We know they pass them so they dont get called racist. Just curious if they go on to do good in the world making it all worth it.
Fuck off with the monkey bait
What did I not spell correctly? English is my first language I grew up in America actually. How do you know I am Lithuanian? You don't know anything about me! Please stop assuming pal. You make fun cars and nice food and fashion, please fix your nigger problem but seeing as you are from France that means there is a 99.5% chance that you are in fact a nigger how do you like the flag judging when I do it? You don't now do ya! Jealous of what? I graduated from UofM University of Michigan with a masters degree in IT
Obviously not, they go and work for Jewish organizations that will promote more race mixing and importing countless of millions of additional non whites to America as well as promoting the practice of cutting babies penises off!
>is it because then a lower iq mongrol population will be easier to control?
>all races are equal
>affirmative action
Harvard has a "holistic admissions process."
Niggers be holistic and sheit.
You know perfectly well that this is not true. And not content with it you come here, to the forum, to create tension. Just to gloat at the answers you get, obviously against your position that you know is wrong.
Baby nigs
If it were up to me I would kick out all the niggers and bring in superior Estonians and Faroe Islanders! White Aryan Germans get accepted automatically!
Because what you actually want to happens is everywhere. Only people as fucking retarded as you need to be told this . Are you like 5 years old?
I lol'd 10/10
Didn't read, go be a nigger jew somewhere else
>Why does Harvard accept monkeys into it's University
And your grammar....
I won't even go into details and embarass you more, faggot!
This is exactly why I'm against affirmative action. You hire some idiot because of their race, even though they might be completely incompetent. It's as if the company/organisation wants to fuck up.
I am going to respect you on a personal level, because I know that, in short, you are only trying to have fun at the expense of others, although with doubtful taste. On the other hand, I would appreciate it if you stopped considering yourself a friend of mine. Greetings, I hope you think again and do not do it again.
You can't socially engineer people unless you give them someone they relate to.
American universities
Yet Whites do nothing but larp as Stormfags on this board.
Diversity. It's a big joke. These niggers get through college on gibs and white guilt. In the real world they make the shittiest engineers I have ever seen.
You tried too hard.
this your brain when you get your info from Yas Forums
Everything Jews tell you "white supremacists" think is a reflection of how they themselves view other races.
The baboons have always been give the easier route and still fail and end up in the chimpanzee cage.
We have Drumpf tho
Lots of angry mutts with no arguments...ok I get it America has less then 50% of it's population as white so of course you will find a lot of cucks and non whites with low iq statements like yours