Quick rundown on why the Middle East is in such an unstable state?
Quick rundown on why the Middle East is in such an unstable state?
Religion and hundreds & hundreds of years of tribalism
Anglo niggers
Jews play their role spread out in the entire world
it isn't desirable to have them only in one country
thus Israel must be kept unstable to chase them away
>Quick rundown on why the Middle East is in such an unstable state?
Don't worry, as soon as the oil runs out they're getting carpet bombed back to the stone age.
Fucked up borders (kurds without their own state), radical islam financed by Mossad, tribal culture.
From the 15th-18th centuries the Middle East was flourishing. The Ottoman, Persian and Mughal "Gunpowder Empires" were the most powerful empires on Earth, even surpassing the Europeans. As Europeans began using maritime sea routes to Asia, less trade ran through their lands. The Ottomans became the "Sick man of Europe," finally collapsing during World War I.
Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Arabs, Israelites, Persians and others have been trying to fill the power vacuum. Imagine if the U.S. collapsed and suddenly 50 new independent states appeared, all fighting for resources and religious/political disputes. That's when the Middle East became the shithole we know it today.
Islam itself has always been draconian tho. It never had the reformations and enlightenment like the West/Christianity had.
Juden juding.
No need to. Once oil runs out, every nation in the middle east will collapse, except for Israel.
If only islam had allowed gay marriage, it would be a global superpower
>t. american education
Jews and Towel Jews
People saying Islam are wrong. Islam is the reason they aren't doing even worse.
The real answer is because they are a lesser race.
forcibly creating a country in the middle of it, also the US gov that just can't stop fucking with any of those country that seems close to being stable/independant
see iran, iraq libya, syria, afghanistan, there'll probably be another one to add to the list soon enough
It is a region that has been controlled by one or two big empires for most of its time. People from different ethnicities, cultures and religions lived together in them. Only in the 20th century the people of the region were put into nation states with really unortunate borders. Just take a look at the ethnic or religious map of the Middle East. The Shia-Sunni tensions or Arab-Kurd tensions are just two of the many causes for possible conflicts over there. Also Israel, Turkey, Suadi Arabia and Iran try to expand their influence in the region and fight proxy wars against each other.
Teaniggers divided up the corpse of the Ottomans after WW1 in a way to set up Saudis as a puppet state to gib oil. Borders that were drawn gave no fucks about local ethnicities and tribal lands. 100 years later after jewery, CIAniggery, proxy wars, inbreeding and a medieval religion and you have arab spring and an absolute shithole.
Nomads and pastoralists are more aggressive than other groups.
+ Islam
Jews and saudijews
tl;dr they trusted the eternal anglo.
Zionism, foreign intervention, glow niggers funding terrorism and anti nationalist coups, Wahhabism, corruption, blackmail and unjust sanctions. Also overpopulation (I'm looking at you Egypt, you fucking stupid niggers)
80% of the problems in the middle east would go away if Israel stopped existing and foreign glow niggers stopped meddling against elected governments.
Because of the Zionist military-industrial complex and its insatiable appetite for profit and control.
This. The eternal anglo is behind the creation of the two most destructive parasites in the middle east: Israel and Saudi Arabia -- zionism and wahhabism,
You are either a newfag cuckservative Trumpfag or a shill.
The Middle East is unstable primarily because of Judaism and US/NATO Zionist foreign policy. Islam is part of the problem, but is more so a symptom than anything else. Radical Islam is largely a recent phenomenon that has been sponsored by Saudi Arabia, the CIA, and Mossad.
>Radical Islam is largely a recent phenomenon that has been sponsored by Saudi Arabia, the CIA, and Mossad.
This. Western glowniggers pushed for the spread of wahhabism to counter the growing popularity of arab nationalism (which israel admits is the biggest threat to them) and at some point to counter the growing popularity of communism movements during the cold war. But mainly it was about stopping secular arab nationalism and arab unity against Israel.
What about the French?
>Religion and hundreds & hundreds of years of tribalism
Then how do explain the occasional long periods of peace and stability that have occured in it's history.
It just wasn't always this fucked up.
Why would would I have anything to do with Trump, I'm not even on the same continent with that orange doofus.
There was research on this stuff, desert dwellers, nomads, pastoralists tend to be more aggressive, monotheists also.
Islam has always been a religion of war, it's in their holy text.
I long for the day when Americans will start considering that history doesn't start in 18. century.
Of course. Same goes for Iran, and even Turkey and the Balkans. CIAniggers and kikes have literally been pushing Islamic extremism since the late 1800s. It could be the longest running psyop in history, who the fuck knows.
I love the white race and Europe more than any other nation or people, but I am not threatened by Muslims/Arabs, and as long as they don't bother the Western world, I am happy if they are healthy and powerful and developed. The Jew on the other hand, is subversive by his very nature. The globalist Jew is bothered when it sees any other nation or people striving for greatness. The globalist Jew sees the prosperity of non-Jews as a threat (of course this is also true of billionaires, glowniggers, radical leftists, etc.).
The last thing the Jews want to see is the simultaneous prosperity of Europe and the Middle East. Imagine if we achieved a second Islamic golden age in modern times. Both the European and Muslim world working together to develop a better future for the human race. If the Jews/the Globalists/the glowniggers are ever finally stopped, it will literally be the greatest period in human history.
Apocalypse inbound.
We wuzzing leads to it, it’s a spiral