Dutch royal family has basque roots



Attached: DutchRoyals.jpg (900x540, 183.02K)

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dude needs to brush his teeth

Probably just ate something before pic was taken.

Don't they still pledge allegiance to the king of Spain in their national anthem?

no he always has yellow fucking teeth, it's disgusting
Also fuck the false Dutch royal family, they're not real descendants of william of orange

Yes I believe so

Don't worry a basque surname is more important, I'm a dutch monarchist from this point on.

Iceland had a law on its books allowing Basques to be killed on sight that they only revoked in 2015


Based Iceland

We were that succesful. We will catch whales wherever the hell we wish to do so.


Might be time to start whacking basques again then

Looks like our success has led to some controversy. Also >Australia lmao

opinion on falangism?

Fascist brainlets are of no interest to me, we have very noble and functional feudal institutions which work perfectly. Every male in the lordship of Biscay possesed the lowest rank of nobility and was entitled to land and property that he passed on and his labour belonged to him and him only. Compared to spanish or russian serfdom I can only chuckle.

I was looking up basques because of RH- blood, as my mum has it, not sure think I do too. Saw that bit about the icelandic basque whacking law, and LMAO

monarchism needs to be destroyed and monarchists need to be hanged.

they got yellow teeth too

>We wuz KANGZ

Admitedly funny.

We don't have a king nowadays and are quasi independent but you're welcome.

to be replaced with what? globo-homo?

I mean you could search obscure feudal institutions from empire times if you want and see I'm right, or type the KANGZ line :)

They’re more German than anything else at this point. I wish they would be kicked to the curb, monarchs are archaic and they serve no purpose other than use up a ton of valuable tax money.

a nationalist state?

Fark me, are all Basques as big of a bitch as you? I probably agree with your position on monarchy, etc, but if you're gonna posture and swagger like an Ape then it's easy to see why Iceland wanted to kill you all on sight,

No calm down we're easy going.

anything involving voting just seems to get subverted by jews, and/or is paralyzed and parliamentary process and cannot even lift arms to defend itself.

Germany replaced monarchism by a national socialist ultra nationalist state that took care of the jews and globo homo, and monarchists were sent to concentration camp.

humans are so stupid
Mediterraneans want blondes and to be blond, northerners want to tan and lose their blond hair

The hell are you talking about.

everyone but me gotta learn this is cringe.

No. It just translate poorly to English because the grammar is very old school
The anthem was written supposedly during the early years of the switch towards independence from the Spanish ruling around 1570.
However, there was no real bad blood towards the king of Spain, just of the ruling of the Netherlands.
The first section where this happens, is from the kings point of view.
The sentence makes perfect sense in the period.

"Den Coninck van Hispangien
Heb ick altijt gheeert."

"I have always had honored the king of Spain"

Which was true since we were under the rule under Spain, again, without much bad blood against the king himself
But the most important bit is in front of that where the king, in short, pledge his alliance with his own country (the Netherlands) and his blood (the Dutch.)

"Ben ick van Duytschen Bloedt, (Duyts was the name of the area before it was called the Netherlands. It had land between what was the Netherlands and now Germany.)
Den Vaderland ghetrouwe (Faithful to the fatherland)
Blijf ick tot inden doet; (I will stay (faithful to the fatherland) until my death)
Een Prince van Orangien (A prince of Orange...)
Ben ick vry onverveert." (...I will stay without fear.)

So no so much pledging his alliance but acknowledging the king of Spain as his, then, king.

they look mongolian
