What happens here?

What happens here?

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15-20 years ago I read story how people going too deep into forest were abducted by some nasty aliens or something like that

the next superpower once Guyana unites, (((they))) fear it


Suriname is the first Islamic State in the Americas
the Launching point for Islamisation of all Americas

Saudis are financing Indonesians, Indians, Pakis to live and breed like rabbits there while listening to Saudi imams.

guyana is Yas Forumss worst nightmare. it's 40% indian, 30% black, 20% mixed race and 10% native

Gold mining operations.

I've been to french guiana numerous time, I had family there, friends etc... ask away

I didn't know, where should I look for more info?

Are u a nigger?

Nein, I'm as white as it gets. White as snow. White as 100% alpine born on the tallest mountain in europe. i'm eyeing you from above watch out


Maybe that will fix the degenerate reggaeton nigger culture that infects South America and in turn the Spanish speaking world

But white people don't belong in the guianas. Wtf is your family doing there?

Yeah okay.
Und warum did you start with nein?

French Guiana used to be an eldorado in the 80s, low crime, lots of money to be made, amazing atmosphere.

Now it's nearing haitian-levels of crime and degeneracy. Many french born expats are moving back to France. I cannot stress this enough; it went from paradise to hell on earth in 3 decades. 50% unemployment for those under 30. Drug trafficking has destroyed communities. Spontaneous machete killings for no reason. Theft is rampant, carjacking, kidnapping etc.. The gold miners have polluted the forest to the point of no return for certain areas. France keeps it because it's where we launch our rockets, and the FFL has a base there to train. The gov also launched its own gold mining operation two years ago.




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Kool-aid drinking

Guyana just made some huge off shore oil finds. The place is in turmoil as ((they)) jockey for position

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yeah just like the mighty european nuclear force.

quit the larp, it's just france and we're nice enough to let you have your flag on our rockets


:( why are you so mean, froggo?
we can't even have fun anyomore

sorry, Yas Forums is getting to myhead

guyana has the highest suicide rate, even higher than us
suriname was a dutch colony that turned into a shithole after being independent
french guiana is apparently the wealthiest place in south america
apart from that, nothing

Do you support a black blood cell person


Because he is a Yiddish

da fuck is yo problem with reggaeton ese? What barrio u from to be talkin like dat my nigga


Suriname is just a jungle training ground for Dutch Commandos and Royal Marines so they can kill some more sandniggers in NWO wars.
This is interesting, Suriname is a fucking shithole though and I can see those dumb niggers riot over this because they fucking hate anyone who isn't a nigger.

Do you support a black blood cell person with your thoughts

Are you a Jew

West Venezuela is a jungle war-zone.Lots of guerrillas.

Afro-French detected

Also narcos

Did you visit the European Space Agencies facility down there?

You are a gorilla

no, jews freeze to death before reaching my home, then they fall and shatter into pieces or so I've been told

>Suriname is the first Islamic State in the Americas
This nigga knows.

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fuck u sayin about my brotha Djamal?

no u

The Yas Forums server is discord gg p7w43h
We will interview Alex Jones this week, get in.

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Jonestown was there

Once but I was like ten years old. I remember the museum. I also knew the man who literally pressed the button to launch rockets. Actually the button is a self-destruct button in case the launching goes wrong. They have to take the initiative whether to blow it up or not in less than three seconds, in case the rocket heads towards a city. Their screening for this job is insane, you have to be smart, capable of taking decisions in less than three seconds with hundreds of engineers all shouting at the same time for coordinates etc.. He was an homo but kinda based tbqh.

>white people don't belong in the guianas
its not the guianas its france


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As far as I am aware, Northerners go to Paramaribo to buy stuff that are too expensive here.
They say it is a real Wild West out there.
French Guiana is pretty depressing.
The Venezuela Guiana is really beautiful. Endless savanna, but in shambles. Very very very very rich in gold, Chavistas use it to finance themselves. Santa Elena del Uairén is known for being the only place in Venezuela where shelves are always full and it uses gold and the USD as currencies.
English Guiana? Don't know much about it.

You are a Jew who eats porridge

Guyana isn't France.
It belongs to France.

Not the same thing.

You are a black

lol is that pic from empire of dust?

No, you are goriller

>It belongs to France.
its a french region. it has the same status as any french region

Guyana != French Guiana

Rum is produced.

>Guyana isn't France.
>It belongs to France.
This means Guyana an African country?

British and French fags stole our lands to place their niggas.

Afro-Dutch detected

it was never yours to begin with

Afro-Brazilian detected

Similar story around the world. Everything is absolute dogshit compared to 20-30 years ago. I've always been interested in France's outlying colonies, but in my research I've realize that almost all of them are 3rd world-tier save for a few rich enclaves. Our territories are the same story.

Quite interestingly, Northern Brazil and the Guiana border are chock-full of Jews. Not the traditional Oy Gevalting Jews, though.

Afro-Dutch detected

nice projection nbugu

>Everything is absolute dogshit compared to 20-30 years ago
Not China.
Not India.
Not Africa.
Not Arabia.


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Afro-Dutch jungle jenes are getting violent

>Guyanese descendant reporting in
It is all basically the wild West. Little government, lots of crime depending on the community but also serene and untouched for the most part. If you want to call it a shit hole, it's because of CIA ops to control and destabilize the guianas and continued imperialism and lack of national identity. In Guyana the main political parties are Indian vs everyone else. Indian party was in power from 1992-2015 and profited off drug trade, nepotism, and bribes from the EU. The other party was originally the plaything of Forbes Burnham who was a CIA plant turned pseudo communist dictator. He was in power from around 1970-1985 when he was assassinated by the CIA.

How do I know all this? Forbes Burnham was my family's lawyer.
Lots of spooky stuff that goes on in the bush.

Why are you so black

Lots of Brazilians illegally crossing the border to find gold. Lots of Venezuelans and colombians crossing the border to sell drugs to be shipped into europe or other Caribbean islands to ship in europe or the US.
People there tend to be poor but very nice and welcoming considering.

I'm white ama

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>outlying colonies
>dem colonizers n shiet

>all of them are 3rd world-tier
nope they may not be as developped as the mainland but they are ususally something like &st/2nd worldish but whats sure is that they are way more developped than any failed states around them.

i hope you are talking about yourself here