@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/22/20
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Earth&Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony 4/22/20
>Team Trump Online w/Corey Lewandowski! 4/22/20
>DefSec Esper on FoxNews 4/22/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 4/22/20
>FDACommr Hahn on CBSThisMorning 4/22/20
>SECChair Clayton on FBN 4/22/20
>PressSec Kayleigh outside WH 4/22/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on FoxNews 4/22/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/22/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/22/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (DepDefSec Norquist/JCSViceChair AFGen Hyten) 4/22/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/ActUSAIDAdm Barsa/FARDir Richardson) 4/22/20
>StateDeptVideo: Asia EDGE 4/22/20
>StateDeptVideo: POWER 4/22/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Celebrate Earth Day 4/22/20
>WHVideo: VP Pence Visits GE Healthcare 4/22/20

OP pastebin:

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based New Jersey ginzos alone giving the GOP 1/4 of the seats needed to take back the House

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Not the white genocide lottery

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just accept it comrade

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Name 3 of Joseph Biden’s policies you support and why or just admit you are only here to seethe.

>just don’t vote bro
Reminder to dab on incompetent libshit shills.

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>step on the right direction on immigration
>i-it's not enough!
>don't vote goy!
it's so tiresome

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And there goes chain migration too.

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Green cards aren’t good enough. He said “immigration ban.” This is the last time I fall for his bullshit. Fuck Trump.


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his stance on dog faced pony soldiers is really attractive to me

I support kids sitting on my lap, fat shaming, and pushup competitions.


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Bro, can you imagine actually voting?
That is one of the most cucked things you can do
You really shouldn't vote and expect someone to change anything, you should be the one to cause the change.
Just don't vote, especially for Donald Trump

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>"Diversity Visa Lottery"

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who are you going to vote for?

if you mexicans hate the metizos so much, why didn't y'all try to cull their population?

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All it takes to suspend the constitution is some dead 80 year olds and a cough

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who gives a shit
until door to door mass deportations trump is just another lying kike fag.

It exempts spouses and children.


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Dilate you disgusting trannies, you have no power here.

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they're having a mini-meltdown over this.


>first reported in 2012 by The Washington Post

Attached: bin laden_ 'totally unprepared' Biden.jpg (1093x1907, 1.25M)

Everything that lying asshole is saying is a lie!
The CCP (communist chinese pandemics, inc.) WELDED chinks into their homes so that they could not come outside at all. Anyone who broke quarantine was arrested, and probably shot.

Attached: Corona virus Doors Welded Shut.webm (270x480, 602.5K)

Can you guys gib me a website with the voting records of all senators?
I had a website and missed it.

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we hate immigrants as much as you do

i support sucking milfs

Fuck Whiny Healthcare workers. Do your fucking job or quit. You chose your profession.

Anything less than 60% nigger is considered white in Mexico.

Is Trump the president or not? Trump is a pass the buck kind of guy who even when he is in charge refuses to take responsibility for his own failures

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Wanna know how I know you’re a Bernout?

Because spics are lazy.
Sandniggers and niggers can't bring their 20 fugging kids if they can't a diversity visa now.

you literally can't see what he's doing other than blowing some sparks
I call fake and gay

Democrats will literally vote for a plank of wood because it's not Trump

Not some beanerlover who lets farmers import more of your invasive-ass countrymen when he promised an immigration ban.

Whiten Biden is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant pioneer stock
Drumpf is a swarthy Germanic negroid married to a Papist slav

Attached: swarthoids btfo.png (1200x1211, 1.22M)

turbo goblins already kill each other

Democrats simply aren't popular. They were give a chance and they wasted it.

there's unironically no niggers in Mexico
I've never seen a group bigger than 3 niggers here in my life

AOC speaking now:

>The big bad president won't stop hurting my fee fees!

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Nevermind I got it.

But seriously, when is Bernie going to give me my refund?

> broke quarantine was arrested, and probably shot.
JEJ; you really thnk they would waste bullets?

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Hi Chang, fuck the Wumao, President Xi fucks niggers.

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This. Is. America.
Bigots get OUT!!!!!

>“I believe as a marginalized individual — being a Black, gay, female, immigrant, disabled judge — that my perspective is a little different,” she said shortly before her nomination to the Supreme Court, according to PinkNews.

>“Having a judiciary that is reflective of the community that it serves is truly important in raising trust and confidence in the services that we provide as judicial officers,” Whitener added.

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can you show me which candidate has that anti-immigration agenda you talk about?

can we suspend the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th amendment while we're at it?

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YAAAAS FEMALE NURSES ARE QUEENS AND HEROES *posts on tiktok* *posts on facebook* *cries about white supremacy*

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Yes, he should take responsibility when China and the WHO deliberately lied to us for over two months and told us the virus was non-human-transmissible in January.
Totally all his fault.

there has been a movement to "improve the race" since the 1800s. We were thought that the whiter the better.

Based user

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Although the consonance between thumb and pic was lulzworthy

SOME Democrats, but most importantly, not ENOUGH are so blinded by hatred for that to be the case.

>H1B program frozen April 7th
>Diversity Lotto frozen the 23rd(Today)
>Muslim Refugee intake down over 90%
>Net migration to the US down 43% from Obama’s last full year
>Immigrant population growth stagnated for the first time since the middle 1970s in fiscal 2019
>The public charge rule was put into effect on the 24th of February
>Nigeria and China on a permanent VISA/Travel ban list
>US on track to only admit 8,400 refugees this year
>Illegal immigration, except for July 2018 - July 2019 at the lowest levels since the 1970s/1980s
>Property buying from Foreigners between April 2018 & March 2019
down 36% likely even more the next 12 months
These are the only things that matter to me. If you’re not like this you’re doing it wrong
>but locker up bro
Get over it she’ll be dead in 10 years and no judge would take the case.

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there are*
And that's because there's nothing worth stealing. Y'all still love to pretend to be white.

Пиздyй нa двaч

Even if that isn't staged what proves it has anything to do with a quarantine?
Everything I've seen out of China just looks like bad theatre. The Tarrant video looks more real.

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Only adoptions in the case of children. At least they're properly tracked as well.

I am going to lose my appetite at this rate.
Hey, nigger whore SLUT. Fresh Miku.

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damn, these ladies are so quirky and random

Trump did and still does in words. When it comes to action, however, he is basically Hillary plus yelling. The best choice will probably be some third party protest vote.

>Sandniggers and niggers can't bring their 20 fugging kids if they can't a diversity visa now.
Yep, that and birthright citizenship is what is causing the demographic collapse of the USA
note, that birthright citizenship could've ended as early as 2017 had paul ryan not been a massive faggot

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What state?

ya bro, everyone is poor here, don't even bother coming ever

True, I got a coworker that does nothing but screech and post about Trump on social media but doesn't actually vote


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can you still show me who that candidate is?

I actually love the shills posting these obviously cooked polls. You know why?

Because it will keep the DNC from nominating someone else for president. Joe is the kind of person who, on election night, will get utterly curbstomped.
The DNC can't justify nominating anyone else if the (((public polls))) are THIS good for him. The Democrat party would stop existing the very next day due to mass party departures.

so in your opinion, the wall was just words?

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lol. You sound defeated. Have you considered just ending it my fellow white supremacist?

Can't believe Trump won't admit the Wuhan virus started in the US & Hubei is the 51 state of the US

chinese are so efficient they burn Corona virus bodies while still alive

Attached: chinks burned Corona virus chinks alive.jpg (1078x1303, 450.74K)

She will unironically be locked up this year though. The heat is on again and the cunt can't squirm out this time.


>h-1b frozen
>property buying foreigners
Should be illegal.

She should spend all ten of those years in prison. .. Sorry my dude

>Hillary would've put the public charge rule into effect
>Hillary would've made deals with the Northern Triangle to keep asylum down
You're the dumbest nigger outside of Haiit.
But Snek Ryan always has to be a massive faggot.

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I've been. It's awful.

Unless we get a hard right winger in the next 20 years America is done. Trump was supposed to be our guy but he was a kike the whole time. Who would of thought socialism would of come in under him. Trump is our fucking Benedict Arnold, unbelievable.

Look, I would never tell you who to vote for

I'm an advocate for not voting at all

Just make sure you don't vote for Trump

>2.7 *MILLION* New Yorkers probably had Corona-virus, according to random anti-body test

So is the test bullshit or is the reaction to the virus bullshit? One of them has to be bullshit. Less than 1% fatal? The entire world is locked down? Something is fucky, anons.

The BIG THINK is that they already know this and are doing it intentionally to set up the next imblechment/muh racism/muh homophobia narrative for the next 4 years.
What they don't realize is that the Democrat Party will dissolve after November into two distinct parties.

Washington state of course.

LOL what, are they screaming in gibberish as they light the flame or what? Now they know how those dogs feel I guess XD

who are you voting for?

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Now that's an ID

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t. (pic rel)

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I believe he means this.


>who are you voting for?
nobody. unless we get a serious Libertarian contender to run.

>Immigrant population growth down 70% to only plus 200,000 a year stagnating the % of Americans who’re foreign born for the first time in 45 years
>Between January 2017 & March 2020 Native born Americans gained 3,096,000 jobs while foreigners gained 595,000. The first time the absolute majority of new jobs added went to Native born workers since Ronald Reagan
>H1B program suspended the 7th of April
>Today the diversity lotto
>Nigeria and China on a travel ban permanently
>Foreign born property buying(April 2018 - March 2019) down 36%, 56%, from Chinese buyers
>Muslim Refugee intake down over 90%
>Net migration to the US down 43% from Obama’s last full fiscal year
>He is just like Hillary
>Obama was & is better
>It’s not 100%
The problem with the right wing is this purity spiraling and differing opinions. The left wins because they take what they can get and never punch anybody on the left sincerely, even if, they would technically be punching right

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blue states can burn while red states open for business

Thanks. Just looked it up right before you posted
Trump was right about the Gov. in calling him a snake
>Whitener was nominated by Governor Jay Inslee on April 13, 2020 to fill the seat of retiring justice Charles K. Wiggins.

Portubro BTFO, China didn't murder anyone gweilo
>A Chinese journalist who was chased and then detained in Wuhan - the centre of the country's virus outbreak - has reappeared after almost two months.

>Li Zehua was taken by the police chief to quarantine accommodation in Wuhan, where his electronic devices were taken.

>He stayed there for two weeks, saying he was "safe" and was able to watch Chinese TV news.

>He was then driven to a quarantine centre in his home town for another two weeks, before going to stay with his family.

>"During the whole process, the police enforced law in a civilised manner, ensured my rest time and food. They also cared about me very much," he said.

>"After finishing the quarantine, I've been with my family. Now I'm planning for my development in this year.

>"I'm grateful to all the people who looked after me and cared about me. I wish all people suffering the epidemic can pull through. God bless China. I wish the world can unite together."

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I liked Jill Stein last time so probably the green. Stop asking questions, I owe no explanations to a latino subhuman.
I’m a fan of anything that keeps invaders out. The wall can be both physical and spiritual as long as it keeps latinos out of America.
No, I’m super wealthy. Trump was purchased for a reason and he’s failed. If I wanted corporate/rich welfare I would have voted and paid for Hillary.

why do blue states need the bailouts if they're the ones supposedly financing red states?

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It's almost as if the original models were criminally wrong and now that everyone can see it the left continues to exaggerate and fearmonger to cause further pain to Americans to help themselves politically.

This whole Coronavirus thing is a fucking mess of a joke that the media is amplifying even worse

Attached: corn.png (511x508, 366.16K)

>>Nigeria and China on a permanent VISA/Travel ban list
Wait wat?

This means no chinks in colleges?


also compiled all the HOAXES that happened through this corona "pandemic" lads.
anything I missed, I'll add
cheers fags

Attached: corona_hoax_compilation.png (1179x6789, 3.09M)


>right wing
lmao can someone post the copypasta of why Libertarians are sellouts who only ever defend leftists and never right-wing causes?

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USCIS offices are all closed anyways, have been for awhile now.

>Less than 1% fatal?
That and the USC estimates of how many were infected in Commiefornia, it's something between 0.1 - 0.3%

You just admitted to being a degenerate leftist.

Fuck Blue States and Fuck Blue People.

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I mean this

>The problem with the right wing is this purity spiraling and differing opinions
>implying he's a right-winger

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Did he say all this with a gun to his head?
Are we even sure this is the same guy?

Hahahanananabababbahahahahshshdhfjfhfhdkrkrkrkrj... Good one my man. Part of being an adult is being grounded in reality. Libertarians are pie in the sky retards with an ideology as unworkable as anarchism.

Lmfao any statistics including “native born American” include spic anchor babies. Our country has been invaded and taken over. Trump was supposed to cleanse them and failed. Fuck Trump.

The damage is done. (((Bernie))) introduced socialistic ideology to America, and Trump installed it. Also we just had two kikes presidential candidates. They will now start running things publicly. Everyone better get familiar with Bolshevism because that is what is coming to America soon.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt against my better judgement

>I liked Jill Stein last time so probably the green. Stop asking questions, I owe no explanations to a latino subhuman.

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"Whom are you voting for?" is a grammatically incorrect sentence, if you wanted to include the word "whom" you would conjugate it as "For whom are you voting?"

>jill stein
the bitch who wants even more immigration than Biden?

>/ptg/ still refers to states as blue or red in reverse order and proudly declares themselves to be commies aka red
Embarassing as fuck. Commies subverted by journos.

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say it

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Ah. So a de facto shut down
>650,000 poos in high paying code monkey jobs
People should burn for this.

This is correct unironically. Freezing IMMIGRATION visas is a much bigger overall deal. It’s very difficult to remove people on the pathway to lawful permanent resident / etc. Work visas, and their criteria have been changed by departmental edict and internal enforcement.

Yes, they need to be eliminated in the end... but Trump’s admin has been tightening the noose. This is one area where Sessions did well, too.

sorry meant to say third party candidate not libertarian.

Hello Hyper Humans.

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dogs work lad, thanks

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yep, there is nothing worth stealing here
stay away

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